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The King of Yakshas, the unparalleled Possesor of Gems and Jewellery along with his two Shaktis Viriddhi and Riddhi and his Generals Manibhadra, Purnabhadra, Maniman, Manikandhara, Manisvargi, Manibhushana and Manikar Muktadhari.
Kubera is described as the grandson of Pulastya and the son of Vishrava and Devi Ilavida or Devavarnini, daughter of the Maharshi Bharadwaaja. Both the Puranas and Ramayana feature Ravanasura, brothers as the half-blood siblings of Kubera. Vishrava, Kubera’s father, also married the Rakshasa princess Kaikeshi who mothered the foursome viz. Ravana, Kumbhakarna, Vibhishana and Surpanakha. Maha Bharata regards Vishrava as the brother of Kubera, so Kubera is described as the uncle of Ravana and his siblings. When Kubera approached Brahma for the favor of superseding his father Pulastya, Pulastya created Vishrava. To seek the favour of Vishrava, Kubera sent three women to him, by whom Vishrava begot his demon children. Ravana, after acquiring a boon of Brahma, drove Kubera away from Lanka and seized his Pushpaka Vimana, which was returned to Kubera after Ravana’s death. Kubera then settled on Gandhamandana mountain, near Mount Kailas, the abode of Parama Shiva.. Kuber’s abode is stated as Alaka-puri.
As Ravana brothers had returmed from their ten thousand years long tapasya after attaining Brahma darshana and the respective boons, Sumali Rakshasa desired to leave fo rasaatala and along with him Maaricha-Prahasta-Virupaksha and Mahodaras being Sumali’s mantris. They had so decided to leave back to Rasatala since the possibility of the pressure of Vishnu’s attack had since ceased too. While leaving for Rasaatala, Sumali embraced Ravana and brothers and explained: Originally this Lankapuri was actually ours only where your cousin brother Kubera had been staying; we could no doubt use the saama-daana-balaprayogaas but did not wish to use them on Kubera. But now, Ravana! does become the king here and also resuscitate Rasatala as we both could thus enjoy our partnership for ever’. Then Ravana had politely replied to his maternal grand father Sumali: ‘Dhanaadhyaksa Kubera is after all my elder brother and you should not advise me in this manner.’ As King Ravana said likewise, Sumali no doubt kept silent for a while, but Rakshasa Prahasta of Sumali’s mantri mandali intervened to say: Maha bahu Dashagriva! We have all to respect what your maternal grand father had just explained and should indeed be respected; it might not be always befitting for Veera dheera personalities like you! Let me explain a little more about your own ancestry and lineage: ‘Aditi and Diti were both co wives of Pajapati Kashyapa Muni.Aditi gave birth to Devaas the present tribhuvana swaamis while Devi Diti gave birth to Daityas. Veera Ravana! In the past, all the mountains, aranyas, samudras and in fact the entire earth was under the exclusive control of Daityas. But Vishnu had in a series of battles devastated daityas and bestowed the same to deva ganaas. In that manner the same situation prevails now too between devaas and asuraas; therefore you may like to either follow the advice of your maternal grand father or not is your own choice.
