‘Kamadhenu’ the Celestial Cow assures fulfillment of well deserved needs in both the contexts of ‘iham and param’ or during the ongoing and subsequent lives’. The popular Picture Post Cards depict Kamadhenu with its forehead ‘s upper part  as of Parama Shiva  with the symbolic AUM as the saffron spot while its nether part just above the nostrils with Gayatri and Sarasvati; its horns as Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma; the base of the horns as Ganesha and Kumara Swami;  its mane with pancha bhutas,  the tail as Lakshmi and Durga; the tail end as Prakriti / Maya; the stomach with the spread of narada, Sanaka- Sanandana-Sanaatana- Sanaka Kumaras, Sapta Rishis; the four legs being Chaturvedas, and its udder right above Shiva Linga from where the Sacred Rivers are originated.

Two interesting stories are mentioned in Puranas about this’ Desire Fullfilling’  Heavenly Animal

  1. I) It was Prithu Chakarvarti who controlled Bhumi (Earth) as the latter took the Form of a Cow and sought to run away as was she was expected too much from her by various sections of the Universe. But Prithu Chakravarti (literally he whose chariot wheels move forward swiftly without being interrupted by any opponent party) however chased and forced her to yield maximum milk to one and all in the form that they desired it. Prithu himself milked her having converted Swayambhu Manu as the calf and made her yield food grains to all, while in  regime of the then King Vena the staple food was of flowers and fruits. Various sections of the world milk as the material as  they desired; for instance, Rishis converted Chandra as a calf, Brihaspati as the milkman, Tapomaya Brahma as the milk and Vedas as the container to fill up the milk; Devatas made Indra as the calf, Surya as the milkman and Pushtikaahara’ or healthy food as milk; Pitru Devatas requested Yamadharma Raja as the calf, Antaka Deva as the milk man and ‘Swadha’as the milk; Nagas selected Takshaka as the calf, Iravata Serpent as the milkmen and Visha (Poison) as the milk; Asuras  appointed Mathu Daitya as the milkman, Virochana as the calf and Maya (Illusions) as the milk; Yakshas preferred Kubera as the calf, Rajananaabha Yaksha as the milkman and ‘Antardhaana Vidya’ or the Art of Disappearance as the milk; similarly all other species selected their own  Milkmen and calves and Gandharvas opted milk in the form of fragrance; Rakshasas opted for blood,  Mountains preferred ‘Aoushadhis’ and soon thus satisfying every one in his governance!
  2. II) Chakravarti Kartaveerya visited the Ashram of Jamadagni couple with his countless chaturanga bala akshouhinis who were taking refreshing bath and swim. The Muni couple invited the Chakravarti and the huge army and hosted a fabulous and highly rich and lavishing lunch with pancha bhakshya bhojana. Well before this lunch invitation the Muni Couple prostrated before the Kamadhenu in the ashram’s backyard and entreated her to preserve their dignity to fulfill the invitation of lunch for the Royal Guest of honour and his mammoth number of the army. The shocked Chakravarti exclaimed as how such massive bhojana was possible to an equally huge army and requested the Muni and wife to explain out of his astonishing miracle. As they revealed the truth of mother Kamadhenu’s grace and help, instantly the Chakravarti raised his tone and asserted that each and every asset in his command ought to be under his command. The Muni replied: Chakravarti! I am after all a Muni eking my life with what ever ‘kandamula bhakshana’ is possible in forests; how do you realise that this ashram could offer ‘pancha bhaksshya paramaannas’ to the Royalties and ‘akshouihinis’ of sena is possible otherwise. You are of Vishnu swarupa and accepted my ‘aatithya’ as that is a great honour and trilokas could proudly state that Chakravari Kaartaveerya was honoured by his visit along with his glorious sena which was of akshouhinis strong and the Muni served fabulous meal with pancha bhalshyas! But still the Chakravarti kept on insisting that Kamadhenu ought to be taken away even by force and left the ashram in a huff and disgust, even as the Muni kept on pleading and finally stated that the Chakravarti visited the ashram as a green parrot but finally turned as a crow!



Cow Is The Abode Of All The Gods ‘SARVE DEVAAH STHITA DEHE SARVA DEVAMAYEEHI GAOU’. The Vedic scripture states that all the demigods and demigoddesses reside in the every atom of cow’s body. All the  mythical worlds exist in the limbs of a cow. The cow symbolizes the dharma itself.  Therefore the cow itself is as holier, as the deities. Cow is a personified statue of love and affection.In Padma Purana it is said that;” All the holy places reside in their feet, and the goddess of fortune Laksmi resides in their vulva & Ganges resides in urine. In scriptures some diseases are said to be due to sinful actions performed in previous lives which we have to bear. As we know Ganga resides in cow urine, and river ganga is the destroyer of sins, thus cow urine destroys such previous sins and so diseases are cured. ‘Hindu theologians put the number of gods and goddesses in a cow’s body at 330 million. Cows constitute the stairs that lead to heaven; Serving and praying to them will lead to Nirvana for 21 generations to come. By serving the cow with devotion, Lord Hari becomes pleased. Therefore one should never go to bed or rise in the morning without reciting the names of cows. To assist a departed – loved one’s soul in crossing the cosmic chasm in the after world, a cow is being donated to a Brahman. Cow is personified as Kamdhenu goddess and are able to grant every wish; nothing in the world is superior then them. Cows helps in cleansing the sin. There is nothing unattainable for one who is devoted to cows. The one morsel given to the cows reaches all the demigods and demigoddesses. That’s the reason why scripture says that to satisfy all the gods and goddesses and the ancestors at the same time, and to make them happy one should give the cow eminent love, care and devotion. There is no ritual equal to giving love and devotion to a cow. Every part of cow’s body has a religious significance. She is receiver of the auspicious rays from all heavenly constellations. Thus it contains influences of all constellations. Wherever there is a cow, there is influence of all heavenly constellations; blessings of all Devas are there.

