The 10th house of astrology is ‘The House of Career and Social Status’. This house is an ‘Angular’ house i.e. the planets have the most influence in this house. The cusp of this house coincides with MC (Medium Coeli). It is located at the 12 o’clock point on the clock. This house rules our social status in society. It deals with the image we make of ourselves through our work. It rules the honour and status that we receive from the community we live and work in. They way this community views us. It also focuses on our career, the foundation of our work, our ability to grow and attain success in our workplace. It deals with the way we handle the responsibility given to us. It rules our achievements and our reputation and our ability to attain new heights. It deals with our ability to manage the position we are in. It also rules the relationship we have the society around us.

The 10th house tells us about the following things-

  • Our status in society
  • The respect we command- how the community looks at us.
  • Our relationship with the community we live in.
  • Our career and how we are at the workplace.
  • Our achievements, recognitions and rewards.
  • Our ability to attain success and reach higher.


Capricorn – Zodiac Sign of 10th House

The natural zodiac ruler of the 10th house is ‘Capricorn’. The Capricorn people are practical and responsible people. They are the most serious of all the zodiac signs. They like working hard and do not shy away from it. They do their work with great care and always try to reach the top. Capricorn is an ‘earth’ sign. These people are down to earth and value their families a lot. They are sensible and economical and do not like wading into the unknown. They want to stay where everything is safe and stable. They are not one to go looking for adventures. They are strong friends and always take care of people they are close too. Hey are helpful and never back out in case of problem. They are independent and self-sufficient people and rarely depend on others for anything. They are great at their workplace. They manage things very well and success is always with them in whatever they do. The mascot of Capricorn is ‘a Goat’. The goat always climbs the top of the mountain for fresh air. In the same way the Capricorn people are always working towards attaining the highest position in the field they work. They want to reap the benefits of success- high status, honour, money etc. They can sometimes be dominating towards others as they always think that their way is the right way.


Positive Traits of Capricorn

  • Hardworking – They are very hardworking and never shy away from working for what they want to achieve.
  • Responsible – They are responsible people and never take things lightly. They do their work with great care.
  • Determined – They do their work with great determination and full focus.
  • Loyal – They are loyal to the people they care about. They are always ready to help and others can depend on them to solve the problem.
  • Disciplined – They always follow rules and never take risks. They like everything to be proper and are very disciplined.
  • Ambitious – They have set goals in life that they are always trying to achieve. They never stop working towards achieving the goal.


Negative Traits of Capricorn

  • Dominating – They are often dominating towards others as they give more importance to their own views and opinions.
  • Know-it-all – They sometimes see themselves as someone who knows everything and who will be able to overcome any trouble or obstacles.
  • Egoistic – They hold themselves in a high view and look down on others.
  • Distrusting – They rarely depend on others for anything as they do not trust others very easily. They would rather do their work, then take someone’s help.
  • Unforgiving – They are practical thinkers and they do not forgive easily if someone breaks their trust or lets them down.


Saturn – Ruler of 10th House of Astrology

The natural ruler of the 10th house is ‘Saturn’. The presence of Saturn in the 10th house brings about a need for attaining the top position in life. They are always trying to achieve the highest status in their field. They cannot stand too be bossed around and feel comfortable when they are at the very top. They know it is not an easy job to reach the top, but they don’t hesitate in working hard for it. They are determined and persistent creatures and always work with great care and focus to achieve want they want. They are serious about everything they do. Sometimes the pressure to achieve status and honour can be too much for them which leads to depression. They prefer leadership positions in their job and do well in it.


Effects of Different Planets on Capricorn

The planets in a house play an important role in affecting the life of an individual. Different planets govern a different dimension of the life. The presence of a planet in a house affects the sign and its characteristics. The following are the effects of planets on Capricorn-

  • The Sun in Capricorn – The presence of the sun makes the Capricorn people focused, practical and determined creatures. They are serious and careful. They work with great care and passion. They don’t hesitate or shy away from hard work. They are ready to do what needs to be done to attain success. They are organized and proper people. They like law and order and do not like venturing into the unknown. They are reserved and do not open up easily to others. It takes a long time for them to become comfortable and open with others.
  • The Moon in Capricorn – The presence of the Moon makes the Capricorn people persistent and determined when they do their job. They want to reach the top and do not let go easily. They do what they have to do no matter what. On the outside they can seem cold, stern and serious and they do not express their emotions easily. They are reserved and do not open up to others very easily. They are not good at communicating with others or expressing themselves. So they prefer keeping to themselves. They are very loyal to the people they love and care about. They always look after them and help them in case of trouble.
  • Mercury in Capricorn – The presence of mercury makes the Capricorn people clear minded and careful people. They do their work with great care and caution and do not rush into things. They are practical minded and think everything in a logical way. They have an excellent memory and do not forgive easily. They have good concentration powers and are of the reserved kind. They remain quiet and do not socialize. They prefer being to themselves and are often prone to moodiness. They are very patient and always see a project to its completion.
  • Venus in Capricorn – Venus influences the Capricorn people by making them emotionally reserved and insecure. They do not open up to others easily and they tread with care in a romantic relationship. They may have strong feelings inside but on the surface they appear to be cold and distant. They do not show their true feelings easily because they fear rejection and loneliness. Once they open up in a relationship, they are extremely caring and loyal to their partner.
  • Mars in Capricorn – The presence of Mars makes the Capricorn people physically and mentally energetic. They are very determined and focused in doing their work and do it with great care. They can often become workaholics. They are reserved and closed emotionally. They tend to be pessimistic and are always looking out for the worst in everything. They doubt everything and often miss out on great opportunities
  • Jupiter in Capricorn – The presence of Jupiter makes the Capricorn people have a strong sense of values. They always live by a certain code and are conservative in their approach. They are organised and proper and always follow rules. They like to be at the top of things and are able to attain what they want easily.
  • Saturn in Capricorn – The presence of Saturn makes the Capricorn people strong contenders in attaining the top position in their filed. They know that in order to reach the top they will have to work hard. So they never shy away from being hard workers. They are persistent in what they do. They do not like being bossed around and do well when they at the top.
  • Uranus in Capricorn – Uranus makes the Capricorn people receptive to changes and new ideas. They follow the predetermined rules and are organised but they do not hesitate from change. They are willing to change their ways if they think it is better.
  • Neptune in Capricorn – The presence of Neptune makes the Capricorn people more inclined towards freedom. They have the ability to succeed and reach the top but they do not crave the spotlight because that hampers with their freedom. They cannot remain in one field for too long as they prefer exploring more.
  • Pluto in Capricorn – Pluto influences the Capricorn people by making them obsessed with success and reaching the top. They do not trust anyone and see everyone as their competition. They tend to be secretive about themselves and are not very sociable. They do not depend on others and do mind their own.


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