Ram navami celebrates the birth of Rama or Ramachandra. On the ninth day of the first fortnight of Chaitra the birth of Rama is commemorated. The story of Rama was first written by Valmiki in the epic Ramayana. In some parts of India, Ram navami is a nine-day festival, coinciding with the Vasanta Navaratri (see also Navaratri).

The public worship starts with morning oblations, chanting Vedic mantras dedicated to Vishnu, and offering flowers and fruit to the god. People keep a fast throughout the day, breaking it only at midnight with fruit. In some parts of India, especially Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, public gatherings called satsangs are organized to commemorate the birth of Rama. Excerpts from the Ramacharitmanas, extolling the glory of Rama, are recited. People of all castes and creeds participate in these gatherings to listen to the stories and their explanations offered by the learned.


Lord Rama Birth

The country of Kosal was situated on the banks of the river Sarayu. Ayodhya was the capital founded by the king rishi Manu. During the reign of king Dasaratha, the City of Ayodhya reached a period of great prosperity. But Dasaratha faced a big problem: he had no children. Therefore he decided to perform a sacrifice known as “Ashwamedha”, or horse-sacrifice. Elaborate and difficult rituals had to be observed. A very holy man, rishi Rishyashring, was chosen to conduct the sacrifice with the utmost accuracy. The performance of this sacrifice was a great event in Ayodhya. At the end Rishyashring recited a mantra and made an offering to the fire. Then the gods, Gandharvas, siddhas, and rishis present arid began to pray to Lord Brahma.

At that time Ravana, king of Lanka, was terrorizing the people, and all were longing for liberation from his menace. Ravana had acquired great power because he had obtained from god Brahma the boon that he would never die at the hands of gods, or Gandharvas, or Yakshas (demigods) or demons. As he was not afraid of men he did not care to include men in the list of his potential slayers. So Brahmadev declared that Ravana would die at the hands of a man. Then the gods went to Vishnu with the request, “Dasaratha is a glorious king. Please, take birth in the wombs of his three queens in four different degrees of your divinity.”

When Dasarath’s sacrifice came to an end a shining figure appeared over the sacrificial Kund, and offered the king a divine beverage called “Payasam” to be given to his queens Kausalya, Kaikeyi, and Sumitra. In due time Kausalya gave birth to Rama, Kaikeyi to Bharat and Sumitra to Laxman and Shatrughnah. Rama was born at noon of the bright ninth day of Chaitra. He was believed to be the embodiment of half degree of Vishnu’s divinity, (ardha ounsh).


Legend of Lord Shri Rama

Four storey – even the original Ravana may not have been so tall. But this is the Kali Yuga, when evil is supposed to assume an even more terrifying form. Ravana has his moments of glory, and that too, on Ram Navami, the birthday of Rama.

The effigy of the ten-headed Ravana swaggers through the town, wearing a gaudy crown and exaggerated moustache, with shouting hordes following. But once Ravana reaches the open ground that is his final destination, he is suddenly deserted by most of his “followers” – because the noble Rama has made his appearance.

In the end, righteousness does triumph, even in Kali Yuga. Rama engages him in battle, and finally pierces him with a potent arrow. And the huge effigy of Ravana, filled to bursting with firecrackers, is set alight, and explodes into a thousand bits amid loud cheers from the crowd and shouts of Jai Shri Ram. This ritual is an important part of the Ram Navami celebrations in most parts of North India.

Ram Navami falls on the ninth day of the Shukla Paksha, or bright phase of the moon, in the lunar month of Chaitra (April-May). The first day of Chaitra, or Ugadi, also marks the beginning of the Indian year.

Rama is one of the ten avatars of Lord Vishnu, and one of the two most popular, along with Krishna. Consequently, Ram Navami is widely celebrated, though not on the scale of festivals like Diwali or Dussera.

According to legend, Rama was born at noon. Rama is the epitome of perfection, the uttama purusha, fulfilling all his duties towards both family and subjects.

Rama was the first of the four sons of King Dasaratha of Ayodhya. When it was time for Rama to be made crown-prince, his stepmother, Kaikeyi, got Dasaratha to send him to the forest for 14 years. His wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana also accompanied him. In the forest, Sita was kidnapped by Ravana, the demon king of Lanka. Rama, together with Hanuman and the monkey army, built a bridge to Lanka, killed Ravana, and brought Sita back.