Cow is the only divine living being that has a surya ketu nadi (vein connected to sun) passing through her backbone. Therefore the cow’s milk, butter and ghee have golden hue. This is because Surya ketu Vein, on interaction with solar rays produces gold salts in her blood. These salts are present in the cow’s milk and cow’s other bodily fluids, which miraculously cures many diseases. Vedic cow was the mother of all entities in past, present and will be in future. Mother is one who can gives life to her offspring. She is the one who gives nourishment, joy and life. One who gives death, disease and pain how can that be our mother? Mother cow nourishes our goodness in life. Cow nourishes earth and living entities on it by her dung and urine. She nourishes men by her milk and curd. She nourishes the demigods by her ghee. When demigods are nourished the rains and seasonal changes happen on time. As at present there is lack of cow ghee and all of the above: men, earth and demigods are not properly nourished. So we see so many natural calamities happening in quick succession. We might name them natural calamities but infact they are due to the lack of cow milk, curd, urine, dung and ghee.

Brahma and Vishnu on the root of two horns. All the sacred reservoirs and Vedavyasa on the tips of the horns .Lord Shiva on the centre of the head-Parvathi on the edge of head .Kartikeya on the nose. Kambala and Ashwatara Devas on the nostril . Ashwini Kumaras on the ears.Sun and Moon in the eyes. Vayu in dental range.Varuna on the tongue. Saraswathi in the sound of cow.Sandhya goddesses on the lips .Indra on the neck. Raksha Ganas on the loose skin hanging under the neck . Sadhya Devas in the heart. Dharma on the thigh. Gandharvas in the gap of hoofs. Pannaga at the tips.Apsaras on the sides. Eleven Rudras and Yama on the back. Ashtavasus in the crevices. Pitru Devas on the ides of umbilical joint. 12 Adityas on the stomach area. Soma on the tail. Sun rays on the hair.Ganga in its urine. Lakshmi and Yamuna in the dung. Saraswathi in milk. Narmada in curd. Agni in ghee. 33 crore Gods in the hair. Prithwi in stomach, oceans in the udder. Kamadhenu in the whole body.Three Gunas in the root of the brows. Rishis in the pores of hair.All the sacred lakes in the breathe.Chandika on the lips. Prajapathi Brahma on the skin. Fragrant flowers on nostrils. Sadhya Devas on the arm-pit.Six parts of Vedas on the face. Four Vedas o n the feet.Yama on the top of the hoofs. Kubera and Garuda on the right.Yakshas on the left. Gandharvas inside. Khecharas in the fore of the foot. Narayana in intestine.Mountains in the bones. Artha, Dharma, Kama and Moksha in the feet. Four Vedas in the mooing sound.


Gomatha in the Vedas

Gomatha in Hinduism - KamadhenuThe name for cow in the Vedas is known as aghnya which means invioable. Another name is ahi which means not to be killed and another is aditi which means never to be cut into pieces.  The Aghnya cows which are not to be killed under any circumstances may keep themselves healthy by use of pure water and green grass, so that we may be endowed with virtues, knowledge and wealth. (Rigveda 1.164.40 or Atharv 7.73.11 or Atharv 9.10.20 . The aghnya brings us health and prosperity. (Rigveda )There should be  excellent facility for pure water for Aghnya Cow. (Rigveda 5.83.8)”The divine doctrine of the Vedas directs us that if one aspires to obtain all the luxuries and comforts available in the material realm, one should serve the cow with great attention.” She is like the mother of the cosmic Forces, the daughter of the cosmic Matter, the sister of cosmic Energy, the centre of the ambrosia. I address to men of wisdom –kill not her, the sinless inviolate cow.- The divine cow, herself is skilled in eloquence, gives speech to others, who comes surrounded by every kind of utterance, who helps me for my worship of the divine forces, it is only the fool that abandons her.- May cows come and bring us good fortune; let them stay in our cowsheds and be content in our company. May many colored cows bring here prolific milk for offerings to the resplendent Lord at many dawns.- The resplendent Lord bestows affluence on the devotee who offers worship and oblations. He takes not what belongs to the worshiper and gives him more; thereby increasing his wealth more and ever-more, he places the devotee in fortified positions, free from danger. – Let not the cows run away from us, let no thief carry them away; let no hostile weapon fall upon them. May the master of the cattle be long possessed of them, with the milk products of which he makes offerings and with which he serves the godly men.- Let not the cows fall a victim to the arrogant, dustspurning war-horse. Let them not fall into the hands of a butcher or his shop. Let the cattle of the man, the householder, move about freely and graze without fear. – May the cows be our affluence; may the resplendent Lord grant us cattle; may the cows yield food (milk and butter) of the first libation. These cows, O men, are sacred as the Lord resplendent Himself –the Lord whose blessings we crave for, with head and heart.- O cows, you strengthen even the worn-out and fatigued and make the unlovely beautiful to look on. Your following is auspicious, and makes my dwelling prosperous. Great is the abundance that is attributed to you in our religious ceremony.- May you, O cows, have many calves grazing upon good pastures and drinking pure water at accessible ponds. May no thief be your master. May no beast of prey assail you and may the dart of vital Lord never fall on you.- O resplendent Lord, a giver of virility as you are, may we have by your blessings the sturdy bulls for insemination and let us have plenty of nourishment for the cows.

