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Magham is a Sanskrit word Ma+Agham. Ma means not present and Agham means sin, evil, suffering, grief and Magha maasam is the month which is highly meritorious, auspicious and free from any sin or suffering. Lord Maha Vishnu in the name of Maadhava is the presiding deity who governs Magha Maasam and to be worshiped.
Magha maasam is the 11th month of Hindu lunar calendar. Magha Nakshtram (star) falls on the pournami day of this month. This month is considered auspicious to perform all the major occasions like marriage, upanayanam (thread ceremony), house warming etc. One year on the earth is considered as one day in the higher abode and this month starts the dawn of the day to the Gods. Deepa daanam (lighting a lamp) is auspicious in Karthika maasam and magha snanam (holy dips in holy rivers) is the major ritual of magha maasam. There are many auspicious and religious events during the month.

Magha Maasam Pournami Tithi
Magha Purnima on Saturday, February 16, 2022
Purnima Tithi Begins – 09:42 PM on Feb 15, 2022
Purnima Tithi Ends – 10:25 PM on Feb 16, 2022
Religious Significance of Magha Maasam:
It is believed that the Hindu Goddess of wisdom and learning – Goddess Saraswati, the Sun God or Surya Bhagawan and Lord Shiva in the lingam form were born in this month. On the fifth day in the brighter half of the moon, Basant Panchami or Saraswati Pooja is celebrated across the country. Hence the month is particularly dedicated to Lord Surya and people worship Sun god on the four Sundays of Maagha maasam. Reciting Aditya Hrudyam on the four Sundays of the month would be very effective.
Social significance of Magha maasam:
Magha maasam in India marks the beginning of the most awaited spring season and the end of the dry winter season. As the nature starts blooming once again with the growth of fresh new leaves and flowers all around, this is the most favorite season of the people.
Magha Snanam:
While Karthika masam is given lot of significance for lighting of lamps, Magha maasam is given special significance for taking bath that is known as Maagha Snanam. It generally starts from Pushya sukla Pournami and ends with Magha sukla Pournami or it can also be from Makara Sankramana to Kumbha Sankramana as per Solar/Luni-Solar calendar. For followers of lunar calendar it starts from Pushya Bahula Amaavaasya and ends with Maagha Bahula Amaavaasya. During this period it is prescribed to take bath early in the morning before Sunrise preferably during Arunodaya kala. This sacred bath is preferred to be taken in any river, lake or theertha or at least at home. Apart from the daily routine (Nithya Karma) special arghya is to be given to Lord Madhava and Sun God after Maagha Snanam.
Advantages of Magha Snaanam:
In the earlier months to Magha Masam, on account of cold and snow, the body becomes weak because of lack proper sunshine, etc. In Magha Masam the Sun rays provide more heat and they energize the Sea and River Waters destroying the bacteria in the waters. Common salt also acts as an antibiotic and necessary for our body to cleanse the skin. Taking these factors into consideration, our Sages prescribed that one should perform Samudra Snanam and spend in Sea waters for a period of one Ghadiya (48 minutes) in Magha Masam. By this the energy of sun rays embedded in the water spreads into our body. Taking a bath in sea waters for about 48 minutes refreshes us by cleansing our external body opening the roma coupams and a lot of significance has been added from spiritual point of view in the daily routine of an Individual. The benefits are multiple when sea bath is taken in Magha Maasam.
According to Dharma-Shastra merits of Magha Snaana gets increased depending on the place where the bath is taken as given below….
With hot water at home–Merits equivalent to Six years of such Snana;
From the waters of a well –12 years of such Snana phala;
In a lake –24 years of such Snana phala;
In any river – 96 years of such Snana phala;
In any sacred river – 9600 years of such Snana phala;
At the confluence of sacred rivers–38400 years of such Snana phala;
In Ganga (Ganges) River–Merits equivalent to 38400000 years of such Snana phala;
At Triveni Sangam (Prayaga) – 100 times of Ganga Snana phala;
Maagha Snana in sea (Samudra) is considered more meritorious than all the above.
Wherever may be the place of bath; one should always remember to recollect (recite) Prayaaga and also pray Maasa Niyamaka Sri Maadhava (Lord Vishnu) silently. Those who cannot take bath as said above for the entire month should at least take it for the last three days which is known as Anthya Pushkarini. Maagha Snanam is prescribed for all ages of men and women.
