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As detailed in the Matsya Puranaa, in the past, King Satyavrata / Vaivaswa Muni, the son of Surya Deva, entrusted his Kingdom to his son and did ‘Tapasya’for innumerable years to Brahma Deva who was finally pleased and gave the Muni a boon of saving the ‘Sthaavara Jangama Jeevas’or all moveable and immobile Beings at the time of next ‘Pralaya’or the Great Annihilation of the Universe. In course of time, as Satyavrata was doing Pitru Tarpana in a waterbody and noticed a tiny fish in his palms and entreated him not to throw away but keep in his ‘Kamanadalu’ (water-vessel) as the big fish would swallow it in the water. Satyavrata took pity, retained the fish and transferred it in a Well. As the fish larger size and filled up the Well, he transferred it to a ‘Sarovar’and within days it was growing in size further and further. Satyavrata finally transferred the huge fish to an Ocean and recognised it as Vaasudeva himself. Bhagavan informed the King that very soon there would be a Pralaya when Prithvi (Earth) would get submerged in deep waters with mountains, forests a mammoth Ship, constructed by Devas would arrive and that he should keep ready samples of various species of ‘Svedaja’ (born of sweat), ‘Andaja’ (born of eggs) and ‘Udbhija’(born out of Earth) as also ‘Jaraayuja’ (born from womb such as human beings, animals etc. which were subject to birth and death).Bhagavan further suggested that when the ship arrived he should tie it with the horn of the giant fish. As the Pralaya approched, there would be severe drought in the Universe for spells of years, fiery winds would blow all over, severity of Sun would burn off most of the species, there would be ‘badabaagni’/ sulphurious fumes from the Seas devastating the flora / fauna as also mountains and forests, and then there would be incessant rain from the Seven clouds of Pralayakaala named Samvarta, Bheemanaada, Drona, Chanda, Balaahak, Vidyudpataak, and Shona. The Seven Seas would flow in a single flood submerging Earth totally. In this Pralaya, only Surya, Soma, Brahma, Narmada River, Maharshi Markandeya, Shankara, Four Vedas, Puranas, and Suvrata who after the post Pralaya age who would become the Prajapati as the famed Vaivaswata would be the survivors and the rest of Creation including even Devatas. As predicted, at the end of the Chakshusa Manvantara, the ship appeared and along with it a huge rope like serpent was materialised with which Satyavrata connected the ship and the horn of Matsyavatara Bhagavan Vishnu and got seated by the ship too. As the Pralaya subsided, Matsya Bhagavan explained to Prajapati Satyavrata who became the Vaivasvata Manu about the re-creation of the Universe and its end again, the creation of humanity, Manvantaras, the illustrious personalities among human beings, ‘Bhuvana Vistaar’ or the expansion of Srishti, Daana dharma vidhi, Varna and Ashrama vidhaan, reapparance of Devas, Rakshasas, and so on.
The Re-Creation of Prithvi