Yajur Veda 13.49 :-Do not kill cows and bulls who always deserve to be protected. The cow is illustrious and inviolable, therefore do not slay her (Yajurveda 13.42). Yajurveda 23.48:- “Brahman can be said to be effulgent like the sun, the outer space can said to be vast like the ocean, the earth can be said to be showering all benedictions of life like Indra showers rains, but a cow’s motherly nature cannot be compared to anything or anyone. There is no mother like the cow.” The cow is inviolable and she yields ghee for the people, therefore do not slay the cow, (Yajurveda13.49)”. “O cow you are adorned by all men and god who desire possessing you. You are like Adits not poor; give us ample milk. You should never be killed and you are truly great. You have a lot of names. You have been invoked to our Yagna. You must make the gods aware about our beautiful Yagna immediately. (Yajurveda 8.43)The one who protects and sustains hundreds and thousands, one who is the fountain of milk, one who supplies people with milk , one who is aditi[ who ought not to be cut into pieces] do not torture such cow in this world [yajurveda 12.49]

According to Atharva-Veda :- “Cow is the mother of Rudras, daughter of the Vasus, sister of the Adityas and reservoir of nectar. I have preached this to every thoughtful person and told that “do not kill the ‘innocent’ and ‘never to be killed’ cow. In the Atharva-Veda, it is said that cow’s milk helps overcome debility and regain lost physical and mental health. It promotes intelligence.


Gomatha in Purana, Itihaasas and Upanishads

According to Garuda Purana:-  those who are destined to go to heaven are supposed to grab the tail of a cow that appears on the banks of the river Vaitarani to be led safely across to the ethereal shores of Vaikuntha.  Padma Purana :“A person who daily touches a cow after taking bath becomes liberated from all sinful reactions. Those who smear themselves with the dust from the hooves of the cow are said to have taken bath in all holy places. Such people become free from all types of sin.” — Padma Puräna, Sristi Khanda 57.165 . The Agnipuran says that :- the cow is a pure, auspicious animal. Looking after a cow, bathing it and making it eat and drink are commendable acts. Cow dung and urine are said medicinal properties. The milk, curd, butter and ghee are all used in religious ceremonies. Whoever offers a morsel of food to the cow before eating attains salvation. Whoever gives a cow in charity benefits the whole family. Wherever a cow lives the place becomes pure. The touch and care of cows absolves one of sins.

In the Agni Purana, Dhanvantari said to Acharya Susruta ‘To care and to bathe the cow is like cleansing ones sinful reactions.’According to Gavopanisad:- ‘Cows are the cause of obtaining the topmost grains, they are the bestowers of the pure ghee offered to the demigods in sacrifice. The svaha and vasat-karas both are dependent on the cows.’  ‘One should see, offer obeisances to, and circumambulate the cow. By doing so, one is supposed to have circumambulated the entire earth with its seven islands. The cow is the mother of all. She gives happiness to everyone. People who desire prosperity should daily circumambulate the cow.’ In the Markandeypuran, it is said that :- the welfare of the world depends upon the cow. The back of the cow is symbolic of the Rig-Veda, the body of Yajur-Veda, the mouth of Sam-Veda, the neck of the household deity and the good deeds and the soft body hair are like the mantras. Cow dung and Urine give peace and good health. Wherever a cow lives the virtues are never wasted. A cow always promotes contentment. In the Vishnusmriti, it is said that :- the land on which cows live is pure. Cows are pure and auspicious. They promote the welfare of mankind. They help make a Yagya successful. By serving Cows one gets rid of sins. Their dwelling is like a pilgrimage.  One becomes virtuous through reverence of cows. In the Skandpuran, it is said that cow dung purifies the courtyard and temple. In the Bhagavad Gita, Shri Krishna said, ‘Amongst cows, I am Kamdhenu’. In the Mahabharata, it is said that a cow given in charity becomes like kamdhenu through its virtues and returns to the donor in the next birth. Through her virtues the cow protects the donor from the darkness of hell just as air protects and guides a boat from sinking and helps it steer through the vast ocean of life. Just as a mantra acts like a medicine to destroy disease, in the same way a cow given in charity to a good person protects one from all sins. In the Mahabharata, Kurmpurana, Yagyavalkya Smriti and several other religious texts, it is said that whoever gives a cow in charity shall always be happy and content and attain heaven after death. It is believed that after death, before heaven one reaches Vaitarni River. To cross it one can hold the tail of the cow and finally reach heaven. In the Visnu-dharmottara it is said that :- One should provide the best possible care and comfort for the cows. If possible, one can arrange for the purchase and transport of dry and green grass for the cows. One can purchase suitable land for the grazing of the cows. One can arrange for providing salary for the workers in the cow-sheds. One should never compromise on the quality of construction of a cow-shed, one should never stop a cow from drinking or eating. One should not treat a cow like other ordinary animals. One should never use the grazing land of the cows for any other purpose and thus deprive the cows of grazing. On ploughing the land used for the grazing of cows with a plough or other instruments one is punished to suffer in terrible hell for the duration of 14 manvantaras.

