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( Compiled and Translated by V.D.N.RAO)
[Note: There is no need to recite Shata Rudreeyam with Veda Yukta Swaraas and one and all might recite always. It is stated in Itihaasa – Puranaas that the recital of Shata Rudreeyam repeatedly and there after; maanasika puja could conclude the recital.]
Vyasa uvaacha: Prajaapateenaam Prathamam Tejasaam Purusham Prabhum, Bhuvanam Bhurbhuvam Devam Sarva lokeshvaram prabhum/ Ishaanam Varadam Paartha drishnavaanasi Shankaram, tam gaccha sharanam Devam Varadam Bhuvaneshwaram/ Mahaadevam Mahaatmaanam Ishaanaam Jatilam Shivam, Tryaksham Mahaa bhujam Rudram Shikhinam Cheera vaasanam/ Maha Devam Haram Sthaanum Varadam Bhuvaneshwaram, Jagatpradhaanamadhikam Jagatpreetamadheeshvaram/ Jagadyonim Jagadveepam Jayanam Jagato gatim, Vishvaatmaanam Vishyasrujam Vishvamurtim Yasha- svinam/ Vishveshvaram Vishvavaram Karmanaameeshvaram Prabhum, Shambhum Svayambhum Bhutesham Bhutabhavya bhavodbhavam/ Yogam Yogeshvaram Sharvam Sarvalokeshvareshvaram, Sarva-shrashtham Jagatcchreshtham Varishtham Parameshthinam/ Lokatraya vidhaataaramekam Loka- trayaashrayam, Sudurjayam Jaganaatham Janma mrityu jaraatigam/ Jnaanaatmaanam Jnaana gamyam Jnaana shreshtham Sudurvidam, Daataaram chaiva Bhaktaanaam Prasaadavihitaan Varaan/ Tasya paarishadaa Divyaarupairnaanaavidhairvibhoh, Vaamanaa Jatilaa Mundaa Hrasvagreevaa Maho -daraah/ (10)
Mahaa kaayaa Mahotsaahaa Mahakarnaasthathaa Pare, Aaananairvikritaih Paadaih, Paartha Veshaischa Vaikritaih, Eedrisyaissa Mahadevah Pujyamaano Maheshvarah, sa Shivastaata Tejasvi prasaadaadyaatitegratah/ Tasmin ghore sadaa Paartha Sangraame rohamarshane, Drounikarna kripairguptaam Maheshvaasaih prahaaribhih/ Kastaam Senaam tadaa Paartha manasaapi pradhar -shayet, Rite Devaanmeheshvaasaad bahurupaan Maheshvaraat/ Sthaatumutsahate kaschinnatasminn – agratah Sthite, nahi bhutam samam tea trishu lokeshu vidyate/ Gandhenaapi sangraame tasya kruddhasya shatravah, Visangjnaa hata bhuyishthaa vepanti cha patatimcha/ T asmai namastu kurvanto Devaattishthanti Vaidivi, ye chaanyee maanavaa lokeyecha swargajito naraah/ Ye bhaktaa varadam Devam Shivam Rudram Umaapatim, iha loke sukham praapyate yaanti paramaam gatim/ Namaskuru -shva kounteya tasmai shaantaaya va sadaa, Rudraaya Shitikanthaaya Kanishthaaya Suvarchase/ Kapardine Karaalaaya Harayaksha Varadaaaya cha, Yaamyaayaaraktakeshaaya Sadvritte Shankaraa -yacha/ (20)
Kaamyaayaaraktakeshaaya Mundaaya Kanishthaaya Suvarchase, Bhaskaraaya Suteer -thaaya Devadevaayaramhase/ Ushneeshane Suvaktraaya Sahasaakshaaya meedhushe, Girishaaya Sushaantaayapataye Cheeravaasase/ Hiranya baahave Raajannugraaya pataye dishaam, Parjanya patayechaiva bhutaanaam pataye namah/ Vrikshaanaampataye chaiva Gavaam pataye tathaa, vrikshair- aavritakaayaaya sevanye madhyamaayacha/ Sruvahastaaya Devaaya Dhanvine Bhargavaayacha, Bahurupaaya Vushvasyapataye Munjavaasase/ Sahasra shirase chaiva Sahasranayanaayacha, Sahasra baahavechiva Sahasra charanaayacha/ Sharanam gaccha Kounteya Varadam Bhuvaneshvaram, Umaapatim Viruupaaksham Dakshamyagjna nibarhanam/ Prajaanaamvatimavyagram Bhutaanaam -patam Avyayam/ Kapardinam Vrishaavartam Vrishanaabham Vrishadhvajam/ Vrishadarpam Vrishapatim Vrishashringam Vrisharshabham, Vrishaankam Vrishabhodaaram Vrishabham Vrishabhekshanam/ (30)