Magha snaana manthra:
Evanguna mantra
Maasa niyamaka magha (prayaga) madhava preethyartham
Maagha snanam karishye.
Maagha snaanamidam punyam snaasyeham deva maadhava
Tirthasyaasya jale nityamiti sankalpa chetasi
Maagha maase ratamthyapah kinchidha abhyudhite ravau|
Bramhagnam vaa suraapam vaa kam pathantham punimahe|
Dukha dhaareedrya naashaaya shree vishnosthoshanaaya cha
Praathah snanam karomyadhya maaghe papavinaashanam||
Makarashte ravau maaghe govinda achyutha madhava|
Snaane naanena me deva yathoktha phaladho bhava||
Krishna achyutha nimajyaami praabhaathe asmeen subhodhaka|
Anena magha snaanena supreeetho maam samudhdhara||
Magha snanam karishyami makarasthe divaakare|
Aasamaapthi mahaadeva nirvignam kuru maadhava||
(by so praying give argya and again perform snaanam)
Arghya Mantra
Thapasya arkodhaye nadhyaam snaathoham vidhi poorvakam|
Maadhavaaya dhadhaami idham arghyam samyak praseedhithu|
Madhavavaaya nama idamargyam
Savitre prasavitre cha paramdhaamne namosthuthe
Twattejasaa paribrashtam paapam yaaytu sahasradhah
Savitre nama idamargyam
Ganaga yamunayor madhye yatra gupta saraswathi
Trailokya vamdite devi trivenyargyam grihaana me
Trivenya nama idamargyam
Diwakara jagannatha prabhakara namosthuthe
Paripoornam karishwedam magha snaanam maya krutam
So chanting the mantras perform prayer to lord Suurya.
Other rituals during Maagha Maasam:
Tarpan on Amavasya
The Amavasya of this month is known as Moni Amavasya. Visiting religious places and performing Tarpan there is considered favorable. You must try to keep maun on this day. Taking bath, giving charities and performing Shraddha on these days gives endless religious merit and please ancestors soul.
Magha Daan – Donation
Offerings and daan to Brahmins and needy is recommended, Holy Cows are to be taken care. Blankets, woolen clothings, shoes can be given to needy to fight the cold weather. Charities done during Magh month is considered as highly sacred and meritorious.
Auspiciousness of Marriage
Marriages organised, in Magh month, are said to be successful and good. It is an auspicious month for performing marriages, upanayanam, Gruha Pravesam, Aksharabhyasam etc
Magha Puja and Yagna
- Thila homa (Using sesame seeds during havan or yagna) is prescribed during Maagha masam.
- Worshiping Surya dev – Offer arghya and Read Aditya Hridayam through this month.
- Light lamps with sesame oil in Shiva Temple –this is supposed to give prosperity.
- Recite Vishnu Sahasra Naam on Ekadasi.
- Consume Sesame seed and jiggery, they are good for health and distributing them drives away sin.
The important festivals of Magha Maasam are:
1.Vasant Panchami or Magha sukla Panchami, the fifth day of Maagha masam in the bright fortnight is celebrated as Sri Panchami. Goddess Saraswathi, the presiding deity of of Learning, Knowledge and Wisdom is said to have born on this auspicious day of Sri Panchami.
Vasant Panchami on Saturday, February 05, 2022
Vasant Panchami Muhurat – 06:45 AM to 12:34 PM
Duration – 05 Hours 49 Mins
Vasant Panchami Madhyahna Moment – 12:34 PM
Panchami Tithi Begins – 03:47 AM on Feb 05, 2022
Panchami Tithi Ends – 03:46 AM on Feb 06, 2022
2.Ratha Sapthami also known as Magha Sapthami or Maha Sapthami is a very popular Hindu festival dedicated to Sun God, Sri Surya Narayana. It occurs on the seventh day (Sapthami) of Magha Masam during sukla paksha. It is celebrated as Surya Jayanthi the day on which Sun God was born to Sage Kashyapa & Aditi.