In the Brihat Parasara-smriti, it is written: ‘Simply by eating grass, the cow give us milk. From milk, ghee is produced by which demigods become satisfied. So how can one neglect the cow ? Simply by her association, a person becomes purified. By serving her, one achieves unlimited wealth, and by donating cows, one can transfer himself to heaven. There is no wealth superior to the cow. All the demigods reside in different parts of her body. By serving the cow with devotion, Lord Hari becomes pleased. Her milk nourishes human beings. How can such a cow not be worshipable. The Gomati-vidya Parashurama says ‘Wherever the thirsty cow drinks water from, that body of water is as good as the Ganga, Yamuna, Sindhu, or Sarasvati. In the body of the cows, all holy places and rivers are present. Lakshmidevi resides in cow dung. Simply by the cow’s touch and sight, she purifies all living entities. Among all purified objects, she is most pure, and among all auspicious objects, she is the most auspicious.’ In the Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.16.10, Krsna Himself states, “The brahmanas, the cows, and the defenseless creatures are My own body. Srimad-Bhagavatam Purana “The principal sign of Kali-yuga is that lower class sudras, or men without brahminical culture and spiritual initiation will be dressed like administrators or kings and the main business of such rulers will be to kill the innocent animals—especially the cows and bulls who shall be unprotected by the bona fide vaisyas.” (SB 1.17.1)

Gomatha in Hinduism - KamadhenuAccording to the  Scriptures among 84 lakh species of life sacred cow is the only creature of Lord whose feces and urine is virtuous and acts as purifier, and it is believed that by worshipping the holy cow one gets the grace of all 33 crore demigods. And that’s the reason why cow is worshipped till today. During the Vedic period the riches of a householder was counted in terms of the cow he maintains. A normal ranked householder maintains a herd of one hundred cows. And the rich householder is the one who maintains a herd of thousand cows and they were being addressed as. Earlier it was essential to maintain cows at home and there are several reasons behind this: -By serving the cows virtue is increased and sins are destroyed. All Shrines resides in Cow’s hooves. By serving the mother cow and protecting the cow breed, earth can be protected from invasive diseases. Everyone should gave morsel to the cow, and should gave a part of their income in the service of the cow.Cattle are integral part of this huge canvas of agriculture. We use oxen to plough, to pick and move harvested crops, in irrigation, cow manure as fertiliser, and cow urine as insecticide.India has more than 6,00,000 villages, many which do not have asphalted motorable roads. In hilly regions where even a horse cannot tread, oxen can pull their carts with ease.“Nandi”, a bull that belongs to the sacred cow family, is considered the vehicle of Lord Shiva. We can find statues of Nandi having a special place of worship in every Shiva temple. Seeing the black bull along with Lord Shiva has astrological significance in Indian Astrology. It is said that we can overcome the bad effects of planets in our natal horoscope on regularly seeing Nandi and Lord Shiva in temples.It is a belief that where ever a Cow is tied in a given premises, that place would have all the Vastu related ill effects nullified.We find many cow worshipers decorating cows with anklets. It is a belief that when we see the ankles of the cow we protect ourselves from unforeseen deaths.

Cow-milk, Cow-curd, Cow-ghee, Cow dung and Cow urine are known as panchgavya . And from this panchgavya medicines are made. Which is best for our health. Godugdha (cow milk): As per Ayurveda, cow milk has fat, carbohydrates, minerals and Vitamin B, and even a capacity for body resistance to radiation and for regenerating brain cells. Rig Veda (1-71-9) states:-Cow milk is Amrita..It protects us (from disease). Hence Protect the cows. Atharwa Veda  states:-The Cow, through its milk, transforms a weak and sick person into an energetic person, provides vitality to those without it and by doing so, makes the family prosperous and respectable in the “civilised society”

Drinking cow milk gives strength and increases the pure qualities in the human mind. Cow’s milk is fat free and thus it doesn’t increase obesity. It is also helpful in curing various womens health problems.cow milk is the best natural food for babies and growing children because of it’s high content of calcium for developing strong bones and teeth. Cow milk, when taken hot just before bed-time, not only nourishes the finer brain tissues, but also helps us get sound sleep, while at the same time replenishing the body so that we wake up fresh, alert, and full of energy.Goghruta (ghee): The best ghee, it is, as per Ayurveda useful in many disorders. In yajna, it improves the air’s oxygen level. The Vedas describe “ghee” (melted-dehydrated butter or butter oil) not only as an ingredient essential for performing “Yagna or Havan” but also as the first and the most essential among all foods. There are, therefore, prayers in Rigveda(10-18-2) and Atharva Veda (3-12-1 and 3-12-4) seeking that God may provide us with so much of ghee that our houses are always full of this most nutritious food. The 8th Mantra of 12th khand of the 3rd chapter of Atharvaveda (3-12-8 Atharva Veda) emphasises the importance and value of ghee by referring to the “stream of ghee- full of elixir – “ghritasya dharamariten sambhritam”. Similarly At several other places in the Vedas, ghee has been described as a (flawless) Nirdosh food, which increases body vigor and vitality (Rigveda – 10-19-7). The use of ghee strengthens the body and helps enhance the life span (Atharva Veda (2-13-1).