On hearing what all Prahasta explained, Ravana was glad to hear his manner of convincing and felt that he should act accordingly. Then Ravana and his trustworthy nishaacharaas entered the nearby surrounding gardens and further to trikuta parvata and asked Prahasta to approach Kubera. He said: ‘Prahasta! Now you may approach Kubera in your characteristic manner and explain to him of the proposal coolly. You may explain that rakshasas had all along been residing here and it may not proper to be here any further. Dheneshwara, as such you may like to leave Lankapuri now as you are fully aware of the rudiments of ‘dharma and nyaaya’. Your brother Dashagriva had asked me therefore to vacate this Lankapuri as soon as possible.’ Then Kubera replied: ‘Nishachara! This Lankapuri was totally free as there were no rakshasas were living here as they had long ago left for Rasatala and hence as per my father’s directive I had let in families versatile with ‘daana-maanaadi guna sampanna prajas’. You are now welcome to utilize you too since my ‘rajya and dhana vastuus’ have not been partitioned after all!’ So saying Kubera had left to meet his father Vishrava Muni. He explained that Dashagriva had sent his messenger and asserted that in the past Lankapuri had been under rakshasaas and as such be returned back to them. Now you should kindly advise me as to what to do. Then Brahmarshi stood up with folded hands and said:’ listen to me son carefully. Ravana had made the demand even as he had hardly entered here. He made this kind of demand to me also, and he was apparently enraged he shouted at me too in a manner that then we would all be ruined. Therefore, son! Listen to me in earnestness. Ravana’s durbuddhi is ever risky as his psyche is cruel and vengeful. Hence it would be advisable to leave Lanka and shift to Kailaasa parvata with your followers. There the most sancrosant of the rivers named Mandakini would be everflourishing with ‘vriksha pushpa sugandhas’. Vishrava Muni further convinced Kubera that on the Kailasa Parvata, deva, gandharva, apsara, naaga, kinnara like celestial beings would be fond of touring the parvata and it should be better not to conflict with these rakshasaas, especially keeping in view the Brahma’s varaprapti now.’ As the Muni advised, Kubera shifted off to Kailaasa Parvata with stree- putra-mantri-vahanas too for good. Then Prahasta was delighted that Kubera had already left with family and followers and reached Ravana of the news with happiness, and that he might take over the sovereignty of Lanka samrajya. Then Dashagriva along with his family members, followers, and rakshasa sena entered the Lankapuri. Then the nishaacharaas had duly celebrated Ravana’s rajyabhisheka and in no time rakshasas from all over got gradually yet most contentedly settled at Lanka samrajya. Meanwhile, as per his respeted father’s instructions, Kubera settled down at the Kailasa prarvata atop and created Alkapuri on the lined of Indra’s Amaravati.
Meanwhile Ravana performed the weddings of sister Shurpanakha with Danava Maya’s son Mayaavi, Maya’s daughter Mandodari, Vajrajjvala Danava’s daughter with Kumbhakarna and Shailusha gandharva’s daughter Sarama with Vibhishana. After Ravana’s rajyabhisheka of Lankapuri, he was concerned of his only sister Shurpanakha. While taking a joy ride in one ‘udyanavana’ in the outskirts of Lankapuri where only pashu- manushayas move about, Ravana had casually seen Diti Putra Maya Danava and asked him about his background. ‘In the distant past, there was an apsrara kanya of swarga loka Hema who was married to me and for some thousand years comfortably having built a Swarna Nagari by ‘maaya’ but she went away suddenly on some duty of Indra Karya and was yet to return leaving me alone for the last 14 years now leaving me with a daughter and two sons named Mayavi and Dundubhi’. Then Ravana introduced the danava putra about himeself as the Lankapui’s King Ravana as the Pulastya poutra Vishrava’s putra Ravana now proposing his sister Shurpanakha to Danava putra Maayavi. That was how Lankeshvara Ravana performed hid sister’s wedding. Further, Danava Maya proposed his daughter Mandodari to Ravana by holding her hands and said: ‘Raja! This is my daughter Mandodari, do kindly accept her as your queen’. Thus the ‘panigrahana’ was duly performed as agni saakshi.’ Then Agastya Muni annotated to Shri Rama that no doubt Maya Danava was fully aware of Ravana’s ‘krura pravritti’ yet being the descendent of Pulastya and Brahma had taken the risk.Then having successfully executed his sister’s and his own weddings returned back to Lankapuri and performed the weddings of his brothers Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana; Virochanakumara Bali Chakravarti’s douhitri or grand daughter named ‘Vajjrajjvaala’ to Kumbhakarna and Gandharva Raja Shailusha’s daughter ‘Sarama’ the ‘dharma tatwa jnaani’ to Vibhishana. Devi Sarama was born on the banks of the famed Manasarovara as her mother cried out : ‘Saro maa vardhasya’ ; in the confusion of prasava kaala, the mother’s expression was Sarah maa! And thus the name of Sarama! In due course Devi Mandodari was blessed with a son Megha naada since Lankapuri was resounded my megha garjanaas and hence Ravana himself named the son as ‘Meghanaada’ who eventually turned be as Indrajit or who defeated Indra himself.
