Sri Vallabhesha Karavalamba Stotra


॥ श्री वल्लभेश करावलम्ब स्तोत्रम् ॥

ओमङ्घ्रिपद्ममकरन्दकुलामृतं ते
नित्यं यजन्ति दिवि यत् सुरसिद्धसङ्घाः ।
ज्ञात्वामृतं च गणशस्तदहं भजामि
श्रीवल्लभेश मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ १ ॥

ōmaṅghripadmamakarandakulāmr̥taṁ tē
nityaṁ yajanti divi yat surasiddhasaṅghāḥ |
jñātvāmr̥taṁ ca gaṇaśastadahaṁ bhajāmi
śrīvallabhēśa mama dēhi karāvalambam || 1 ||

Meaning: Om, the lotus of your feet, the nectar of the honeycomb family
The hosts of demigods and Siddhas in heaven daily perform sacrifices.
Knowing that it is nectar, I worship it in hosts
O Lord of Śrīvallabhe, please give me the support of your hand.

श्रीमातृसूनुमधुना शरणं प्रपद्ये
दारिद्र्यदुःखशमनं कुरु मे गणेश ।
मत्सङ्कटं च सकलं हर विघ्नराज
श्रीवल्लभेश मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ २ ॥

śrīmātr̥sūnumadhunā śaraṇaṁ prapadyē
dāridryaduḥkhaśamanaṁ kuru mē gaṇēśa |
matsaṅkaṭaṁ ca sakalaṁ hara vighnarāja
śrīvallabhēśa mama dēhi karāvalambam || 2 ||

Meaning: I now take refuge in the beautiful mother’s son
O Lord Ganesha, please relieve me of poverty and suffering.
O king of obstacles remove all my troubles
O Lord of Śrīvallabhe, please give me the support of your hand.

गङ्गाधरात्मज विनायक मूलमूर्ते
व्याधिं जवेन विनिवारय फालचन्द्र ।
विज्ञानदृष्टिमनिशं मयि सन्निधेहि
श्रीवल्लभेश मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ ३ ॥

gaṅgādharātmaja vināyaka mūlamūrtē
vyādhiṁ javēna vinivāraya phālacandra |
vijñānadr̥ṣṭimaniśaṁ mayi sannidhēhi
śrīvallabhēśa mama dēhi karāvalambam || 3 ||

Meaning: Gangadharatmaja Vinayaka Mulmurte
Stop the disease quickly, Phalachandra.
Always keep the sight of science in me
O Lord of Śrīvallabhe, please give me the support of your hand.

गण्यं मदीय भवनं च विधाय दृष्ट्या
मद्दारपुत्रतनयान् सहसां श्च सर्वान् ।
आगत्य चाशु परिपालय शूर्पकर्ण
श्रीवल्लभेश मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ ४ ॥

gaṇyaṁ madīya bhavanaṁ ca vidhāya dr̥ṣṭyā
maddāraputratanayān sahasāṁ śca sarvān |
āgatya cāśu paripālaya śūrpakarṇa
śrīvallabhēśa mama dēhi karāvalambam || 4 ||

Meaning: With a view to setting up my own building
They all suddenly killed the sons and daughters of Maddar.
Come and take care of Chashu, Shurpakarna
O Lord of Śrīvallabhe, please give me the support of your hand.

णाकार मन्त्रघटितं तव यन्त्रराजं
भक्त्या स्मरामि सततं दिश सम्पदो मे ।
उद्योगसिद्धिमतुलां कवितां च लक्ष्मीं
श्रीवल्लभेश मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ ५ ॥

ṇākāra mantraghaṭitaṁ tava yantrarājaṁ
bhaktyā smarāmi satataṁ diśa sampadō mē |
udyōgasiddhimatulāṁ kavitāṁ ca lakṣmīṁ
śrīvallabhēśa mama dēhi karāvalambam || 5 ||

Meaning: Nakara is your king of instruments composed of mantras
I constantly remember with devotion the direction of my opulence.
Industry success and incomparable poetry and fortune
O Lord of Śrīvallabhe, please give me the support of your hand.

पादादिकेशमखिलं सुधया च पूर्णं
कोशाग्निपञ्चकमिदं शिवभूतबीजम् ।
त्वद्रूपवैभवमहोजनता न वेत्ति
श्रीवल्लभेश मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ ६ ॥

pādādikēśamakhilaṁ sudhayā ca pūrṇaṁ
kōśāgnipañcakamidaṁ śivabhūtabījam |
tvadrūpavaibhavamahōjanatā na vētti
śrīvallabhēśa mama dēhi karāvalambam || 6 ||

Meaning: The whole hair of the feet and other parts is full of nectar
This Koshagni Panchaka is the seed of Lord Śiva’s beings.
The greatness of Thy form and glory is not known
O Lord of Śrīvallabhe, please give me the support of your hand.