According to Bhav Prakash Nighantu, cow-ghee is helpful for eye sight, improving digestion. ‘Tridosh Nashak’, energetic, brain tonic, ageing factors, Tonic, fragrant, ‘Madhuri’, Cold and over all the best of the ‘ghee’.10 grams. Of cow ghee used in fire of Yagya produces one ton of oxygen and it has that much power that it can destroy the ill effects of nuclear radiation from the atmosphere. And that’s why we lit lamps or diyas filled with cow ghee in temples.When cow’s ghee is burned with rice it produces Etholine oxide, propylene oxide and Foramaladeyore. Ethelene oxcide and Formaldehyde give immunity against bacteria which are used in operation theatre. Propylene oxide induces rain. Therefore, sacrifice done with cow ghee purities atmosphere and induces rain.

Rigveda (10-179-3) aptly describes ‘Dahi’ /curd);  ‘Milk has first been ‘cooked’ or processed in the udder of cow and thereafter, it has been cooked or processed on fire and therefore ‘Dahi’ (curd) made out of this milk is really healthy, fresh and nutritious. A person doing hard work should consume this Dahi during mid-day when the sun is shining’.Yogurt and buttermilk are both natural digestives and protect the stomach against infection. Yogurt, lassi, and buttermilk, also help in cooling the body during hot summer days. Yogurt is also highly recommended by Ayurvedic doctors for women during pregnancy. They say when taken daily with breakfast, it helps protect expecting mothers from miscarriage, premature delivery, as well as complications at the time of birth. Ayurvedic doctors also say that a daily intake of yogurt helps protect against birth deformities in new born babies.

Cow butter raises the beauty, is blood purifier, paralysis and Asthma are controlled.By burning cow butter with rice, extremely important gases such as Ethylene Oxide anti Proplin Oxide are formed. Ethylene Oxide being microbe -immuniser (Or microbe -insulator) is used in the operation theatres as well as in making life­saving drugs. Scientists regard Proplin Oxide as the basis of artificial rains.

Panchamrit the Holy Nectar Offered to the Gods. No pooja is complete without panchamrit-a combination of  5 holy things :- cows milk, sugar, cows curd, cowsghee, honey and tulsi leaves. It is offered to the gods and then to the devotees.

Gomutra (urine):  It contains Potassium,  Sodium, Nitrogen, Phosphate, Urea, Uric Acid, which acts as medicine in many diseases.Eight types of urine are used for medicinal purpose nowadays, among which cow urine is held to be the best. The Americans are busy patenting it. It has anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antioxidant properties.Gomutra (urine): has immune-modulator properties, which makes it useful for immune deficiency diseases. In the classics there are many references to cow urine as a drug of choice. Even the Parsis follow this practice. It enhances longevity and provides mental and physical strength to heart. It balances bile, mucous and air (TRI-DOSH) and thus cures the diseases.Cow urine contains copper, which is converted into gold inside the human body. It removes all toxicity.Cow urine is a divine medicine and is a natural pesticide for crops.At the time of milking there is a sudden increase in the amount of lactose present in Cow’s urine, which strengthens the heart and is beneficial in cardiovascular diseases.Anti Cancer properties of cow Urine: Cow Urine Therapy is suggested to poses potent Anti Cancer abilities. The following properties are in listed as responsible for Anti Cancer Results. DNA repairing potential: Cow urine efficiently repairs the damaged DNA. Damage of DNA by chemicals is the major cause for Cancer. This property reduces the spread of malignant cancers and helps fight tumours.Antioxidant Property: The volatile fatty acids show antioxidant properties which control damage in DNA.Antimicrobial Activity: Many viruses cause cancer. These microbes are killed by cow urine.Anti free radicals: Free radicals are molecules, which have lost electrons. These free radicals attack the nearest stable molecule and steal the electron.. They can attack enzymes, fat, proteins, etc and cause DNA to mutate. The free radicals cause cell damage thereby inducing tumour cell growth or causes aging. Cow urine prevents free radicals.Cow urine is disinfectant and prophylactics and thus purifies atmosphere and improves the fertility of the land. Gomutra, though it is inanimate, has the ability to attract Divine Consciousness (Chaitanya) which in turn creates an increase in the Sattva component and therefore facilitates spiritual healing. One may question why an Indian cow’s urine has such special healing abilities. Just as water has the innate property to cleanse and fire to burn, the Indian cow is the only animal which has the ability to attract the frequencies of all the Deities in the universe. As a result, any discharges or by-products such as milk,Gomutra (cow’s urine) and cow dung inherit these frequencies and are considered sattvik. The Indian cow’s urine has the ability to attract up to 5% of the frequencies of all the Deities in the universe. Charaka Samhita, Sushrut, Vaghbhati and Nighantu, Ratnakar, etc. Proved the utility of cow dung and urine for sustainable agriculture as well as for disease prevention.

