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The 2nd house of astrology is ‘House of Possession’. It is a ‘succedent, house i.e. it is succeeded by an angular house (planets in these houses have more influence). A succedent house acts as a supporting unit of the angular house. So, the second house acts as the supporting unit for the first house. The character or person created in the first house is stabilized by possessions owned by the person in the second house. Possession means something that we own and control. The house of possession determines the things we own and use. This includes any material or immaterial things that we possess. The things we possess work as a means to make our lives stable. The most important of them is money i.e. our financial stability. If we are financially stable than it leads to physical as well as mental stability. The planets and signs in the second house influence the ability of a person to use or earn anything.
The second house of astrology determines the following things about us –
- The things we value and hold of importance in our life.
- Our money-earning capabilities
- Ability to hold a job
- Performing capabilities
- Our talents – which areas we can find the most success in life.
- Our status in society- whether we will be at the top or working under someone
- Our ability to manage what we own
- Our relationship with ourselves – our self-esteem
Taurus – Zodiac Sign of 2nd House
The natural zodiac sign of the second house is ‘Taurus’. The mascot of ‘Taurus’ is a bull. The hardworking and persistent nature of the bull represents the people of this house. The Taurus people love balance and stability in their lives and work really hard to attain it. They love simple pleasures and comfort – eating, drinking, sex, and daily stable routine. Being a Taurus means having a pleasant and stable life with family, friends and work. They value beauty and goodness and live for it. They love without hesitation and are protective of anyone they care about. Bull, the mascot of Taurus is also known for its stubbornness. Taurus people are stubborn and can be difficult to budge when it is not their wish. But the positive side to this is that they never leave anything incomplete. They always see every project to its end and are persistent about it. Another thing to note about them is that they are followers of rules. They don’t like going out of bounds and taking risks. They like everything to be in order and within the norms.
Positive Traits of Taurus
- Loyal – They care and protect their loved ones and anyone close to them. They always remain loyal and cannot think of hurting people they love.
- Simple – They don’t have great desires in life. They are content with a stable and happy life with simple comforts and pleasures.
- Persistent – They do not give up easily and are persistent in whatever they do.
- Hardworking – They work very hard to gain what they want in order to have a happy and fulfilling life.
- Loving – They do not hesitate in loving others and do so with full zeal.
- Reliable – They are reliable and never let you down when you need help.
- Responsible – They are very responsible and do their work with great care and determination.
Negative traits of Taurus
- Stubborn -Their stubbornness often leads to problems. It becomes difficult to budge them from something they believe is right.
- Lazy – They have a cluttered existence. They are too lazy to keep it organized. Having their possessions within arm’s reach gives them a sense of security. Also, they won’t do anything they don’t want to do.
- Possessive – They are possessive of everything they own and can sometimes be dominating about it.
- They do not really put effort into making new relations as they are perfectly fine being alone. That way more of their work will be done.
- Not good with changes – They like things to remain familiar and constant. Any sort of change makes them worry.
Venus – Ruler of 2nd House of Astrology
The natural ruler of second house is ‘Venus’. In the roman mythology Venus was the goddess of love, beauty and pleasure. The same is true for the Taurus people under the influence of Venus. They look for beauty, goodness, and harmony in life. They like their lives to be comfortable and stable. They enjoy the simple pleasures of life and find happiness in it. Another thing Venus is associated with is art and aesthetic. Taurus people under Venus influence find more prosperity in the field of art and creativity. Also, these people give a lot of value to aesthetics. They like anything that is appealing to the eyes and gives a sense of peace. They are very sensitive to feelings and emotions and get offended easily in case of negative remarks. On the other hand, this sensitivity makes them very good lovers and care-givers. They are protective of everyone and everything that they love.
The planets in a house play an important role in affecting the personality of an individual. Different planets govern a different dimension of the life. The presence of a planet in a house affects the sign and its characteristics. The following are the effects of planets on Taurus-
- The sun on Taurus -The presence of sun helps in focusing the energy of the individual towards attaining wealth and prosperity in life. The people tend to be inclined towards accumulating things, be it wealth or anything else. They are proud of their belongings and possessive about it. They do not give easily and are often misers. They value what they own and take good care of it.
- The moon in Taurus – Presence of moon in the second house makes the person insecure about his/her financial and material stability. They take comfort in their possessions and wealth. It makes them feel safe and secure. But if money begins to dwindle this leads to worry and insecurity. Constant changes in financial stability are common which makes these people very careful about how they spend it.
- Mercury in Taurus – The influence of mercury in Taurus makes the people intellectually stronger and cleverer. Such people are able to attain success financially by using their intelligence to attain higher positions. Generally, such people are good at reading, writing and creativity. They make great poets and artists.
- Venus in Taurus – The presence of Venus influence the Taurus people by making them inclined towards beauty, comfort, harmony and creativity. Such people appreciate value of being good and give importance to the simple pleasures of life. They are also very creative and create things that are aesthetically good looking and pleasing to the eyes.
- Mars in Taurus – Mars influences the Taurus people by making them more focused on their goal to earn money and success. Such people are willing to take risks to attain financial success in life. They put their hard work and focus towards earning more money. They are great at earning as well as spending money. They like spending money for their own pleasures. They have a competitive nature and work hard to attain success in their jobs.
- Jupiter in Taurus – The presence of Jupiter makes the Taurus people more affectionate and attached towards their family. They are good at earning and spend freely. They love spending on themselves and their loved ones. They value freedom over materialistic attachments and prefer not to be bound by them. So such people are not possessive of material things.
- Saturn in Taurus – Saturn affects the Taurus people by making them hardworking and determined towards earning money. They believe in savings and security for a stable future and hence work hard to attain that stability. Due to these such people are very careful in how they spend. Another interesting thing about such people is that, even though they work hard, they find it a burden to work for earning financial stability. They despise it but still do it because it’s a necessity.
- Uranus in Taurus – Under the effect of Uranus the people find attachments to the material things as a huge burden. They value freedom over any other thing else and find everyday jobs boring. They look for other interesting and creative ways to earn money. Due to this their financial status is very unstable and filled with lots of ups and downs.
- Neptune in Taurus – The presence of Neptune makes the Taurus people indifferent to the materialistic things of life. They are more focused on fantasies and spirituality. They prefer earning by doing something artistic or anything that they enjoy. They are happy as long as the job they are doing doesn’t really feel like a responsibility on their shoulders. Another trait is that such people are not good at judgments and careless about how they spend. This often leads to financial instability.
- Pluto in Taurus – Pluto enhances the drive of a person to own things. It makes them cleverer in the aspect of attaining more and more things in their life. Such people go through anything to get what they want. They are subject to great amount of gains as well as losses in their lives.
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