As Kubera came to learn of Dashagriva’s unbridled behavior of cruelty and the resultant misdeeds, he sent an emissary to Ravana and explain of his brother’s affection and to kindly abstain from his instant rage on his gandharvas. Initially the emissary called on Vibhishana who welcomed him and asked him as to why he wished to visit Lankapuri and he replied to call on King Ravana with a message. Then he saw Ravana who sent the this message from Kubera: Maha Raja! Your brother Kubera had sent this message for you thus as his parents both belong to ‘sadaachaara’ background. As in your case,. ‘Dashagriva! So far you have not done me justice and request you to tread the path of justice at least now. You had destroyed ‘nandana vana’ as I had seen myself. You had brutally killed Rishi Maharshis as I had come to learn. You had also started harassing some select Devatas. Rakshasa Raja! Do please recall that had been constantly insulting and harassing me also frequently. Yet I have been taking these affronts as childish immaturity of mind. I would now like to make an appeal to you to reorient your misled psyche. I have now been performing Roudra Vrata with self restraint having reached the himalaya shikhiras. There I have had Bhagavan Maha Deva’s divya darshana. I tried to then look around and as my good fortune would have it I saw Devi Parvati Mother too as Rudrani was standing with an unparalleled swarupa. Owing merely to Her kindness my left eye rolled out tears even as my right eyesight was full of sand as of pingala varna or of red colour as Rudra Deva was Nilohita or of blue colour. Thereafter I mounted another peak of Kailasa and performed rigorous tapasya for eight hundred years with silent concentration and self control. As I was doing so,Bhagavan Maheshwara made His ‘saakshaatkaara’ and said: Dharmagjna Dhanshwara! I am pleased with your performance of this unique Roudra Vrata as you have the glory of performing this vrata next only to me. Devi Parvati’s celestial vision made you to roll tears from your left eye and your right eye with sand with pingala varna. Hence your name and fame should now onward be titled as ‘Ekaakshipalingi’! Thence forward I have had established firm rapport and empathy with Bhagavan Shankra. Ravana! therefore you try to erase your ‘kula kalanka’ as supreme celestial and rishi maharshis had already been keenly engaged in your deep disaster too soon! As Kubera’s messenger repeated Kubera’s message, Ravanaasura with his red eyes and passionate ferocity pounded his teeth and replied to the messenger: I have indeed understood the substance of the message and neither your master nor even you would be left free with life. Why this emphasis on Kubera’s great goodwill of Maha Deva vis a vis that of mine! I am indeed unable to contain myself! So far I have had retained my patience presuming that Kubera happened to be my cousin brother till now, but he had transgressed the outside limits. Now I have arrived at this conclusion that I should conquer trilokas with the strength of my hands and willpower. Right at this very moment I should dispatch all the ‘chatur disha lokapalakas’ to Yama loka. So saying Ravana drew out his sword and killed the messenger to pieces and asked the rakshasaas around to enjoy the flesh. Then Ravanasura along with six mantris and their senaas too attacked Yaksha sena and having succeeded forced entry Kubera Bhavana Dwaara.
Having killed Kubera’s messenger, the highly infuriated Ravana then got readied to attack Kubera, along with his six ministers named Mahodara-Prahasta-Maaricha- Shuka- Saarana- and Dhumraaksha. The Ravana sena crossed cities, villages, rivers, mountains, forests and so on and reached Kailasa Parvata on which Kubera and the yakshas.As the Yaksha sena and the Rakshasa sena got confronted each other, the Ravana mantri sena even of six each of them confronted each of thousand strong yaksha sena. Both the sides of yaksha-rakshasa veera sainikaas exchanged gada-musala-shakthi- tomaras in a manner that the surroundings of the parvata as though Kailasa itself was trembling with vibration. Ravana sena attacked Yakshaas as though agni jwalaas reinforced with ‘maha vaayu pravaahaas’ blazed forth berserk. As the wild winds shatter off even thick black clouds, Mahodara-Shukaaadi maha mantri senaas had systematically destroyed the ever defensive yaksha left overs. How many of Yakshaas indeed had been survived with their parts destroyed or while their faces crumbled down with their teeth still intact! Some having been frightened and fallen to earth were mutually pacifying each other. Some were dazed as having fallen down like the speedy river water flows seeking to reach the banks. Some of the Yaksha soldiers had swiftly reached veera swarga, some gazing the proceedings of the battle along with deva rishi samuhaas while still in queues waiting for their turn for entry. At that juncture of the battle Kubera despatched ‘Samyodhakantaka Veera Yaksha Veera’, who attacked Rakshasa Maaricha like Vishnu would hurl his maha chakraayudha and the rakshasa fell deep down the kailasa parvata on earth. Having thus tossed down the Parvata, Maaricha took some rest returned and started confronting ‘Samyodhakanataka’ once again as the latter ran away and stood frightened. Meanwhile Dashagriva sought entry in the Kubera dwaara and was resisted by the dwaarapalala Suryabhaanu and punched the Mahasura Ravana by forcefully lifting the gates of the gate and smashed Ravana as the latter’s blood flowed out nodoubt yet in tune with Brahma vara to Ravana was the least affected smacked back the dwaarapalaka as he was frightened and ran away. Thus, being totally unable to resist Ravana, yaksha sena found that they were neither able to resist nor defeat Rakshasaas nor save themselves.