The cow dung is not faeces, but a purifier. It helps produce the best quality grains, fruits, and vegetables when used as manure.The place, where the religious ritual is to be performed, is cleaned and made pure by coating it with a layer of cow dung. A fire is often lit with dung cakes, sandalwood, gugal, etc to provide fragrance and cleanse the surrounding environment. It is not possible to do this on fire lit with kerosene or gas or electric stove.Pure ghee made with cow milk poured on burning cow cakes dung, produces a smoke that subsides the effect of poisonous gas.The cow-dung is an efficacious disinfectant and often used as fuel in lieu of firewood.Cow dung has antiseptic, anti radioactive and anti thermal properties.Cow dung is also used to line the floor and walls of buildings owing to its insect repellent properties for some types of insects (not flies or dung beetles), and it is also used in auspicious ceremonies. In 1984, gas leak in Bhopal killed more than 20,000 people. Those living in houses with cow dung coated walls were not affected. Atomic power centres in India and Russia even today use cow dung to shield radiation.African deserts were made fertile using cow dung. Valuable fragrant incense sticks are prepared out of cow dung.When we burn cow dung, it balances atmospheric temperature and kills germs in the air.We can reduce acid content in water by treating it with cow dung.Cow manure contains Vitamin B12, and perhaps some who are vegetarian obtain their vitamin from eating vegetables that are contaminated by fertilizers containing dung. According to research done by Dr. King of Madras   cow dung has the strength to destroy cholera germs. “The cow absorbs negative energy and gives out positive one. This is the reason why there is a tradition  in our country to correct the griha vastu and pitradoshan with the help of a cow.

The horns and back hump of the cow are like two powerful pyramids.One receive the strengths of the stars and sun through the medium of cow dung, milk, curd, ghee, etc.The place where the cow is tied does not produce any vastu related ill effects.Serving the cow with chapatti and jaggery calms down the malefic effect.Circumambulating the cow is considered to be very sacred Hindu ritual. It is equivalent to visiting all of the holy places connected to Hinduism.Cow is the only creature which inhale oxygen and exhale it too.Just as the peepal tree and tulasi plant are known to circulate oxygen, similarly Hindu mythology believes that cow is the only animal which purifies the air. Most of theYagnas/Homas (Sacred Fire) conducted by Hindus prefer to pour Cow ghee into the sacred fire. The reason for this is that for every one spoon of pure ghee that is poured on burning cow dung (in homa), one-ton of pure air is produced in the air.  Therefore ghee made with cow milk is used in igniting sacrificial fires that are a regular ritual of the Hindus.

PANCHGAVYA is a system of medicine like Allopathy, Homeopathy and Naturopathy. As per the ancient AYURVEDIC literature there are number of pharmacological applications derived from these five substances. PANCHGAVYA is also abundantly used in the treatment of arthritis, renal disorders, diabetes, acidity, asthma and gastrointestinal track disorders. PANCHGAVYA remedies are considered as potent anti-cancer and anti-HIV agents.By coming in contact with the cow all infectious diseases like cough and cold get destroyed. Indian Vedic Cow is the only divine living being that has a SURYA KETU NADI (vein connected to sun) passing through her backbone. Therefore the cow’s milk, butter and ghee has golden hue. This is because Surya ketu Vein, on interaction with solar rays produces gold salts in her blood. These salts are present in the cow’s milk and cow’s other bodily fluids, which miraculously cures many diseases. If  by chance some poisonous or harmful material enters cow’s food, she absorbs it in her flesh. She does not let it go into cow urine, cow dung or milk or releases in very small quantity. These results were compared by other researchers around the world with other animals by feeding them various items and then testing milk and urine. Therefore cow urine and dung are pure and removes toxins. Cow milk is certainly anti-toxin. Cow urine is included in “panchgavya”. “Panchgavya” is said to be curer of all diseases from bone to skin of all life. The cow has Aura of 15/20mtrs which can keep away all kind of insect/reptlies & disease. Hence in vedic time all people kept cows in their courtyards & cleaned homes with dung & urine.The medicine for either HIGH BP or LOW BP is very simple. You have to just show some love to the cow by rubbing on the back of the cow for five to ten minutes. It will balance both HIGH BP and/or LOW BP.In Hindu culture, there are 16 religious rituals (Sanskar) starting from birth (in fact there is one sanskar even before birth!) to death and none of these rituals can be performed without dung.It is essential to attain or provide purity to the mind, to the environment or surroundings, to the mental status and to the ingredients which are utilized at the time of performing any religious ritual. Scriptures say that if dying man is laid down on the bed of kusha grass spread on the land purified by cow-dung, he becomes absolved of all his sins.

Paraashara Smiriti explains: Pancha gavya vidhana: Panchagavya: Gomutram gomayam ksheeram sarpih kushodakam, Nirdrushtam pancha -gavyantu pavitram papa naashanam/ (Cow’s sacred urine, dung, milk, curd and ghee besides kushajala constitute the Panchagavyas which uproot multiple sins). These items are to be mixed in the prescribed  proportion of one pala or eight tolas of urine, three palas of curd, one pala of ghee, half-ring finger measure of gomaya, one-seventh of the mix to be added by one pala of ‘kushodaka’.