At the beginning, Swayambhu Vishnu created water first and placed his seed in it and a Golden Egg emerged outside which Bhagavan Aditya and as Vishnu recited Vedas Brahma was in position. The latter divided the Golden Egg into two parts viz. Swargaloka and Bhuloka as the space in between were created the ‘Dishas’ (The Directions) and ‘Akash’ (The Sky). From the ‘Jaraayu Bhaag’of the Egg appeared Seven Mountains like Meru and from the ‘Garbhaashaya’ (womb), ‘Vidyutmegha Mandal’or the Clouds with Lightning and Rivers, Pitruganas, Manus, and Seven Seas full of ‘Ratnas’(Precious Stones) and Salt, Sugarcane juice, Sura, etc produced out of the water from inside the egg. As Prajapati Deva desired to create out of the Egg which was no longer alive, he materialised ‘Martanda’ from the dead Egg and hence the name of Mrita+Anda. The ‘Rajoguna’ of that Mahatma generated ‘Chaturmukha Brahma’who in turn crafted Devatas, Asuras, and the entirety of the World including humanity. Matsya Bhagavan continued to describe to Manu that the Chaturmukha Brahma performed very rigorous Tapasya by the power of which the Vedas were rediscovered and Six Vedangas viz. Siksha, Kalpa, Vyakarana, Nirukta, Jyotisha, and Chhanda were materialised and so did were the ‘Upangas’ viz. Puranas, Nyaya, Meemaamsa, and Dharma Shastra.; besides, ‘Pada-paatha’or the ‘Nirdharana’ (methodology) of reciting Vedic Mantras as well as the ‘Krama’ or the seriatim was decided. There after, Shastras and Puranas were created of which the latter comprised crores of ‘Shlokas’. From Brahma’s mouth then emerged Eight ‘Pramaanas’ or Evidences of Meemamsa viz. ‘Prathyaksha’, ‘Anumaama’, ‘Upamaana’, ‘Shabda’ (Aaptavachana), ‘Anupalabhi’, ‘Arthaapatti’, ‘Aaitiha’, and ‘Swabhava’ as well as ‘Nyaya Shastra’. Brahama desired to produce ten ‘Manasa Putras’out of his ‘Manosamkalpa’, viz. Marichi, Atri, Angira, Pulasthya, Pulaha, Kratu, Pracheta, Vasishtha, Bhrugu, andNarada. Also Brahma created motherless sons, viz. Daksha Prajapati from his right hand thumb, Dharma from chest, Kusumaayudha /Kamadeva from his heart, Lobha (avarice) from his lips, Krodha (Anger) from his eyebrows, Moha (infatuation) from his Buddhi, ‘Mada’(Arrogance) from his Ahamkara (Ego), Pramod or Joy from his Kantha (throat), ‘mrityu’ from his eyes and Bharata Muni from his elbow. The tenth child of Brahma’s body was a girl naned ‘Angaja’. Viswavasu Manu enquired of Matsya Deva about the link of Buddhi- Moha-Ahamkara-Krodha and the reply was that there were the Three Gunas (Features) of Satva-Rajas-Tamas represented by Brahma-Vishnu and Maheswara respectively. Then ‘Mahatatva’ got generated which led to ‘Ahamkara’and the latter led to the creation of Ten ‘Indriyas’ or Sense Organs, viz. Five ‘Jnaanendriyas’ governed by Buddhi called Shrotra (Ears), Twacha (Skin), Netra (Eyes), Jivha ( Tongue) and Nasika (nose), besides Five Karmendriyas Hasta ( Hands), Paada (feet), Vaani (mouth), Paayu (anus) and Mutrendriya. The Ten Indriyas experience ten activities viz.Shabda (sound), Sparsha (Touch), Rupa (Vision), Rasa (drink), and Gandha (smell); also there are Ten Karyas or Deeds viz. ‘Utsarga’ or ablutions, ‘Aanadan’ or providing joy, ‘Aadaan’ (giving away), ‘Gaman’ (movement) and ‘Aalaap’. Besides the Ten Sensory Organs, the Eleventh Organ is ‘Manas’ ot Mind. From these ‘Indriyas’ or sensory organs, there is a ‘Sharir’ or Body constituting ‘Tanmatras’ or Physical Properties. When the urge for ‘Srishti’ (Creation) is felt by Brahma, the ‘Shabda Tanmatra’ materialises Aakaasha (Sky); from Aakaasha is Vayu (Air) is generated by the interaction of Shabda and Sparsha. Then Vayu and Sparsh together materialised ‘Tejas’or Illumination; hence the interaction of Shabda, Sparsha and Rupa which was the amalgam of three ingredients led to the creation of ‘Jal’(water) and the amalgam of Akasha, Vayu, Tejas, and Jala led finally to the creation of Prithvi.