तापत्रयं मम हरामृतदृष्टिवृष्ट्या
पापं व्यपोहय गजानन शापतो मे
दुष्टं विधातृलिखितं परिमार्जयाशु
श्रीवल्लभेश मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ ७ ॥

tāpatrayaṁ mama harāmr̥tadr̥ṣṭivr̥ṣṭyā
pāpaṁ vyapōhaya gajānana śāpatō mē
duṣṭaṁ vidhātr̥likhitaṁ parimārjayāśu
śrīvallabhēśa mama dēhi karāvalambam || 7 ||

Meaning: My torment is destroyed by the rain of nectar sight
Dispel my sin, O Gajanana, from my curse
Wipe out the evil written by the Creator immediately
O Lord of Śrīvallabhe, please give me the support of your hand.

ये त्वां भजन्ति शिवकल्पतरुं प्रशस्तं
तेभ्यो ददासि कुशलं निखिलार्थलाभम् ।
मह्यं तथैव सकलं दिश वक्रतुण्ड
श्रीवल्लभेश मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ ८ ॥

yē tvāṁ bhajanti śivakalpataruṁ praśastaṁ
tēbhyō dadāsi kuśalaṁ nikhilārthalābham |
mahyaṁ tathaiva sakalaṁ diśa vakratuṇḍa
śrīvallabhēśa mama dēhi karāvalambam || 8 ||

Meaning: Those who worship you, the tree of the Shiva Kalpa, are excellent
You give them good fortune and the benefits of all wealth.
To me, so is the whole direction, curved beak
O Lord of Śrīvallabhe, please give me the support of your hand.

नादान्तवेद्यममलं तव पादपद्मं
नित्यं यजे विबुध षट्पदसेव्यमानम् ।
सत्ताशमाद्यमखिलं दिश मे गणेश
श्रीवल्लभेश मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ ९ ॥

nādāntavēdyamamalaṁ tava pādapadmaṁ
nityaṁ yajē vibudha ṣaṭpadasēvyamānam |
sattāśamādyamakhilaṁ diśa mē gaṇēśa
śrīvallabhēśa mama dēhi karāvalambam || 9 ||

Meaning: Thy immaculate lotus feet are knowable by the end of sound
O demigod, I always worship the Lord, who is worshiped by the six bees.
O Ganesha, direct me to the first and foremost of the seven
O Lord of Śrīvallabhe, please give me the support of your hand.

मोदामृतेन तव मां स्नपयाशु बालं
पापाब्धिपङ्कगलितं च सहायहीनम्
वस्त्रादिभूषणधनानि च वाहनादीन्
श्रीवल्लभेश मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ १० ॥

mōdāmr̥tēna tava māṁ snapayāśu bālaṁ
pāpābdhipaṅkagalitaṁ ca sahāyahīnam
vastrādibhūṣaṇadhanāni ca vāhanādīn
śrīvallabhēśa mama dēhi karāvalambam || 10 ||

Meaning: Bathe me quickly, my child, with your nectar of joy
and helpless, drowned in the mud of the ocean of sin
clothes and ornaments and wealth and vehicles and other things
O Lord of Śrīvallabhe, please give me the support of your hand.

श्रीवल्लभेश दशकं हठयोगसाध्यं
हेरम्ब ते भगवतीश्वर भृङ्गनादम् ।
श्रुत्वानिशं श्रुतिविदः कुलयोगिनो ये
भूतिप्रदं भुवि जनस्सुधियो रमन्ताम् ॥ ११ ॥

śrīvallabhēśa daśakaṁ haṭhayōgasādhyaṁ
hēramba tē bhagavatīśvara bhr̥ṅganādam |
śrutvāniśaṁ śrutividaḥ kulayōginō yē
bhūtipradaṁ bhuvi janassudhiyō ramantām || 11 ||

Meaning: Srivallabhesha Dashakam Hatha Yoga Sadhyam
Heramba, you are the Lord of the goddess, and you are the sound of a bee.
Those who are well-versed in the Vedas and who are Yogis of the family by hearing them daily
May the intelligent people on earth enjoy it which bestows prosperity


Alisha Chandel

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