Ganesha Namashtakam


श्रीविष्णुरुवाच ।

गणेशमेकदन्तं च हेरम्बं विघ्ननायकम् ।
लम्बोदरं शूर्पकर्णं गजवक्त्रं गुहाग्रजम् ॥ १ ॥

gaņēśamēkadantam ca hērambam vighnanāyakam |
lambödaram śūrpakarņam gajavaktram guhāgrajam || 1 || 

Meaning: Ganesha with one tooth and Heramba are the leaders of obstacles.
He had a long abdomen, sharp ears, elephant face and the elder brother of the cave

नामाष्टार्थं च पुत्रस्य शृणु मातहरप्रिये ।
स्तोत्राणां सारभूतं च सर्वविघ्नहरं परम् ॥ २ ॥

nāmāņtārtham ca putrasya śļņu mātarharapriyē |
stotranām sarabhūtam ca sarvavighnaharam param || 2 ||

Meaning: O dear mother, please hear the eight meanings of your son’s name.
It is the essence of all hymns and the supreme destroyer of all obstacles.

ज्ञानार्थवाचको गश्च णश्च निर्वाणवाचकः ।
तयोरीशं परं ब्रह्म गणेशं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥ ३ ॥

jñānārthavacako gaśca ņasca nirvāņavācakaḥ |
tayorīśam param brahma gaņēśam praṇamāmyaham || 3 ||

Meaning: Ga and na denote knowledge and meaning and nirvana.
I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Ganesha, the Supreme Absolute Truth, the master of the two.

एकशब्दः प्रधानार्थो दन्तश्च बलवाचकः ।
बलं प्रधानं सर्वस्मादेकदन्तं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ४ ॥

ēkaśabdah pradhanartho dantaśca balavācakah
balam pradhānam sarvasmādēkadantam namāmyaham || 4 || 

Meaning: The word eka has the principal meaning and the tooth denotes strength
I offer my obeisances to the one-toothed Lord, who is the chief of all forces.

दीनार्थवाचको हेश्च रम्बः पालकवाचकः ।
दीनानां परिपालकं हेरम्बं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥ ५ ॥

dinārthavācako hēśca rambah pālakavācakaḥ |
dīnānām paripālakam hērambam pranamāmyaham || 5 || 

Meaning: He denotes the poor and he denotes the guardian.
I offer my obeisances to Heramba, the protector of the poor.

विपत्तिवाचको विघ्नो नायकः खण्डनार्थकः ।
विपत्खण्डनकारकं नमामि विघ्ननायकम् ॥ ६ ॥

vipattivācako vighno nāyakaḥ khandanārthakaḥ |
vipatkhandanakārakam namāmi vighnanāyakam || 6 ||

Meaning: The obstacle signifies disaster and the hero signifies refutation.
I offer my obeisances to the Lord who refutes all calamities and who is the leader of all obstacles.

विष्णुदत्तैश्च नैवेद्यैर्यस्य लम्बोदरं पुरा ।
पित्रा दत्तैश्च विविधैर्वन्दे लम्बोदरं च तम् ॥ ७ ॥

vişnudattaiśca naivēdyairyasya lambödaram purā |
pitrā dattaisca vividhairvandē lambödaram ca tam || 7 ||

Meaning: In the past, he had a long abdomen and offerings given to him by Lord Viṣṇu.
I offer my obeisances to the long-abdomen with the various gifts my father gave me.

शूर्पाकारौ च यत्कर्णौ विघ्नवारणकारणौ ।
सम्पदौ ज्ञानरूपौ च शूर्पकर्णं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ८ ॥

śūrpakārau ca yatkarņau vighnavāraṇakāraṇau |
sampadau jñānarūpau ca sūrpakarnam namāmyaham || 8 || 

Meaning: The ears of the Lord are in the shape of śūrpas and are used to prevent obstacles.
I offer my obeisances to Śūrpakarṇa, the source of wealth and knowledge.

विष्णुप्रसादपुष्पं च यन्मूर्ध्नि मुनिदत्तकम् ।
तं गजेन्द्रवक्त्रयुक्तं गजवक्त्रं नमाम्यहम् ॥ ९ ॥

vişnuprasādapuşpam ca yanmūrdhni munidattakam |
tam gajendravaktrayuktam gajavaktram namāmyaham || 9 || 

Meaning: The flower of Lord Viṣṇu’s grace was given to the sage on his head.
I offer my obeisances to that elephant-faced lord of elephants.

गुहस्याग्रे च जातोऽयमाविर्भूतो हरालये ।
वन्दे गुहाग्रजं देवं सर्वदेवाग्रपूजितम् ॥ १० ॥

guhasyāgrē ca jato:’yamāvirbhūtō harālayē |
vandē guhāgrajam dēvam sarvadēvāgrapūjitam || 10 || 

Meaning: He was born before Guha and appeared in the abode of Lord Śiva.
I offer my respectful obeisances unto the elder brother of Guha, who is worshiped by all the demigods.

एतन्नामाष्टकं स्तोत्रं नानार्थसम्युतं शुभम् ।
त्रिसन्ध्यं यः पठेन्नित्यं स सुखी सर्वतो जयी ॥ ११ ॥

ētannāmāstakam stotram nānārthasamyutam śubham |
trisandhyam yaḥ pathēnnityam sa sukhi sarvato jayi || 11 || 

Meaning: This auspicious eight-named stotra is composed of various meanings.
He who daily recites this mantra for three evenings is happy and victorious in all respects

ततो विघ्नाः पलायन्ते वैनतेयाद्यथोरगाः ।
गणेश्वरप्रसादेन महाज्ञानी भवेद्भुवम् ॥ १२ ॥

tato vighnah palāyantē vainatēyādyathoragāḥ |
gaņēśvaraprasādēna mahājñāni bhavēddhruvam || 12 || 

Meaning: Then the obstacles flee away, just as snakes flee from Vainateya.
By the grace of Lord Ganesha, a great intellectual will attain the earth.

पुत्रार्थी लभते पुत्रं भार्यार्थी विपुलां स्त्रियम् ।
महाजडः कवीन्द्रश्च विद्यावांश्च भवेद्भुवम् ॥ १३ ॥

putrarthī labhatē putram bhāryarthi vipulām striyam ।
mahājadah kavīndrasca vidyāvāmsca bhavēddhruvam || 13 ||

Meaning: He who seeks a son gets a son, and he who seeks a wife gets a large woman.
He will become a great dull man a great poet and a learned man on earth

इति श्रीब्रह्मवैवर्ते गणपतिखण्डे विष्णूपदिष्टं श्रीगणेशनामाष्टकम् ।

iti śrībrahmavaivartē ganapatikhandē vişnūpadistam śrīgaņēšanāmāștakam |

Meaning: This is the eighth name of Lord Vishnu taught by Lord Vishnu in the Ganapati section of the Śrī Brahma-vaivarta.


Alisha Chandel

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