Ravanaasura along with mantris and rakshasa sena attacks Yaksha sena and Dikpati -Dhanapati Kubera and after a remarkable victory seizes pushpaka vimana for ever and returned to Lankapuri
As thousands of Yaksha Veeraas fled away, leaving behind countless yakshas were smashed to death, one Maha Yaksha named Manibhadra encountered Ravana and having led four thousand Yaksha Veeras as per Kubera’s instruction. They were fully readied with gada-musala-praasa-shakti-tomara-mudgaraas and assaulted as they encouraged each other asserting that they should never leave a single rakshasa from death or while exchanging their ayudhas from each other. In fact while witnessing the killing sprees of rakshaaas, even Brahmavaad Rishis too were taken aback with surprise. But alas! Rakshasa Prahasta killed one thousand yakshas, Maareecha made two thousand yakshas downed to dust. Indeed! This easy way of fighting at ease irritated Dhumraksha and having got into vehement cruelty assaulted with his ‘maayaa maya’ methodology and threw his ‘musala’ at the chest of Manibhadra. In turn, Manibhadra lifted his mace and having revolved it a few times battered at the head of Dhumraksha who fell down while ‘rakta pravaahaas’ were resulted. Dashaaana on seeing this got enraged and hit three shakti ayudhaas simultaneously at the headgear of Manibhara who was also reputed as Paarshvamoulika fled away by Ravana’s prahaara, realizing that the latter was invincible any way. It was at that time that Kubera himself was visible from a distance along with two of his mantris named Shukra and Proushthapada. A little while later, Kubera addressed his first cousin Ravana as follows: Durbuddhi Dashagriva! Even after my sending across my considered advice, you have shamelessly attacked your co-brother and as you should finally had dropped in the hell, then only you would learn of that advice. Could those evil minded personalities like you having been puffed up with poisonous avarice ever absorb the purport of karma phala jnaana! Even after attaining success by such ways and means, if were not abided by dharma which devas abhor about, such success is merely sporadical and truly transient. But most unfortunately right now this everlasting truism being the nature of incomprehensibility and a mystery.