Gayatraa gruhya gomutram gandhadwaareti gomayam, Aapyaayasweti cha ksheeram Dadhikraavneti vai dadhi/ tejosi shukramotyaajyam Devasya twaa kushodakam, Panchagavyaamruchaa putam syapayedagni sannidhou/ Aapohishtheti chaalodya maa nastoketi manrtayet

Explanation of the above is as follows: Cow’s urine along with Gayatri mantra; cow dung with Gandhadwaaraam dhuraadarsheem nitya pushtaam kareeshineem Ishwareegum Sarva bhutaanaam taamihopahvaye shriyam/ Cow’s milk: Aa pyaayasva sametute te vishwatayh soma vrishniyam, bhavaa vaajasya sangadhe/ Cow’s curd: Dadhikravinno akaarisham jishnorasvasya vajina, Surabhi no mukhaa karat Prana ayoogumshi taarishat/ Cow’s ghee: Tejosi shukramasi jyotirasi Devovah savitotpunaatwacchid -rena pavitrena vasoh Suryasya rashmibhih/ Kushodakam: Devasya twaa savituh prasave Ashwinoh baahubhyaam pushno hastaabhyaam/ All these are mixed reciting: Aapohishthaa mayobhuvah taana urjyedadhaatana maheranaaya chakshuse yovasshiva tamorasah tasyabhajayatehanah ushiteeriva maatarah tasmaa aranga maamavo yasya kshayaaya jinvadha apojana yathaachanah/ Then perform ‘abhi mantra’ to the mix and recite: Maana- stoke tanaye maana ayushimaano goshumaano ashwureerishah veeraanmaano Rudrabhaamito vadheer havishyanto namasaa vidhematey/) Later on, the upper portion of the mix likened to a parrot of bright green of about the size of seven kusha grass pieces be lifted up and be offered to Homaagni with the Mantras of Rig Veda like Iravati, Ivam Vishnurvi chakramey, Maana nasteke tanaye etc. and the remaining portion be consumed by the Karta by reciting Pranava Mantra. On entering the body of the Karta, the Pancha Gavya should dissolve his hardened mass of sins from his bones, blood stream and skin pores like the offerening made to Agni Deva by of the Homa thus performed!

Pavitram trishu Lokeshu Devataabhiradhishthitam, Varunaschiva domutrey gomaye Havyavahanah, Dadhin Vaayuh Samudrishtah Somah ksheere dhrutey Ravih 

Meaning: The Devas who are present in all the Tri-Lokas are represented in the Pancha gavya as follows viz. Varuna in Go mootra, Agni in cow dung, Vayu in the curd, Chandra in the milk and Surya Deva in the ghee!

The famous Italian scientist Prof. G.E. Bea God has proven the fresh cow dung kills the germs of Malaria and T.B.According to Shantilal Shah, President, International Cardiology Conference Cow’s milk is specifically beneficial to heart patients. According to Russian Scientist Sirovish, Cow’s ghee has immense power to protect human body from the ill effect of radioactive waves. Japan used cow dung to get protection from atomic emissions. A pamphlet issued by the Illinois Department of Agriculture (US) states that : ‘ The cow is a most wonderful laboratory. She takes the grasses of the pasture and the roughage of the field and converts them into the most perfect food for man.  In that food there is a mysterious something which scientists have found essential to the highest health of the human race and which can be found nowhere else. Men have sought for centuries the fabled fountain of youth. The nearest approach to that fountain which has yet been discovered is the udder of the cow’.

Ancient Hindu wisdom on the medicinal properties of cow urine is borne out by two patents granted in the US for cow urine distillate (Patent numbers 6410059 and 6896907).Global patent has been granted for cow urine, neem and garlic as a pest repellent and for fungicidal and growth promoting properties for different crops (WHO 2004/ 087618A1).US patent has been granted for strains from Sahiwal cow milk for plant growth promoter phytopathogenic fungi controlling activity, abiotic stress tolerating capability, phosphatic solubilisation capability, etc. And CSIR has filed for a US patent for amrit pani, a mixture of cow dung, cow urine and jiggery, for soil health improvement properties.China has granted the distillate a patent as a DNA protector.Scientists at Michigan State University have developed a way to transform cow dung into fiberboard, which can be used in flooring and furniture;  They say fiber from processed and sterilized cow manure could take the place of sawdust in fiberboard, which is used to make everything from furniture to flooring to store shelves.’ According to a research published in Russia, A relationship between increasing number of butcher houses and earth quakes is being proven.Around 32 different types of medicines are being prepared out of Indian breed of cow’s urine and dung which are being recognized  by the governments of Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh,  Rajasthan etc.

Cow has a sharp sixth sense. As per an epic story, the cow could once talk. It predicted an impending accident to its master and helped him avoid it. The God then made the cow dumb for changing what was destined.Cows respond to the joy and suffering of people. There are many examples of cows shedding tears and even refusing food empathising with their masters. Sensing Danger: Lathur in Maharashtra had a devastating earthquake on 30 September 1993. Devani breed of cows in that place had been behaving strange, crying and jumping around a few days before this as a warning to the people. We could not decipher the message. Similar things happened before Tsunami in 2004 too. Then, Baraguru, Amblacheri and Kangayam breed of cows behaved strangely.

Cow is also an animal, but she is endowed with  no other animal (not even human beings) would!
These are some truths about go-matha.If a cow eats something poisonous by mistake, and we drink its milk, will we fall ill? To find out, one cow was regularly fed a particular quantity of a poison every day. After 24 hours, its blood, urine, dung and milk were tested in a lab to check where the poison could be found. In this way, the tests were done not for 1 or 2 days, but continuously for 90 days in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi. The researcher did not find any trace of poison in milk, blood, urine or dung of that cow.Then where did this poison fed for 90 days go? Just like Lord Shiva held poison in his throat, the go-matha hid the entire poison in her throat.