Vrishaayudham Vrishasharam Vrisha bhutam Mahashwaram, Mahodaram Mahakaayam Dveepicharmanivaasinam/ Lokesham Varadam Mundam Brahmanyam Braahmanapriyam, Trishula paanim Varadam Khadgacharmadharam Shubham/ Pinaakinam Khadgadharam Lokaanaam Patimeeshvaram, prapadye sharanam Devam sharanyam Cheeravaasanam/ Namastasmai Sureshaaya yasyavaishavanassakhaa , Suvaasase namo nityam Suprataaya Sudhanvine/ Dhanurdharaaya Devaaya Priyadhanvaaya Dhanvine, Dhanvantaraaya Dhanushe Dhanvaachaaryaaya te namah/ Ugraayudhaaya Devaaya namassuravaraaya cha, Namostu Bahurupaaya namaste Bahudhanvine/ Namostu Sthaanave Nityam namastasmai Sudhanvine, Namostu Tripuraghnaaya Bhavaghnaaya cha vainamah/ Vanaspateenaam Pataye Naraanaam pataye namah, Maatruunaam patayechaiva Ganaanaam patayenamah/ Gavaamcha pataye nityam Devaanaam pataye namah/ Puushno danta vinaashaaya TryakshaayaVaradaayacha, Haraaya Neelakanthaaya Svarnakeshaayavai namah/
Maharshi Vyasa underscored that Maha Deva Ishana the superior to Prajapati Maha Purusha and asserted that Ishana- Ishaanam sarvavidyaanaam Ishvarassarva bhutaanaam Brahmaadhipatir brahmanodhipati brahmaa Shivomeastussadaashimom/-was indeed the Over Lord of Trilokas and was the inexplicable phenomenon of Three Letters of Bhur- Bhuva- Svah. Parama Shiva is notable as of Maha Bhuja- Rudra-Shikhi being of long jataajuta- and Cheeravaasa of skinclad figure. Indeed He is Maha Deva-Hara the sin destroyer-Sthaanu or stable, inactive, immobile and insensitive- yet the Supreme. Shiva is quiescent and motionles. He is Varada the boon granter and Tribhuvaneshvara. Indeed He is Jagat Pradhaanamadhika or far greater to Prajapati the head of charaachara jagat. He is thus ‘Jagat- pradhaanamadhikam’ or of superiority to the head of the ‘Praja’. He as Jagadyoni or seed of Jagat as the Root Cause, Jagad Dweepa or the Singulat Source of Radiance, and again the unique insignia of victory, Vishvaatma or the Universal Soul, Visvasruja or the Architect of the Universe, Jagadprateeramadhikam or of dominance beyond the Head of the Universe, Visvasrujam-Vishva Murtim-and Yashasvinam or of the highest universal acclaim. He os Vishvesvara-Vishva vara or the Greatet Boon to the Universe, Karunaameeshvaram or the symbol of kindness, Prabhum, Shambhum, Svayambhum or of Appearance all by Himself Self, Bhutabhavya -bhabodbhavam or the Omniscient of the Past-Present-Future of all the Beings, He is a Yogi- Yogeswara- Sharva with no reference of region-religion- caste- Raashi- Nakshatra- etc.-Sarva Lokeshwara-Sarva shreshtha- Jagat shreshtha- Varashtha, Parameshthi-Lokatraya vidhaata -Asmekam or the Unique most-Lokatrayaashramam-Sudurjayam or Beyond Accompishment- Janannaatham- Janmamrutyu jaraatigam or beyond the reach of birth-death-age; jnaanatmikam-‘jnaana gamyam jnaana shreshtham’ or the the targettable-approachable much less achievable to the supreme most knowledge-sudurvidam or inexplicable-daaraaram or the highest giver-bhaktaanaam prasaada vihitaan varaan or the sole distributor boons to the well deserved devotees; such highest celestial vaanmna-jatila-munda- hrasvagreeva- madodara or of unstatured- crude – shaven- short