yo hi mātr̥̄h pitr̥̄n bhrātr̥̄n ācaryāṁś cāvamanyate, sa paśyati phalaṁ tasya pretarājavaśaṁ gataḥ/ adhruve hi śarīre yo na karoti tapo ’rjanam, sa paścāt tapyate mūḍho mr̥to dr̥ṣṭvātmano gatim/ kasya cin na hi durbudheś chandato jāyate matiḥ, yādr̥śaṁ kurute karma tādr̥śaṁ phalam aśnute/ buddhiṁ rūpaṁ balaṁ vittaṁ putrān māhātmyam eva ca, prapnuvanti narāḥ sarvaṁ svakr̥taiḥ pūrvakarmabhiḥ/
He who betrays mothers and fathers, brahmanas and gurus of maturity and wisdom would be the natural preys of ‘paapa bhogata’ and thus of dishonoured victims of Yama dharma raja. This body of ours is truly transient and once being ignorantly or well knowingly commit duraachaaraas post death then there could be no retrieval ever possible. Paapaphala is merely the root of ‘duhkha maha vriksha’ and is certainy not transferable. Mudhatva and Papatva are the such two branches of a Vriksha as would poison hastening its destruction. Karma and phala lead each other as being the nature of existence, since as one sows so is reaped. All the Beings on earth get bestowed with ‘samriddhi- sundara rupa-bala-vaibhava-veerata-yukta santaana trupti only by ‘punya karma anushthaana’. As Kubera concluded his explanation thus, he hit his gada ayudha on Ravana’s head and thus led to mutual ‘ayudha prahaaraas’. Kubera released his ‘agneyastra’ which was equalised with Ravana’s ‘vaarunaastra’. Then Ravana revealed his numerous forms of tigers, wild boars, clouds, mountains, seas, maha vrikshas, daityas and so on. Then Ravana upheld his mighty ‘gada’ and thumped on Kubera’s head as the latter like a maha ashoka vriksha fell down on to earth. Thus Ravanasura was puffed up with triumph against Yaksha Raja Kubera the Dhanaadhyaksha- Dikpati- Dhrama dhwaja and seized the Pushpaka Vimana right under his unique control. That Pushpaka is decorated its interiors with golden pillars with vaidurya mani toranas and pearl laced net works of magnifinence while its exteriors with rich vriksha sampada which would yield sweetest fruits and of a plethora of fragrant flowers all the seasons, be it summer or winter or rains. Thus Ravana with all his followers flew down the Kailasha shikharas on to Lankapuri with sensational victory.
– Sourced from Valmiki Uttara Ramayana
Ganesha Purana :
Ganesha suppresses Kubera’s arrogance:
By His very name, Vinayaka is a Jnaana Swarupa or the Symbol of Wisdom and Knowledge. Yet, any third party seeking to exhibit their own supremacy – especially by Devas, He could hardly stomach the false superiority. Lord Kubera the King of Yakshas once hosted a lavish feast and among other dignitaries called on Shiva and Parvati; the noblest couple responded that due to their preoccupations, they might have to regret but would ably deputize Lord Ganesha. At the scheduled time and day, all the Devas arrived and Ganesha too. Kubera was so happy as streams of Deva ganas were arriving at Alkapuri and felt proud of himself. Ganesha too arrived and showed off condescendingly remarking to other dignitaries nearby that Parvati Parameshvaras were busy and deputed Vinayaka instead. Then the dinner commenced with great pomp, while the invitees had thoroughly enjoyed the nine course dinner. Meanwhile however Ganesha whose appetite was unending made thousands of servers kept their beelines gasping and tottering the supply lines. As the three crore strong Deva Ganas were bemused witnessing the failure of lakhs of servers and cooks alike, Kubera was put to shame and ran to Parameshvara couple to Kailasha with a fistful cooked rice by way of his offering to the illustrious Universal Parents of Maha Deva and Maha Devi. Ganesha with dissatisfied appetite too was already present there with His parents. The benign parents found a gasping Kubera running from Alkapuri to Kailasa cowed down and demoralized while prostrating Shiva-Parvati and above all to Ganesha too.
Once Maha Muni Koundinya further informed Indra about Loka sanchaari Narada’s visit to Lord Ganesha Himself. The latter was delighted and after the preliminary formalities asked Narada about the latter’s latest visit earlier to Bhuloka. Narada referred to Mithila and its King Janaka. The King was a renowned dharmatma, daana karta, vigjnaana vetta, and Maha Jnaani. Narada further exclaimed whether the glory and popularity was essentially to Ganesha Puja. Then Ganesha desired to test the King and approached him as a Kushthi (leper) and very old brahmana with unbearable body odour spitting blood all over and with halted body movement. Even urchins avoided the leper and crowds of the public ran away. He reached the rajadwaara and declared to the guards in shouting and highly agitated tone that he wished to dine along with the King. Informed by the secret agents of the arrival of the old leper brahmana, King Janaka wondered that Lord Parameshwara Himself might have arrived at the gate and wondered that his glory on earth might be recorded in human history! As the decrepit old kushthu brahmana strutted trembling, the King instructed for food be served at once and disregard of all types of manners ate away the varied specialties of royal food delicacies without break. Then he remarked that the host King no doubt spread away delicacies no doubt and he thought that the hapless hungry leper would eat it like a raksha, but had the Majesty realized that the citizens of the Kingdom had felt that the ‘dhaanya’ was looted by the King through his middle men landlords; this was why the King needed to be alerted ! The King put down his head in shame as the beggar leper left in disgust and he went around the city and did the prachaara among the houses of the Kingdom that the King ignored the Public interest! The public kept quiet without reaction as after all they could not afford to do so.