This is a special quality that no other animal has.This is the one creature that inhales oxygen and also exhales oxygen.· Cow milk has the quality of countering poison·There are diseases that medical science has not yet understood; urine of Go-matha has the power to cure them·  If cow-ghee and rice are cooked together, two powerful gases called ethylene-oxide, propylene-oxide are released. Propylene-oxide is the best gas used for creating artificial rain. Cow-urine is the world’s best killer of microbe·  With medicines made using cow dung and cow urine, stomach-related ailments can be cured.We can save ourselves from radio-waves by plastering the home floors and area outside home with cow-dung· Cow-dung has the power to destroy the microbes causing cholera· If 10 grams of cow-ghee is put in fire (yagnya), 1 ton of oxygen is generated· Cow-urine is as sacred as Ganga jal . Before providing the holy cow her sacred place in the society, it is important to know about her spiritual and scientific glory. Or otherwise it would be like having a blank cheque but not   realizing the cheque’s value. Therefore here we are briefly discussing about the holy cow’s divine glory. In India cow is a culture. Gaay (Cow), Gopal (lord Krishna), bhagavad gita (Lord Krishna’s discourse ), gayatri ( The vedic mantra ) and ganga (the holy river) are considered to be the breath of spiritually living India.

From ancient times Hinduism has provided a mother status to the divine cow, and cow is always considered as holy and sacred. The womb of the cow is considered to be heaven. And the place where she stands is sacred. In Hinduism there is a strong belief that by worshipping the holy cow one gets the grace of all 33crore Gods and Goddesses, and that’s the reason why cow is worshipped till today.

Cow is also known as‘kamdhenu’ (the wish fulfilling mythical mother). The foam from cows milk is equal to Amrut. Cow is the ladder to climb to heaven. She can provide all the happiness that one can think of from this world and the next world. From time immemorial,India knows about the glory of the holy cow, and in our Vedic texts there are various stories regarding God’s birth to protect the Sacred Cow.

The special position that the cow enjoys in Hinduism developed during the period of Lord Krishna. Due to lord Krishna’s devoutness and love for cow, various names like Govind, Gopal are always being associated with him. Not only this Krishna also dedicated his teenage for the service of the holy cow. Cow is sacred because Krishna himself was fond of its milk and, no other milk provides the nutritional and other qualities that cow’s milk provides.In the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Govardhan Hill is glorified as the best devotee because of supplying water, soft grass, caves, fruits, flowers, and vegetables to Krsna, Balarama, the cowherd boys, and the cows.

Lord Shiva can always be seen with the snow-white bull named Nandi who is considered as lord’s vehicle, Nandi can be seen at the entrance to the Shiva temples. Nandi represents Dharma and stood for the salvation of departed soul on the other side of death. Bull is a symbol both of power and ignorance which suggests that Lord Shiva removes ignorance of his devotees and gives them the power of wisdom. In Sanskrit a bull is called ‘Vrisha’ which also means ‘righteousness’. The Nandi bull beside Lord Shiva indicates that He is the eternal companion of righteousness.Lord Ram’s forefather king Dileep himself went to the forest to serve the cow.

Even today because of this great devotion in Hinduism cow is considered to be adorable. Cows are the goddesses of the gods and the refuge of all auspiciousness.Cow has all pantheons’ beatific element. Demigods also use to worship the holy cow. In fact because of the cow’s qualities she is regarded as mother in our tradition. In India a religious day starts with cow’s worship. She has her own prominence in various religious festivals. Especially festivals like Diwali and Sankranti are cow related celebrations. Cow related products are required in various rituals. Cow is thus an integral part of our lives. Cow is the mother of the universe: Cow is a mother that gives birth to a child, feeds the child on her milk till the initial stages of the childhood but cow is such a mother who feeds us the entire lifetime. At the time of death also, cow curd is provided to the dead. She is mother, she is grandmother, and she is great-grandmother too. She feeds everyone on her milk. She is the mother of entire world. She protects us.In night at one place thief came, then at that time cow broke the rope and chased the thieves and made them run away. She protects us like a mother, she nourishes us like a mother, and also gives us her love and affection like a mother. By remembering the mother cow ones conscience gets refined. By affectionately rubbing, petting, stroking a cow one gets recovered from incurable diseases, if you understand and think it is fair, then do it yourself and see the result.By protecting the cows, we are naturally protected.  Nowadays people have stopped knowing about cow’s glory. By cow’s blessing both this world and the next world gets improved. By mother cows grace impossible becomes possible.

A cow has a unique power, if one delights them, and keeps them convinced, then they give pleasure by all means and protects everyone. If one honestly care for cows and protects them then there will be no shortage of any resources for their upkeep and maintenance, just do it wholeheartedly and you can see the result by yourself. If we keep one or two cows in our house’s backyard then very easily they will be taken care off. Nowadays people’s sentiments have really diminished regarding cows.

Mother cow bestows all four – Dharma, Artha, Kaama, Moksha. The medicines made out of cow urine have significant benefits.If someone hurts the cow, then he himself gets hurt! This is like the statement: Dharmo rakshati rakshitah, Like wise : Gaavo rakshati rakshitahFinally : Go Brahmanebhyah Shubhamastu nityam , Lokaassamstah Subhamastu Nityam


( Composed and scripted by V.D.N. Rao )

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