It is believed that listening to the story of Rama cleanses the soul. Meditating on the noble Rama and chanting 108 names of Lord Rama ( Rama Ashtottara Shatnamavali) is believed to ease the pains of life and lead one to moksha, or liberation. It is also common practice to chant the name of Rama while rocking babies to sleep.

Significance of Ram Navami

Ram Navami - Ramavatar

Though Ram Navami is a major festival for Vaishnavites, it is widely celebrated by worshippers of Shiva, too.

It is considered auspicious to undertake a fast on the day in the name of Rama. The more devout fast for nine days, from Ugadi to Ram Navami. The objective of the fast is not to ask for special favor of the deity but to seek perfection as a human being. Devotees perform elaborate pujas and chant the name of Rama. Temples of Rama have special services and bhajan sessions through the day.

One significant and popular element of the celebration is the Ramayana parayana, a discourse on the Ramayana, by a pundit or a professional story-teller. It usually lasts nine days, beginning on Ugadi and ending on Ram Navami. A skilled story-teller who can liven up the event by weaving in contemporary events attracts massive crowds.

Since Rama is also one of the most sung-about deities in Indian classical music and literature, week-long (and sometimes, month-long) musical programs are organized.

Sacred places associated with Rama, like Ayodhya, Ujjain and Rameshwaram, draw tens of thousands of devotees. In Rameshwaram, thousands take a ritual bath in the sea before worshiping at the Ramanathaswamy temple.

Many places in North India host fairs in connection with the festival, culminating in spectacular fireworks on Ram Navami.

Shri Rama Avatar

Bhaye pragat Krupala Deendayala Kaushalya hitkari |
Harshit Mahatari muni man haari adbhut roop vichari ||

Lochan abhirama tanu dhanshyama nij aayudh bhuj chaari |
Bhushan gal mala nayan vishala Shobhasindhu kharari ||

Kah dui kar jori astuti tori kehi bhidhi karu Ananta |
Maya Gun Gyanatit Amana Ved Puran Bhananta ||

Karuna Sukhsagar sub gun aagar jehi gavhai shruti santa |
So mum hit laagi jan anuragi bhayau pragat Shreekanta ||

Bhrahamand nikaya nirmit maya rom rom prati ved kahe |
Mum ur so baasi yeh uphaasi sunat dheer mati thir na rahe |

Upjaa jub gyana Prabhu muskana charit bahut bidhi keenh chahe|
Kahi katha suhai matu bujhai jehi prakar sut prem lahe ||

Mata puni boli so matai doli tajahu tat yeh roopa |
Keejae shishu leela ati priysheela yeh sukh param anoopa ||

Suni Vachan sujana rodan thana hoi balak surbhoopa |
Yeh charit je gaavahi haripad paavahi te naa parahi bhavkoopa ||


Shri Ram took birth as the friend of the poor and benefactor of his mother Kaushalya. Seeing his indescribable beauty, charming even to the minds of sages, filled Kaushalya with joy.

His body was cloud-like blue and the delight of all eyes. He held a conch, discus, club, and lotus in his four hands. The enemy of demons, adorned with jewels and a garland of white flowers, he was an ocean of beauty.

Kaushalya, folding her hands in prayer, said, “O Eternal God, how can I sing your praise? The Vedas and Puranas say that you are beyond knowledge, illusion, and attributes [sat, raj, tam].”

“He who the Vedas and saints enroll as an ocean of compassion and bliss and the repository of virtues, the same Lord of Lakshmi, the lover of his devotees, has revealed himself for my good.”

“The Vedas proclaim that every pore of your body contains multitudes of universes brought forth by maya. That such a Lord stayed in my womb – this amusing story staggers the mind of even the wise.”

When this revelation came upon Mother Kaushalya, the Lord smiled; he would perform many a sportive act. He reassured her by telling her the charming account of her previous birth so that she might love him as her own child.

Mother Kaushalya’s mind was changed. She said, “O Venerable One, give up this superhuman form and indulge in childish sports which are so dear to a mother’s heart. The joy that comes from such sports is unequalled in every way.”

Hearing these words the all-wise king of gods became an infant and began to cry.

Whosoever sings these verses attains the abode of Sri Hari and never falls into the pit of mundane existence.

For the sake of Brahmins, cows, gods, and saints, the Lord, who transcends ignorance and is beyond the reach of the senses, took birth as a man by his own will.

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