The 8th house of astrology is ‘The House of sexuality, death and rebirth’. It is a ‘Succedent’ house. This means that it is preceded or succeeds an angular house. The 8th house rules ones sexual desires. The act of having sex and attaining orgasm is considered a life changing act. It is seen as a growth of the individual and growth in terms of having a partner. This house also rules the regeneration and death. Death doesn’t only mean the actual passing away of a human. It can mean death of a relationship or any existing material or finishing of something. Similarly, rebirth signifies starting of new things- new relationships, new opportunities, new job etc. This house rules anything that brings about change or transformation. Along with this it also rules matters of finance – inheritance, tax, properties, loss, profits, loans etc. It includes support- physical and emotional. It rules ones relationship – what it will bring us and how to make the best it.

The 8th house tells us about the following things-

  • Our relationships- our interactions and what we attain from these relationships.
  • Our sexuality- our desires and how it affects us.
  • The various things that we go through that lead to our growth and transformation.
  • The new things that will come into our lives and the changes it will bring to us.
  • Financial matters- money related problems, inheritance, taxes, losses etc.


Scorpio – Zodiac Sign of 8th House

The natural zodiac sign of the 8th house is ‘Scorpio’. The Scorpio people are determined and passionate people. They are the no-nonsense kind of people. They don’t beat around the bush and get straight to the point. They are very independent and make good leaders as they are very resourceful and focused people. They are curious and great at finding answers. They have great instincts and can sense right and wrong easily. Scorpio is a water sign. But unlike other water signs, the Scorpio people signify deep and still water. This means that even though they are emotional creatures they are well at hiding theur emotions and seem calm and stable on the outside. They are perceptive and understanding people. The mascot of Scorpio is a ‘scorpion’. Just like the scorpion would rather die than be killed, the Scorpio people have control over their own destiny. They always move forward with clear set goals in their life and rarely lose. Even if they face lose they are quick to move on and start anew (just like the scorpion which grows a new tail upon losing the old one). They have complicated relationships as they can be very secretive and moody. They are known to be jealous and possessive in a relationship but they are extremely loyal and caring. They like competition and it makes them feel refreshed.


Positive Traits of Scorpio

  • Passionate – they are very passionate about everything that they do. They do it with determination and full concentration.
  • Loyal – Even though they can possessive and have a strong hold on people they care about, they are very loyal.
  • Observant – They do not overlook details. They are very observant and intuitive.
  • Resourceful – They are resourceful and always have solutions to any problem that might come up.
  • Good leaders – They make very good leaders due to their passion and determination. They are able to lead people on to the right path.
  • Brave – They do not back down while facing obstacles and always face it head-on.


Negative Traits of Scorpio

  • Secretive – They tend to be very secretive in case of their emotions and feelings. They do not reveal or open up easily.
  • Over-possessive – In a relationship they tend to be very possessive pf the other person which can often be suffocating for the other person.
  • Distrusting – They don’t trust others very easily and look at everyone with doubt and suspicion.
  • Manipulative – They can often be manipulative in case people don’t agree with their views.


Mars and Pluto – Rulers of 8th House of Astrology

The natural rulers of the 8th house are Mars and Pluto. The Mars in the 8th house gives strength and more power to the people in terms of their will. Due to their strong will the people have more problem letting go of things and starting anew. They tend to stick to the existing things and any kind of change or upheaval is hard for them to adjust to. The presence of Mars influences the Scorpio by making them more intense and focused and what they went. It makes them more complex in terms or relationship. The presence of Pluto in 8th house brings about a struggle for power in terms of relationship as well as material possessions. They take things too seriously and there is always a constant fight in terms of power which goes on for long periods of time. The combination of these two planets makes the Scorpio people very assertive, perceptive and clear in what they want.


Effects of Different Planets on Scorpio

The planets in a house play an important role in affecting the life of an individual. Different planets govern a different dimension of the life. The presence of a planet in a house affects the sign and its characteristics. The following are the effects of planets on Scorpio-

  • The Sun in Scorpio – The presence of the Sun makes the Scorpio people intense, passionate and determined people. They make great leaders as they led with passion and focus and are very resourceful. Emotionally they are closed and do not show their true feelings easily. They tend to be stable and calm on the outside even if they are emotionally a wreck on the inside. They do not open up to others very easily and tend to be doubtful and suspicious. They are very observant and perceptive. Their instinct for sensing wrong is strong. They can be jealous and possessive and secretly hold grudges for a very long time.
  • The Moon in Scorpio – The presence of the Moon makes the Scorpio people emotionally strong as well as very secretive. They tend to sensitive in matters of emotion but hide it very well which often makes it difficult for other people to judge them. They tend to have a good memory and don’t forget easily. They can be very moody and have mood swings which often makes it difficult to handle them. They tend to be quick in passing judgements on other people. They face problems in romantic relationships due to their possessive and jealous nature.
  • Mercury in Scorpio – The mercury influences the Scorpio people by making them intellectually more wise and strong. They tend to be observant and always look at others with doubt and suspicion. They do not believe easily. They are deep thinkers and good at keeping secrets. They are also good at unearthing hidden secrets which makes them great investigators. They are determined people and always do what they set out to do.
  • Venus in Scorpio – The presences of Venus makes the Scorpio people great at romantic relationships. They tend to be honest and loyal in relationships. Also, they can often be jealous and possessive of the other person which sometimes creates problems. Venus makes the Scorpio people very sexy and attractive. They tend of a charm about them which attracts people to them. But they don’t believe in fooling around. They go straight to commitment and are very loyal.
  • Mars in Scorpio – The presence of mars in Scorpio makes the people emotionally and physically strong. They have strong desires when it comes to relationships and are very passionate and sensual. In case of work, they tend to be strong and self-sufficient. They do not depend on others and take control of situations easily. They tend to make good leaders due to their determination and resourcefulness.
  • Jupiter in Scorpio – Jupiter influences the Scorpio people by making them more determined and giving them a strong will. They tend to be great at their work and do it efficiently. They have strong beliefs and do not sway easily from them. They conduct their work in a secretive manner and are able to manipulative others easily.
  • Saturn in Scorpio – Saturn influences the Scorpio people by giving them a strong sense of purpose and determination. They do their work with great passion and tend to be secretive about it. They have a great sense of responsibility and do not like people who are not able to handle the responsibility given to them. They like things to be fair and treat others in the same way.
  • Uranus in Scorpio – The presence of Uranus makes the Scorpio people more inclined towards freedom and change. They tend to bring around massive transformation by taking up new ideas and exploring more.
  • Neptune in Scorpio – Neptune influences the Scorpio people by making them observant and perceptive. In case of relationships they tend to be very sensitive emotionally. They give more than they take as they do not want to be obliged to others. They like freedom and prosper when they are allowed to do what they like.
  • Pluto in Scorpio – The presence of Pluto makes the Scorpio people more inclined towards power. They are always in a constant struggle for power and importance both at the workplace as well as in their romantic relationships. This struggle goes on for a long time and often ends in a bad way- like divorce in a relationship.


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