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Bhaba tumhe”
The lord of the Jagat, literally translated to world is Lord Jagannath.
Let us know some interesting facts of and about the place of the holy Jagannath Puri temple, one of the four cardinal points of India.
Including Indians, many people might know about Odisha as a small state in East India, but the name of Puri certainly has a high recall value across the world for being the land of Lord Jagannath which is famous for its annual Ratha Yatra. Jagannath Puri being one of the Char dham, sees millions of devotees visiting the Jagannath temple throughout the year seeking the blessings of Lord Jagannath. The historic Jagannath temple at Puri was built in the year 1078. The following incredible facts about the temple do not have a logical explanation.
These , however are emblems of devotion and proof of existence of the one and only God of the world, Lord Jagannath.
1. The Flag Atop Jagannath Puri Temple
The flag atop the temple has been observed to flap in the opposite direction of the breeze. And when viewed even from more than a kilometers distance, this flag is clear and vivid to the eyes of the devotee and causes the devotee the equal importance of having have had prayed the lord in the inner “garbha” of the temple.
This fact applies to those who may have and have visited the town of Puri, Orissa.
2. Sudarshana Chakra Atop Jagannath Puri Temple

The Sudarshan Chakra standing at the top of temple is 20 feet in height and weights a ton. Irrespective of where you stand in Puri, it seems to you that the Sudarshana Chakra on top of the temple is always facing you!
3. The Direction of Breeze in Jagannath Dham
Usually in coastal areas during the day-time, the breeze blows from the sea towards the land and during evening hours it blows from the land towards the sea. But in the case of Puri it is the reverse. Have you realised that? That is the story of Jagannath Dham, Puri.
4. The Sea Waves Can never be Heard inside Jagannath Puri Temple
Though the temple of Lord Jagannath and the sea of Puri (which is the Bay of Bengal),have not always been the best of co dwellers, there is a valid (though not logical and scientifically proven explanation) to this intriguing fact.
The story goes such.
Lord Jagannath has two siblings who accompany him in his idol form, which are his elder brother Lord Balarama and their younger sister, Subhadra.
According to the Gīta, Balarama is the son of Rohini and Vasudeva, father of Krishna, who was also raised in the playful lands of Gokul,by Nanda and Yashoda and Rohini.
After the conquest and execution of Kansa, the evil uncle of Lord Krishna, brother of his mother, Devaki, all was restored to peace. Vasudeva’s kingdom was returned to him and Krishna and Balaram went on to live with their birth parents,Vaasudeva,Devaki and Rohini.
It was after that exile and revenge period that Subhadra was born, from the womb of Rohini. She was thus younger sister to Balaram,and half sister to Krishna.

Thus the three holy siblings of the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, lord Jagannath along with his two siblings, Balaram ,the incarnation of Sheshnag, and Subhadra, a form of the Goddess Maya, are worshipped in the alias and forms of Lord Jagannath,Balaram and Subhadra,with much pomp and devotion,in the city of Puri,which proudly has termed it to be “Jagannath Dhama”.
So, since as per the Mahabharata Subhadra was already married to her husband of choice,that is son of Pāndu, the great warrior Arjuna. But, the sea of Puri, wanted deeply to marry Subhadra since he had taken a liking towards Subhadra. Subhadra however was not in acceptance of the proposal of the sea and ran to her brothers for hiding from the sea.
Thus, the sea incurred a curse upon itself that the sound of the sea waves would not be heard anywhere in and around the dwelling shelter of Lord Jagannath and Balaram and Subhadra, which was the temple. This fact has streered on since centuries and thus,one cannot hear the sea waves, neither feel the essence of the sea in the coastal town, from the temple of Lord Jagannath.
Though once out of the temple,you can hear sea waves,again.
And there is no scientific explanation neither evidence for such a happening.
5. Birds and Puri Jagannath Temple

Another fact: no birds fly above the Jagannath temple in Puri.
6. Shadow of the Main Dome at Puri Jagannath Temple
The shadow of the main dome of Jagannath temple is not visible, whatever be the time of day. Maybe an architectural feat or the Lord’s desire.
7. Food Cooked in Jagannath Dham
The food cooked inside the temple everyday will not go waste. The count of devotees visiting the temple varies from 2000 to 20,00000 depending on the day of the year but the quantity of Prasadam cooked in the temple remains exactly the same throughout the year any given day yet none of it goes insufficient or wasted.
8. The Rath Yatra at Puri

The Ratha Yatra at Puri was initially performed with two sets of chariots (3 plus 3). As there was a river flowing in between Shrimandira and Gundicha (Mausi maa) temple, the first set of chariots were used to transport the Deities till the river, and then the Deities had to cross the river in three wooden boats and then board the other set of chariots to travel till the Gundicha (Mausi maa) temple.
9. All Are Equal infront of Lord Jagannath
Every year there is a place just ahead of the Gundicha temple where the procession comes to a stop by itself. This is a mystery. The temple doors are closed to the public after 6 P.M. and in spite of elaborate planning, the proceedings are delayed in every Yatra. Thereby this delay gives an opportunity for the thousands of devotees to have darshan of the Deities at a time which otherwise would not have been possible in the precincts of the temple. Probably it is the Lord’s way of conveying that all devotees are equal in front of God,irrespective of caste. Which is why, the King of Puri, is made to sweep the roads before the Ratha Yatra in order to bestow his humbleness to the public ,to prove that even the king is just a servant of God.
Thus,the king sweeps the area in front of the temple with his golden broom before Ratha Yatra commences.
10. The Mahaprasad at Jagannath Puri Temple

The temple has the capacity to serve more than 2 lakh devotees on any day. The food offering is called as Mahaprasad and it is cooked in a unique way which is difficult to explain scientifically. The Mahaprasad is cooked in earthen pot. Seven pots are kept one above the other while cooking and the amazing thing is that the top pot gets cooked first always. The food is first offered to Lord Jagannath and then subsequently to Goddess Vimala. It is then distributed to all devotees.