This was how the sum total of Twenty Four Tatvas ( covering, five jnanendriyas, five Karmendriyas, Pancha Maha Bhutas, Five Tanmatras, one ‘Manas’, one Buddhi, One Ahamkaara and final one Unique Paramatma); the twenty fifth was of Purushanamak Tatwa. Added to this was the Twenty Sixth Tatwa called ‘Jeevatma’ which is controlled by Paramatma and Sages Kapila and other Sankhya Yogis called it as ‘Jnaana’with which Brahma aimed at scripting ‘Jagat Racchana’ While doing so, Brahma divided his body into two parts, one half as a woman and another as a man. The woman Sarasvati came to be known as Shatarupa, also called Savitri, Gayatri and Brahmani. Brahma was astonished at her beauty and as the performed ‘Pradakshina’ (circumambulation) around him, he was unable to take away his looks on her and thus while staring away he materialised five heads in the four directions and on the sky above. Then he instructed his Manasa Putras like Marichi to go ahead and create human beings and various other species. He wedded Shatarupa who gave birth to Swayambhu Manu. Shatarupa and Brahma also gave birth to Rati, Manas, Tapa, Buddhi, Mahaan, Dik and Sambhrama. Brahma on his own created earlier Vama Deva the Trishula dhaari who in turn created Brahmanas from his face, Kshatriyas from his arms, Viashyas from his thighs and Shudras from his feet.The latter also created Bijli (Lightning), Vajra (Diamond), Megha (Clouds), Indradhanush (Rainbow/ Vibgyor), Chhanda (Prosody), and eightyfour crore Saadhyaganas who were ageless and there after Brahma disallowed further Srishti by Vamadeva who thence onward became a ‘Sthanu’ or ineligible for Srishti. Swayambhu Manu then intiated the process of Maithuni Srishti (man-woman creation) by wedding a Kanya named Ananti, after Tapasya and by their union begot Priyavrata and Utttanapada. Prajapati Priyavrata had the distinction of demarcating the Sapta Dwipas, while Uttanapada and Sunruta / Suruchi gave birth to the illustrious Dhruva who attained a higher position than that of Saptarishi mandala on the Sky! Agni Kanya- Dhishana- and King Pruthi’s son Havirdhan gave birth to Prachina Barhisha Prajapati among other sons and in this lineage was born Daksha Prajapati who gave birth to eighty crores of children by Sankalpa (thought), Darshana (vision) and Sparsha (touch).He also gave birth to ten Dharmas, thirteen Kashyapas, twenty seven Chandramas, four Arishtanemis, two Shukras, two Kushvaswaas and two Kanyas named Angirasaas. Their descendants included Ten Vishwadevas, Twelve Sandhyas, Thirty nine Marutvatis, Ashtavasus or Eight Vasus viz. Aapa, Soma, Dhruva, Dhara, Anila, Anala, Prathyusha and Prabhasa as also Dwadasa Suryas, Arundhati, Muhurta, Lamba, Yami and Sankalpa.Marichi’s son Kashayapa had thirteen wives viz. Aditi, Diti, Danu, Arishta, Surasa, Surabhi, Vinata, Taamra, Krodhavasha, Ira, Kaddu, Viswva, and Muni. Aditi’s sons were Devaganas who were Manvantara specific. Diti’s sons included Hiranyaksha ans Hiranya kashipu. Danu begot hundred sons, Vinita’s sons were Garuda and Aruna the charioteers of Vishnu and Surya respectively. Surasa and Kaddu gave birth to the famed serpents lika Sesha, Vasuki, Karkotaka, Shankha, Padma, etc.; Surabhi gave birth to Cows and bulls; Arishta created Gandharvas and Kinnaras, Ira produced trees, and related things; Vishwa created Yakshas and Rakshasaas, and Muni created Apsaras and so on. After describing the highlights of Adi Sarga and Prati Sarga, there was Pratyeka Sarga, in which Pruthu of Surya Vamsha became the ‘Adhinayaka’ (Chief) of Prithvi’, when Brahma appointed Chandrama as the Head of ‘Aushadhis’(Medicines), Pitras, Yagnas, Vratas, Tapas, Nakshatras (Stars), Dwijas, Trees, and related entities. Varuna was made in charge of water, Kubera of ‘Dhana’(Prosperity), Vishnu in the care of Aditya, Agni of Vasus, Daksha of Prajapathis, Indra of Maruds, Prahlada as the Chief of Daythas and Danavas, Yamaraja of Pitaras; Shiva as in charge of Pishachas, Rakshasas, Pashus, Bhutas,Yakshas, and Vetalas; Himalayas of Parvatas, Samudra as in Charge of Rivers, Chitraratha as the Head of Gandharvas, Vidyadharas, and Kinnaras, Vasuki as the in-charge of Nagas, Takshak of Serpents, Iravata as the Head of Elephants, Garuda as the Leader of Birds, Uhhaishrava as the head of horses, Lion as the Chief of Animals, Vrisha as the in-charge of Cows etc. Also Brahma appointed as the in charge of Sargaarambha of Dishas / Directions, Shankha paad as in charge of East, Shanarapaad as the head of South, Suketuman as the Chief of the West, Hiranya Roma as of North.
Disclaimer : Compiled, Composed and Interpreted by V.D.N.Rao and first appeared on