necked- and big bellied – huge figured – high spirited- giant eared- deformed bodied Mahadeva Maheshwara. He is of ‘Aananairvikritaih’ or of deform faced; Paarthiva or of Giantlike bodied, or Vikrita of obnoxious form yet ever merciful; Mahadeva- Pujyamaana- Maheshvara- ‘Sashivastaata tejasvi prasaadaadyaatitegratah’ or of the most auspicious radiance far excellence far superior to that of Aditya. ‘Tasmin ghore sadaa paartha sangraame romaharshane’- He is yet the terrible most in the battle front as his devotees are awe stricken at his deeds with their hairs stand erect- and eardrums get shrilled with their thrilled minds. His army gets enraptured in body and mind. As the followers get mesmerised his opposition stalwarts soaked in arrogance get subjected to smithereens. ‘Tasmai namastu kurvanto devaastishthanti vaidivi,’ from the high skies the ‘deva samuhas’ shower rains of flowers while human beings on earth prostrate with reverence and gratitudinal devotion. Tripuraasura samhara was a case in point. At the sametime, Ishvara as Kounteya in Maha Bhatata was aware Parama Shiva was described as the incarnation of ‘shaanta’ the most tranquil. He prayed to Him well before facing the uphill taske of Maha Bharata Battle facing stalwart battle heros like Bheeshma- Drona adis and addressing Parama Shiva and his magnificence as follows: ‘ Rudraaya Shiti kanthaaya Kanishthaaya Suvarchase, Kapardine Karaalaaya Haryaksha varada’ : Rudra Deva with poisned throat, Kapardi as altruistic, concerned, kind, responsive.,, and coofident; Karaala or very horrifying to opponents; Haryaksha varada or the boons bestowed with tranquil eyes; Yamyaaya or timeless; Rakta keshaaya or of blood red hairs, Sadvritte or of Noble Caused, Shankara, Kaamya or desire fulfiller, Haranetra or of auspicious looks, Sthaana or stable, Purusha or the outstanding and peerless male, Harakeshaya or mangalakara green hairs, Mundaaya or clean head shaven, Kanishthaaya or the youngest yet the Jyeshtha or the senior most, Svarchase or of sparkling physique. Parama Shiva is Bhsakara the emblem of radiance, Suteerthaaya or the the Resident of the hallowed punya kshertas, bahu rupaaya of of countless forms, Sharva the Omni Present, Priyaaya- Priyavaasaaya the hallmark of Love and the seat of Affection, Ushneeshine or of Figure of Heat and Light, Suvaktraaya or of noble faced, Sahasraakshaaya or of thousnads of eye visions, Meedhushe or ever bountiful, Gurishaaya- Sushantaaya-Pataye – cheeravaasine ‘/ skin dressed, Hiranya baahave or of golden hands of strength and shine; Raajannugraata or the King of Kings, Pataye dishaam or the overlord of dashadishas [viz. Kubera North – Yama South- Indra – Varuna West- Ishana North East- Agni South East- Nirruti North West- Brahmai Horizon and Vishnu Sapta Patalas] -Parjanya pataye or the Over Lord of Rains, Bhutanaam Pataye or the Overlord of Pancha Bhutas, Vrikshaa naam pataye, Gavaamcha pataye of the Head of cows and all other animals, Vrikshairaavritaaya or the entire trees and plants as surrounded ny Maha Deva, Senaanye Madhyamaaya or the Central Figure of Soldiery and of Armies, Sruva hastaaya since Shiva is known as the chief holder of ladles in all the homa kaaryas; Dhanvine the bow which