Then Ganesha he entered the home of poverty stricken ‘dwija dampatis’/ brahmana couples named Trishira and Dampati. The poor brahmana couple who merely squatted on earth in half nakedness as mosquitoes and worms were spread out. They were however immersed in Ganesha Puja with pushpas and patras. At the end of the puja, they offered the left over puja dravyas viz. the pushpa patras to eat even by self denial. Ganesha smiled and remarked that he had just returned from the dining table of the King but the panchabhakshya bhojana offered there could not give him as much of contentment as their offering with bhakti even to a miserable leper like him. He stated:
Mithilaadhipateh keertim shrutvaaham khshudeto bhrusham, tripikaamaha samaayaato nasa triptim mamaakarot/ Karmanaa daabhikenaiva satvam parirakshate, mama truptikaram kinchidgrihe chedasti deeyataam/
Could the show of ‘dambha’- self pride-in the ‘mahaa daanaas’, dharma karmnas like yagjnas and charities of a King be weighed against genuine devotion! Therefore do offer me the left over patras after the puja. The Brahmana couple exclaimed as to how the ocean like royalty and his unimaginable food saturated with niceties be comparable with a drop of water! Then Ganesha appeared before them and said that nishkama karmas with truthful devotion ought to be commended most certainly and should secure moksha to the brahmana couple.Meanwhile, King Janaka who was put to shame by the leper brahmana, visited every household of the poor and resorted to ‘annadaana’ and gradually improved his name as an ‘annadaata maha raaja’. He also visited the abode of the brahmana couple and equipped it with all facilities. After performing the acid like testing of King Janaka, Ganesha returned to Indra and asked him to donate him that much gold as eqivalent to 21 durva yugmas. Indra asked his wife Shachi Devi who sent a messenger to Kubera. The latter exclaimed that Shachi had apparently fallen a prey to the vyaamoha for Indra and that was why she asked for a meagre weight of 21 durva yugmas but why not much and far more! Any way Kubera called for 21 durva yugmas and placed a small quantity of gold but the weighing balance did not even move. More gold was placed but to no movement; further gold was weighed too but no movement again and again; the entire gold stock of Kubera’s treasury which was of mountain heaps too failed the balance. He ordered in desperation that the entire gold from all over Alkaapuri be placed on a huge balance against the paltry durva yugmas of 21 then again there a was no sucsess. Meanwhile Indra arrived on his Iraavata Elephant and brought all the gold in swarga loka yet again to no avail! Shiva,Vishnu, Kubera, Varuna, Indra, Agni, Marutaadi Devas along with Deva, Devarshi; Siddha, Vidyaadharas arrived at the Ashram of Maha Muni Koundaya.
