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There are ten major incarnations of Lord Vishnu within the tradition of Hinduism. There are approximately twenty-five incarnations of Lord Vishnu that have been identified within the current cycle of time as defined by the four yugas. Of these, the last major three include, in order of their most recent appearance, Lord Buddha, Lord Krishna, and Lord Rama. Lord Kalki is the tenth and final incarnation of the Maha (Great) Vishnu Avatars. His appearance marks the end of the Kali Yuga (also known as the Iron Age) and the establishment of a new spirituality based on divine revelation and scriptural truths, both of which issue forth directly from the Lord, Himself.
Why is Lord Kalki’s appearance on the world stage so significant?
There are actually many reasons, but two are most critical for the current race of humanity to understand.
- When Lord Kalki incarnates he does so to usher in the end of the Kali Yuga, an age known as much for the degradation of the earth realm as it is for the decrease in true spirituality.
- Lord Kalki comes as a response to the yearnings of the many righteous truth-seekers, spiritual aspirants and faithful devotees across the planet. His global mission focuses on the re-establishment of spiritual wisdom, true religious traditions and authentic scriptures for the upliftment of humankind.
When this plane of existence no longer supports the most basic reason for human existence, the Lord does appear, as he has within various cultures and nations for millennia. There is only one difference today. And that is the truly global village which the entire planet has become. By virtue of the World Wide Web everyone can tap into a virtual Akashic Record. The internet has allowed anyone who’s digitally connected to access a rudimentary version of the Cosmic Mind.
It is no accident that many of the technological developments and communication advancements of the past few decades have occurred during this momentous period of planetary evolution.
Kalki Puranas tell of the coming of Lord Kalki
The birth of the Kalki Avatar is well described in the Kalki Puranas. However, one must be schooled in the most esoteric schools of Vedic astrology to correctly determine just who it is that would be born as the final and greatest incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Of course, to many of those who have been seeking the Lord in their hearts and whose lives hinged on the Second Coming of the Lord, He did appear on the world stage for but brief moment in time.
“Whenever injustice and darkness rule on Earth, I shall incarnate, again and again, to annihilate the evil and uphold Truth” ~ Lord Krishna
These words of prophecy were spoken by another incarnation of Lord Vishnu as described below. The context is quite relevant and can be found in the Mahabharata. What is most significant is that this promise was made during the darkest period of the last major age known as the Dwapar Yuga or Bronze Age. As that era began to accelerate towards it final days, it was plunged into a war to end all wars.
“These words uttered by Lord Krishna, more than 5000 years ago on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, stand as the promise made by God to mankind. True to this promise, the Divine has always come down to help Humanity whenever the dark and negative forces overpowered the good and righteous. This descent of the divine power in a human form is commonly known as an ‘Avatar’, a special incarnation who takes birth on Earth to set right the balance between good and evil.
All these avatars originate from a divine personality, commonly known as MahaVishnu, one of the trinity of Gods, who takes care of the sustenance of the entire Creation. In a cycle of 60,000 years, many such personalities take birth but there are ten main incarnations of God who come down to fulfill a specific and important mission. The works and activities of these personalities have been recorded in the mythology, epics and folklore of various cultures across the world.
At this important juncture of Humanity’s transition from the Dark Age to the New Age of Light, the Tenth Incarnation of MahaVishnu has taken birth on our Earth to remove all darkness and help us move into the Golden age of Satya Yuga. This avatar is Lord Kalki!”
The Birth Predictions of Lord Kalki
The Kalki Puranas are an ancient Indian scripture which outline the circumstances of the time and the place of birth of Lord Kalki. They also describe the predominant signs of the times, which become so dire and needful that the Lord is compelled to assume a human incarnation. He does this at regular intervals throughout the evolution of humanity with the explicit purpose of uplifting the spiritual order. Only when a civilization is built upon a sound spiritual foundation can it exist in peace and thrive with prosperity for all.
Much of what is presented in the Kalki Puranas about Lord Kalki is allegorical in nature and therefore open to various interpretations. Those commentaries which have been written appear to have rendered the original scriptural treatise in a literal context rather than the highly symbolic one that was intended. Therefore, we hesitate to even offer the many passages which relate the prophesied future of the tenth and final incarnation of Maha-Vishnu.
However, we would point out that the precise astrological arrangements predicted around his birth are so specific and purposeful that it would be difficult to ignore them. Three major qualifications are in order regarding the conjectured birth chart as follows:
- If these planetary alignments and luminary configurations are true and exact, then it still requires an extraordinary Vedic astrologer to accurately identify them and interpret them in the proper context. Only those astrologers taught by true teachers possess the sacred knowledge and power of the lineage to perform this extremely difficult task.
- If these heavenly circumstances do in fact reflect the actual birth timing of Lord Kalki, then we must acknowledge a long held understanding that the actual circumstances surrounding the birth of an avatar are always kept secret. Especially during the Kali Yuga, the darkest of all the ages, such highly sensitive and privileged information would NEVER be released by Paramatma (the Absolute or Brahman), except to those who could be trusted.
- The accuracy of the astrological circumstances surrounding the birth of a great avatar is always a function of the source. If the astrologer is truly competent and wise, then why would he or she reveal such ‘highly classified’ information? Conversely, there is plenty of scriptural data that has been purposely planted to thwart those who would use such highly privileged information for their own design.
What follows is a verse from the Kalki Purana, followed by commentary, which may prove to be fairly accurate.
“Afterwards, Sumati, the wife of Vishnujasha became pregnant…. Kalki descended to earth (as a human) in the month of Baisakha on the 12th day after the full moon.”
~ Kalki Purana, I (2), Verses 11 and 15[4]
- Kalki is born to a man named Vishnujasha and a woman named Sumati in the Hindu month of Baisakha, which starts from 14th or 15th April and lasts till 14th or 15th May. So, Kalki will be born 12 days from the full moon day (after 14th/15th April), which can be anytime between 26th April to 15th May.