carries ‘paashupataastra’ in his battle escapades, Bhaargava or the symbol of extreme radiance and heat, He is of bahu rupa-vishvasya pati-Munjavaasa or the skin dressed, Sahasra shirase, sahatra nayane, sahasra baahave, sahasra charane! This is how and why Arjuna before the maha bharatha battle sought refuge from Uma pati-Virupaaksha- Daksha Yagjna destroyer! Maha Deva is known as ‘ bhuta pati- avyaya- kapadina-vrishaavarta or he as surroundef by bulls, his flagship too being Vrishabha dhvaja. Indeed He is Vrishapati-Vrisa shringa or horns, vrishanka, vrishabhodaara as of the patience typical of bulls, vrisha shara or as potent of bull like arrows sure to deatroy the roots of enemies! Maheshwara is also Mahodara-Maha Kaaya and is clad with glittering skin. He is Lokesha-Varada-Munda or shaven-Brahmanya and Brahmana Priya. He carries Tishula- Varada-Khadga charma dhara-Pinaakina or the bow carrier popular as pinaaki, khadga dhara-Lokapati! Our earnest prostrations to Suresha-Shravana Sakhaa exremely fond of Lord Subrahmanya- Dhanvantaraaya and Priya dhanvaaya, Dhanvatara Acharya Swarupa! ‘Namostu bahurupaaya namaste bahudhanvine, namotu Sthhanave Nityam namastasmai sudhanvine, namostu Tripuraasuraantakaaya, Bhava samsaara saagara paaraaya!’ Parama Shiva is also acclaimed as Maatruna- Ganaamna- Gavaamna-Yagjnaana-Apaamna- Trakshaaya of Trinetra-Triguna- Trishula- Trikaala of past, present, and furure- Trikarana of mano vaachaa shravana- Tryayaavasthaa hara of baalya, youvana vaarthakya -Taapatraya hara or of Adhibhoutika, Adhi Daivika and Adhaatmika- Tri Margas for Mokshaprada of Jnaana, Karma and Upasana; Trividha Kankshas or three Natural Aspirations of Kanta, Kanaka and Keerti or Physical -Material-Fame and Tryagnis or Three fires of Kama/Lust, Krodha or Anger and Kshudha or Hunger.
[Note: Sankalpa of Shata Rudreeya Paaraayana and anantara pujaa naivedya and pradaksina is recommended.]
Reference of ‘ Shata Rudreeyam’ as detailed in Skanda Purana follows:
1)Brahma dedicated a golden Linga to Bhagavan Siva named Jagat Pradhana and prays it at His feet
2) Sri Krishna set up a black coloured Linga called Urjit and prays to Siva’s head
3) Sanaka and other Manasa Putras of Lord Brahma pray to Siva Hridaya (Heart) Linga as Jagadrati
4) Sapta Rishis pray to ‘Dharbhaankura maya’ (Dharbha made) Linga called Viswa Yoni
5) Devarshi Narada conceived Siva Linga as an all pervasive ‘Aakash’ (Sky) and prayed to Jagatvija
6) Devaraj Indra prays to a Diamond Linga called Vishvatma
7) Surya Deva prays to a copper Linga called Vishwasruga
8) Chandra performs Puja to a Pearl Linga known as Jagatpathi
9) Agni Deva prays to an Indra Nila Mani Linga named Viswesvara
10) Brihaspathi prays to a Pushparajamani with the name Visva Yoni
11) Sukracharya pays penance to a Padmaragamani Linga called Viswakarma
12) A golden Linga is worshipped by Kubera called Iswara
13) Viswa Deva Ganas perform puja to a Silver Linga called Jagatgati
14) Yama Dharma raja pays his obeisance to a peethal (brass) Linga named Shambhu
15) ‘Ashtavasus’ execute ‘Aradhana’ to a Glass made Linga called Shambhu
16) Maruganas do puja to a Triloha Linga (three kinds of metals) called Umesh / Bhupesh
17) Raakshasas pay penance to an iron Linga and named Siva as Bhuta Bhavya Bhavodbhava