Shiva Purana
Bhagavan Shiva decided to reside at Kailash nearby Kubera’s abode. Narada Devarshi sought explanations from Brahma as why did Bhagavan Siva decide to reside in Kailasa? Brahma explained thus: A Brahmana named Yogadutta, an expert in performing Soma Yajna, had a son Gunanidhi a Scholar but got attracted to evil ways like gambling.Yogadutta became angry and abandoned Gunanidhi and even his wife. Having become highly remorseful, Gunanidhi left his home and on one night reached a temple where Siva’s devotees were observing the ‘Shivaratri’ fast and heard the Stories of Shiva’s greatness and hymns. But being hungry he sought to steal some fruits and light up a lamp which was almost dim by tearing his cloth and re-lighting it. But the devotees caught him, mistook him as a thief, thrashed him up and he died. The ‘Yamabhatas’ or the followers of Lord Yama arrived and planned to take away the soul of Gunanidhi; but Shivaganas were happy with Gunanidhi and took him to Sivaloka instead since he spent ‘Shivaratri’ fasting in a Shiva temple, observed the whole night hearing Siva’s stories and hymns and even lit up a lamp with his own cloth piece as a vick. In the next birth, Gunanidhi became a King of Kalinga as Dama and a staunch devotee of Shiva, ordered his subjects to observe Shiva Pujas and Shivaratri fasts compulsory and thus got endeared by Bhagavan. In the subsequent birth Gunanidhi/ Dama became Kubera as the King of Alkapuri. During the next Kalpa named ‘Meghavahan’, the same Gunanidhi of the previous births, became the King of Alkapuri as Vishravan, (the grandson of Sage Pulastya-Brahma’s manasa putra) and as an unparalleled Devotee of Bhagavan Siva did penance for lakhs of years; Shiva and Bhagavati Uma were pleased and appeared before Gunanidhi / Kubera / Vishravan but the radiance of their appearance blinded him and when he regained the yogic sight the devotee became instantly so possessive of Bhagavan that even Uma should not be so near to Bhagavan! Immensely pleased, Bhagavan decided to shift His residence to Kailash Mountain which was nearby Alkapuri and ordered Visvakarma to build His permanent residence there!
Lakshmi Puja Vidhi on Dhanteras Day of Deepavali
Kubera the treasurer of the Universe is worshipped along with Bhoga Bhagya Lahshmi as follow:
- Kubera Dhyana:
Manuj–Brahma–Viman–Sthitam, Garuda–Ratna–Nibham Nidhi–Naykam, Shiva–Sakham Mukutadi–Vibhushitam, Var–Gade Dadhatam Bhaje Tundilam/
May we pray the magnanimous Kubera, who mounts on human-form chariot, who is the master of all the Nidhis or treasures like Garuda Deva the who is friend of Shiva, as adorned with crown and other Jewelleries and with one hand in Vara-Mudra and carry a mace / gada in the other hand.
- Aavaahana:
After Dhyanam of Kubera, invoke Him with following Aavahana Mantra with folded hands
Aavahayami Dev! Tvamihayahi Kripam Kuru, Kosham Vardhdaya Nityam, Tvam Pari–Raksha Sureshwara/
Deva Kubera! May I appeal to you to be with me for ever and to oblige me. Please protect and enrich my treasure and its riches.
3. Pushpanjali with Sukhaasana
Nana–Ratna–Samayuktam Kartya–Swar–Vibhushitam, Aasanam Dev–Devesh! Preetyartham Prati-Grihyataam/ Kuber-Devay Aasanarthe Pancha-Pushpani Samarpayami /
Deva Kubera! Please accept the golden seat decorated with different types of jewels for my pleasure. Hence, I offer five flowers for the seat to you Kubera Deva/.
- Upachaara Puja
After this be performed then the Kuber Puja with Chandan, Akshata, Pushpa, Dhupa, Deep and Naivedya while chanting following Mantras.
Om Shri Kuberaya Namha Padyom Padhyam Samarpayami।
Om Shri Kuberaya Namha Shirsi Arghyam Samarpayami।
Om Shri Kuberaya Namha Gandhakshatam Samarpayami।
Om Shri Kuberaya Namha Pushpam Samarpayami।
Om Shri Kuberaya Namha Dhoopam Ghrapayami।
Om Shri Kuberaya Namha Deepam Darshayami।
Om Shri Kuberaya Namha Naivedyam Samarpayami।
Om Shri Kuberaya Namha Achamaniyam Samarpayami।
Om Shri Kuberaya Namha Tamboolam Samarpayami।
Shri Kubera Nava Upchara PujanaMantra
- Paja Sammarpana:
After doing Pujan as described above, take Gandha, Akshata and Pushpa in left hand and leave them over or near the chest with right hand while chanting following Mantra.
Om Shri Kuberaya Namha/ Anen Pujanen Shri Dhanadhyaksha-Shri Kuber Preeyatam।
Namo Namah।
Shri Kubera Puja Samarpan Mantra thus/ Aneka aneka namaskaaraas to you Kubera Deva!
Compiled and Edited by VDN Rao