Ratha Saptami on Friday, February 07, 2022
Snan Muhurat on Ratha Saptami – 05:06 AM to 06:45 AM
Duration – 01 Hour 39 Mins
Civil Dawn on Ratha Saptami – 06:23 AM
Observational Sunrise time on Ratha Saptami – 06:45 AM
Saptami Tithi Begins – 04:37 AM on Feb 07, 2022
Saptami Tithi Ends – 06:15 AM on Feb 08, 2022
3.Bheeshmaastami is associated with Bheeshma Pitamaha the most revered and grandiose character of the great Epic Mahabharata. It was on this day Bheeshma breathed his last and this day is commemorated as the day of his Niryaana. Bheeshmaastami occurs on 8th day (Ashtami) of the bright fortnight (Sukla Paksha) in Magha Masam the day after Ratha Sapthami.
Bhishma Ashtami on Friday, February 08, 2022
Madhyahna Time – 11:24 AM to 01:44 PM
Duration – 02 Hours 20 Mins
Ashtami Tithi Begins – 06:15 AM on Feb 08, 2022
Ashtami Tithi Ends – 08:30 AM on Feb 09, 2022
4.Sri Madhva Navami falling on the 9th day of Lunar month of Magha Masam during the bright fortnight is associated with Sri Madhwacharya one of the greatest Hindu Saints and Philosophers who was the founder and exponent of Dvaita Philosophy. It is said that it was on this day in the year 1317 AD, Sri Madhvacharya while teaching his disciples at Udupi Sri Anantheshwara Temple, suddenly a heap of flowers were showered on him and he disappeared from that heap of flowers not to be seen later. It is considered as the day He entered the Badarikasrama.
5.Magha Pournami the full moon day in Maagha masam is celebrated as Maha Maaghi. This day marks the end of Maagha Snana vratham. It is said and believed that any Divine worship, prayer, charity or rites performed on this day are highly meritorious that gives significant results. Thilapaathra Danam is prescribed to be given to a Brahmin on this day of Mahamaaghi. Taking bath in a sea on this day is considered as highly meritorious.
Magha Purnima on Saturday, February 16, 2022
Purnima Tithi Begins – 09:42 PM on Feb 15, 2022
Purnima Tithi Ends – 10:25 PM on Feb 16, 2022
6.Maha Shivarathri a festival dedicated to Lord Shiva occurs on the 13th /14th day of dark fortnight (Krishna Paksha) in Magha Masam coinciding with Chaturdasi thithi. Worshiping Lord Shiva on this day of Maha Shivarathri is considered as highly meritorious and sin remover. Special celebrations are held on the eve of Maha Shivarathri at all the holy Shiva Kshetras where lakhs of people gather to offer their obeisance and salutations to Lord Shiva the great destroyer of sins and the most benevolent God.
Maha Shivaratri on Thursday, March 01, 2022
Nishita Kaal Puja Time – 12:08 AM to 12:56 AM, Mar 02
Duration – 00 Hours 48 Mins
On 2nd Mar, Shivaratri Parana Time – 06:35 AM
Ratri First Prahar Puja Time – 06:28 PM to 09:30 PM
Ratri Second Prahar Puja Time – 09:30 PM to 12:32 AM, Mar 02
Ratri Third Prahar Puja Time – 12:32 AM to 03:33 AM, Mar 02
Ratri Fourth Prahar Puja Time – 03:33 AM to 06:35 AM, Mar 02
Chaturdashi Tithi Begins – 03:16 AM on Mar 01, 2021
Chaturdashi Tithi Ends – 01:00 AM on Mar 02, 2021
Other Important Facts of Magha Maasam:
- Taking bath in Triveni Sangamam(three rivers Ganga,Yamuna and Saraswathi) will wash all the sins committed and no rebirth.
- Charity (Danam) done during the Maagha masam are sacred and meritorious. The Main charities are Black and white sesame seeds (Thila Danam), Food (Anna Danam), Salagrama Danam, Pumpkin (Gummadikaya Danam) and swayam pakam to Brahmins.
- According ancient astrology in the month of Magha, Moon moves into zodiac sign of Cancer and Sun stays in Capricorn.Taking bath in those auspicious combination of planets relieves all problems of a person. At the time of Magha Purnima (full moon day) the effect is gradually increases to peak point.