18) Guhyaka Ganas perform puja to a mirror-made Siva Linga named Yoga
19) Muni Jaigeeshva does Upasana to Brahmarandhra maya Linga named Jaigeeswara Yogeeswar
20) King Nimi considers the Ugal Netra or the Two Eyes as Parameswara Linga called Sharva
21) Dhanvanthari worships Gomaya Linga (cow dung) in the name of Sarva Lokewswareswara
22) Gandharvas perform Puja to wood based Siva Linga named Sarva Sreshtha
23) Lord Rama did intense ‘Japa’ to ‘Vidyunmani’ Linga in the name of Jyeshtha
24) Banasura paid homage to Marakathamani Linga named Varishtha
25) Varuna Deva offers reverence to a Sphatikamani Linga named Parameswara
26) Lokatrayankara is the name given to a Linga made of Munga (Black Pearl) by Nagagana
27) Devi Saraswathi pays reverence to Suddha mukta maya Linga named Lokatrayashrita
28) Sani Deva performs ‘Japa’ on Saturday Amavasya midnight at Maha Sagara Sangama the Bhavari ( Honey Bee) Swarupa Linga named Jagannadha
29) Ravana implored to a Linga made of Chameli flower and named it Sudurjaya
30) Siddhaganas paid respects to Manasa Linga called Kama Mrityu Jaraatiga
31) Raja Bali worshipped Yashamaya (Famed) Linga named Jnanatma
32) Marichi and other Maharshis pray to Pushpamaya (flowerful) Linga with the name Jnana gamya
33) Devathas who performed noble deeds made approbation to Shubhamaya Linga (Propitiousness) named Jnaanajneya
34) Maharshi Phenaj (foam) who drank Phena did Upasana to Phena Linga called Sarvavid
35) Sage Kapila performed Japa to Balukamaya Ling named Varada.
36) Saarasvat, the son of Devi Sarasvathi did Upasana to Vanimaya Linga named Vaageeswara.
37) Sivaganas made a Linga of Bhagavan Siva and provided penance to Rudra.
38) Devathas made a Jambu River golden Linga to pray to Sitikantha.
39) Budha prays to Shankhamaya (conchshell) Linga by the name of Kanishtha.
40) The Two Ashvini Kumars pray to Muktikmaya Parthiva Linga named Suvedha.
41) Ganesha made a Siva Linga made of Wheat Flour worships it by the name of Kapardi
42) Mangala Graha ( The Planet of Mars) made a Buttermade Linga called Karaala to pray.
43) Garuda prays to an Odanamaya Linga named Haryaksha.
44) Kamadeva Manmadha prays to a jaggery made Linga called Rathida
.45) Sachi Devi, the Consort of King Indra paid reverence to a Salt-made Linga Buddhakesha.
46) Visvakarma prayed to a Prasaadamaya (or of the shape of a Mahal / Building) Linga called Yamya.
47) Vibhishana made a dustfulof Linga called Suhrutam to pray.
48) Raja Sagar who brought Ganga from Siva’s Head made a ‘Vamsamkura’ Linga called Sangat.
49) Rahu made a Hing (asafoetida) made Linga named Gamya to worship.
50) Devi Lakshmi made a Lehya Linga named Harinetra and worshipped it.
51) Yogi Purush prays to Sarvabhuthatha Linga called Sthaanu.
52) Human beings prepare a wide variety of Lingas and worship them by the name of Purusha.
53) Nakshatras (Stars) pray to Tejomaya (full of Radiance) Linga called Bhaga / Bhaskara.
54) Kinnaras make a Dhaatumaya Linga by the name of Sudeepth for Japas.
55) Brahma Raakshasa Ganas pray to Asthimaya (Bones) Linga named Deva Deva.
56) Charanas worship dantamaya (full of Teeth) Linga called Ramhas.
57) Sadhya ganas pray to Saptaloka maya Linga titled Bahurupa.
