Zodiac Signs Personality Traits





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The path of the earth around the sun is divided into 12 divisions of 30 degrees each. These divisions correspond to the 12 zodiac signs. The zodiac system has been in practice since ancient times. First evidence of the ecliptic zodiac system was in Babylonia.  The twelve zodiac signs are based on twelve mythical creatures in Greek and Roman myths. Aries is based on Krios, the Titan of the South. Taurus represents the bull that Zeus turned into to capture Europa’s heart. Gemini represents Leda’s sons Castor and Pollux. Cancer is the crab sent by Hera to distract Hercules when slaying the Hydra. Leo is the Nemean Lion, a monster slain by Hercules. Virgo will represent either Demeter or Hestia, based on which myth is being told. Libra is said to be a Babylonian constellation, as the Greeks and Romans saw Libra as scorpion claws. Scorpio is the scorpion sent by Apollo to kill Orion. Sagittarius is sometimes said to be Chiron, the trainer of many mythical heroes, but it could also be a regular centaur. Capricorn represents Amaltheia, the sea goat that raised Zeus as a baby. Aquarius is either Hebe or Ganymede, as both served as the gods’ water-bearers. Finally, Pisces represents when Aphrodite and her son Aeneas fled from Troy to found the Roman Empire.

The Hindu zodiac system is a slightly modified one based on the sidereal system which assigns zodiac signs to the divisions based on the position of the fixed stars rather than constellations. Surprisingly the symbols in Greek astrology (zodiac) and Hindu rashis are very similar. For example in Hinduism, viruchikam represents the scorpion which is also in the Greek zodiac as Scorpio.

There is a common misconception that astrology and astronomy are similar. But they are two independent fields. Astronomy is the study of the universe and its contents outside of Earth’s atmosphere. Astronomers examine the positions, motions, and properties of celestial objects. Astrology attempts to study how those positions, motions, and properties affect people and events on Earth.  Some might question what the relation is between the position of celestial bodies and the lives of people on earth. There is no hard bound logic that answers this question but from time to time those who practice astrology have observed certain traits and characteristics common to people  born in the same  ecliptic division or zodiac sign. This is behavioral science that connects human beings. It is not completely baseless as there are scientific evidences to support like the position of certain planets and stars.

Within the zodiac signs also there are divisions known as quaternaries. There are three quaternaries which are cardinal signs, fixed signs and mutable signs. The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn which are the signs of dynamic change. The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius and relate to stability and high determination. They can also be a little stubborn that do not bend for anything in life. The Mutable signs cover Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces which are the highly adaptable signs which can change according to the circumstances in life.

There are two ways in which a zodiac sign affects a person’s characteristic trait. One is the zodiac sign actually reflects our traits and behavior  and another is after exposure to your zodiac sign and its traits some people tend to remodel their personality based on what is acceptable by the zodiac signs. Most zodiac signs give very general characteristics that can apply to anyone, not necessarily born within the time period of the sign. This is known as the forer effect.  It is where an over-generalized reading can be interpreted as very accurate by many people simultaneously.  An experiment was conducted to prove this. A number of students were asked their zodiac and given the appropriate horoscope to read. They were then asked to grade how accurate they felt the horoscope was regarding their selves and a significant number, if not the majority, gave their horoscopes scores ranging from 4 to 5 (the maximum). Later they were asked to pass along their personal horoscope to the person behind them where the “trick” was revealed; they had all been given the same horoscope. With a careful selection of language, phrases and tone, it is almost impossible for a horoscope to not to be applicable to someone.

Predictions made by astrologers vary wildly from the vague to the specific – though most often they are extremely vague or at least vaguely in line with what most people think based on looking at the world around them, rather than the sky above.”With Neptune in Pisces until 2024, we’ll see issues coming up in politics. There will be more flooding than ever before, unexpected hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons and storms and towns and cities “events such as these are common in every single year. Any one of them or all of them might occur in a year less alone a decade for which this prediction stands true. Hence it is highly illogical to connect natural events to celestial bodies. Natural calamities have more to do with human intervention than with the position of planets.

But a science that has been meticulously observed and studied by people since ancient times can’t possibly be labeled as false. If it were false how it has passed over several centuries and trickled down the pipe of history and relevant even today. There are believers and non believers but everyone has read a horoscope about their sign at least once. Some read it for the sake of entertainment.  While others go in to its meaning.  It is science or art based on perception of the individual. It claims scientific status because it requires mathematics and an understanding of Astronomy. It is an art because interpretation is necessary to bring the different aspects together and formulate an idea of the individual’s character traits and tendencies. There have been people in history that rallied in support of astrology such as Nostradamus. He is said to be an astrologer that predicted important world events several centuries before they happened. There is always a small veil between illusion and reality and which side astrology sits is up to the individual. Further scientific analysis may someday prove that astrology is a real science. Because until they are proved, all theories are baseless assumptions made by pretentious scientists. Only time will have to tell.

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