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The third house of astrology is ‘The house of Communication’. The third house is the ‘Cadent’ house i.e. there is exchange of feelings and information in this house. The cadet house is followed by an angular house. The third house focuses on our communicating abilities in our immediate surrounding. This includes our parents, siblings, friends and any other person close to us. Communication includes sharing of thoughts, feelings, and observations with one another. Communication can also be at a mental level i.e. we can feel mentally connected to someone else. The third house also includes are relationship with our siblings and friends depending on how well we communicate with them. It deals with the everyday activity of an individual and any form of trip he/she takes. Apart from this the third house also deals with our mind and intellect. It deals with the way we approach problems and analyse and deal with them.
The following are the things that the third house deals with-
- Our communication abilities with those close to us i.e. siblings and friends.
- Every day activities in our life.
- Any short trips that we take.
- Any sort of transportation or shipping that we use.
- Our intellectual capabilities.
- The way we deal with problems presented to us.
- Our ability and desire to learn.
Gemini – Zodiac Sign of 3rd House
The natural zodiac sign of the third house is ‘Gemini’. Gemini people are great communicators. Communication comes naturally to them. They like talking and are great people to have talks with. The element associated with Gemini is ‘Air’. The air element represents thinkers. Hence, Gemini people are great thinkers. This makes them really good at solving things as they look at it from every angle. Having a Gemini in a group is an asset because of their thinking capabilities. The mascot of Gemini is ‘The Twins’. This represents the two sides to everything. Gemini people are able to look at both the sides of any problem which again makes them good advisors. The two sides also represent the two sides of these people. They can be fun and exciting as well as serious and sober. This often makes the other people restless and nervous about dealing with the Gemini people as they never know which side will show up. They are great at making friends and always influence the people they are friends with. Since Gemini people are flighty they do multiple tasks at a time and often leave various task incomplete. They are great manipulators and can change people’s motives and thoughts through their enthusiasm and knowledge.
The Positive Traits of Gemini
- Enthusiastic – They are very enthusiastic and filled with energy
- Intelligent – They have a thirst for learning new things and are great thinkers.
- Fun – They are people who enjoy having fun and being with them you are guaranteed to have a good time.
- Curious – They are very curious people and love learning.
- Great sense of humour – they can easily make people smile with their talks.
- Versatile – They are great at doing multiple things and their curiosity drives them to pursue diverse things.
- Creative – they make great artists, writers and poets as the world and its mysteries fascinate them.
- Communication abilities – they are great at communication with others. They are good talkers.
The Negative Traits of Gemini
- Superficial – Gemini people tend to judge on outer appearance and details. They don’t delve deep into things. Due to this they are often tagged as superficial.
- Indecisive – They are not good at decision making. They are always in two minds about anything. This often leads to them losing great opportunities.
- No set direction – Due to their tendency to be flighty and curious, they get bored with one thing very quickly. So this leads to no set direction in life. They can change their mind to pursue anything at any time.
- Inconsistent – They can’t stay focused on one thing for too long. This makes them inconsistent.
- Nervous – Due to their tendency to go for multiple things at ones they are not able to handle things properly which leads to nervousness and anxiety.
Mercury – Ruler of 3rd House of Astrology
The natural ruler of the third house is ‘Mercury’. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and the fastest. This speed of mercury represents the intellectual capacity of the people under its influence. Mercury influence the thought process and communication abilities. It makes the person more able in thinking clearly and communicating well with the others. Gemini people under the influence of Mercury are great thinkers and their ability to process information given to them is very high. Brain activity is very high. There is always something going on in the brain. They are curious people and sensitive to everything happening around them. They are great at conversations and express themselves with great ease and eloquence. They have diverse interests and their mind always moves from one thing to another. Due to high thinking capabilities and brain activity it often makes it difficult for them to have peace of mind. Too much stress and worry can make the person crazy.
The planets in a house play an important role in affecting the personality of an individual. Different planets govern a different dimension of the life. The presence of a planet in a house affects the sign and its characteristics. The following are the effects of planets on Gemini-
- The Sun on Gemini – The presence of sun inflicts a positive nature into the person. People value time with their friends and family. They also excels intellectually doing well in studies. They like acquiring new information’s to fulfil their curiosities. Communication with other people is something that they enjoy as it is medium of exchanging information.
- The Moon in Gemini – The moon influences the Gemini people by making them emotionally expressive to their family and friends. Gemini people under the influence of moon are moody i.e. they are prone to changes in mood and can often be restless. Intellectually the Gemini people are great learners and comfortable with learning. They tend to be quick thinkers and are able are always mentally alert. Socially, they tend to be great communicators and are at ease with talking to others.
- Mercury in Gemini – Since this is the natural ruler of Gemini, the people are very great thinkers and are able to process and learn new things with great speed and ease. They are very curious and have diverse interests. Communication comes easily to them. They are able to express themselves with great ease. They are great influencers as well. They can manipulate their audience with the way they express themselves.
- Venus in Gemini – Venus influences the Gemini people by making them very open, friendly, and charming. They impress other people with their intellect and great communication skills. They are great at reading and writing and hence make great artists and poets. Their tendency to be restless and their curiosity towards the beauty of nature leads them to travel a lot. They like making new friendships and find it hard to settle down with one romantic relationship.
- Mars in Gemini – Presence of Mars gives more mental energy to the Gemini people. Such people have an active mind and are capable of dealing mental problems. Due to the presence of energy, they tend to be great talkers, using their energy in verbal communication. They have an aggressive mind and assert their thoughts on other people. They are always willing to stand up for what they believe in and fight in case of disagreement. They always look for new experiences and get bored easily if there is no change.
- Jupiter in Gemini – Presence of Jupiter makes the person intellectually very curious. Gemini people under the influence of Jupiter have a thirst for knowledge. They ask questions and seek out the answers to them. Such people have a lot of knowledge about a vast amount of things. Due to their curious minds they do not delve deep into a particular topic. They move on quickly to other topics. Due to these their knowledge is often considered superficial.
- Saturn in Gemini – Gemini people under the influence of Saturn are hardworking, serious and logical people. They think practically and rationally. They are patient work in their own speed. They have communication problems are often shy when speaking to the others. So during communications they speak only about important things. They are people of few words and focus more of their mind on their works.
- Uranus in Gemini – Under the influence of Uranus the mind of the Gemini people becomes more inventive and original. Such people, if given time to foster and grow their thoughts, create great ideas. They are very creative and make great artists.
- Neptune in Gemini – Neptune influences the people by making them day dreamers. Such people have more interests towards the spiritual world and fantasies. They don’t care much about the real world and facts. Due to this, in the initial stages (children) they tend to be restless and are not able to concentrate on their studies. But if given time to grow they tend to be great at art and writing. They often find it difficult to communicate with others because their thoughts are not common facts that people can relate to.
- Pluto in Gemini – Pluto influences the Gemini people to use the power of their mind to control others for their own gains. They are able to gain information from others without input of their own information. They tend to be curious and are always looking for things to solve.