58) Ritus worship Doorvaankura maya Linga named Sarva.
59) Celestial Damsel Urvasi prays to Sindhura Linga named Priya Vasan.
60) Apsaras perform Archana to Kumkuma Linga called Abhushana.
61) Guru Deva performs puja to Brahmachari Linga named Ushnivi.
62) Yoginis offer their obsequiousness to Alakthak Linga by name Suvabhruk.
63) Siddha Yoginis worship Srikhanda Linga named Sahasraaksha.
64) Dakinis perform puja to Lingas made of Mamsa or Meat and call Siva by the name of Sumidhsha.
65) Manna Ganaas worship Annamaya Linga called Girisha.
66) Agasthya Muni worships Vreehimaya Linga to Siva named Sushanth.
67) Muni Devala made Yavamaya Linga and called Siva with the name of Pathi.
68) Valmiki Muni made a Linga of Valmikas and prayed to Cheera Vasa.
69) Pratardan prays to Baana Linga named Hiranyabhuj.
70) Daityagana made Rayi made Siva Linga and prayed to Ugra.
71) Daanavas worship a Nishpaavaj Linga known as Dikpathi.
72) Baadal (Clouds) pray to Neeramaya (waterful) Lingas called Parjanya.
73) Yaksharaj made Maashamaya Linga and performed puja to Bhutapathi.
74) Pitruganas made Tilamaya (Sesame seeds) Linga and worshipped Siva as Vrishapathi.
75) Gouthama Muni worships Godhulimaya Linga named Gopathi.
76) Vanaprastha ganas display veneration to a phalamaya (full of fruits) Linga named Vrikshavrita
77) Karthikeya is highly devoted to Siva in the form of a stone Linga called Senanya
78) Ashtavatar Nag worshipped Dhanya linga called Madhyama.
79) Yagna Kartha prayed to Purusha Linga named Sthruva hasta.
80) Yama worships ‘Kalaaya samaya’ Linga called Dhanvi.
81) Parasurama prays to Yavaankura Linga named Bhargava.
82) Pururava prays to Ghritamaya (Gheeful) Linga by name Bahurupa.
83) Mandhata paid admiration to a Sugary Linga by name Bahuyug.
84) The clan of Cows utilises a Dugdhamaya Linga (full of Milk) for paying their respects and sincere devotion to Nethra sahasrak.
85) Pathivrata Sthrees (Women devoted to their husbands) worship to Bhatrumaya Linga called Viswapati.
86) Nara and Narayana worship Siva in the form of Mounji Linga named Sahasra Sirsha.
87) Pruthu worships Thaaksharya Linga known as Sahasra Charan.
88) Birds pay their homage to Vyoma Linga in the name of Sarvatmaka.
89) Prithivi prays to Gandhamaya Linga named as Dvithanu.
90) The entire Animal Kingdom prays to Bhasmamaya Linga known by the name of Maheswara.
91) Rishiganas perform Upasana to Jnanamaya Linga called Chirasthan.
92) Brahmanas do penance to Brahma Linga in the name of Siva as Jyeshtha.
93) Sesha Nag worships to ‘Gorochanamaya’ Linga named Pashupathi.
94) Vasuki Nag prays to Visha (poison) Linga with the name of Shankara.
95) Takshaka Nag prays to Kaalakutamaya Linga called Bahurup.
96) Karkotaka Nag pays esteem to Halahalamaya Linga named Pingaksha.
97) Shringi prays to Vishamaya Linga by the name of Dhurjati.
98) Puthras (Sons) perform in the name of Pitrumaya Linga (Fathers) called Vishwarupa.
99) Siva Devi worships Parama maya Linga named Vyambak.
100) Matsya and such other Jeevas pray to Shastramaya Linga named Vrishakapi.
Phalashruti : Whoever recites Shiva Shata Rudreeyam in the morning, the sins committed by the mind, tongue and action get vanished; diseases and fatigue get dissolved; fear and apprehension evaporate; and worries and anxiety disappear. Those who utter the hundred names of Parama Siva and make Salutations to Him as many times would instantly secure mental peace and contentment. ]