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Ganesha Bhujangam
चलत्ताण्डवोद्दण्डवत्पद्मतालम् ।
गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥ १॥Ranat kshudra gantha ni naadhabhi ramam
Chalat tandavoddanda vat padma talam
Lasat tundi laango pari-vyala haram
Ganadhisha meeshana sunum tameede ॥1॥
Meaning: The Lord, who gets pleased by the sounds generated by the small swinging bells on his body
Whose lotus like feet are doing the tandava dance following the tala (musical measure)
With the snake as an ornament around his belly, which is moving over his body
I worship you, Lord Ganesha, the leader of Ganas and the son of God Ishana (God Shiva)
स्फुरच्छुण्डदण्डोल्लसद्बीजपूरम् ।
गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥ २॥Dwani dwamsa veena layolaasi vaktram
Spurat cchunda dandolla sad beejapuram
Galad darpa saugandhya lolali malam
Ganadhisha meeshana sunum tameede ॥2॥
Meaning: Who is swaying his face basing on the sounds generated by the strings of musical instrument Veena
Whose trunk looks resplendent and holding a pomegranate (beejapuram) at its end
The one whose cheeks are filled with flowing musth, which by its great fragrance is attracting bees
I worship you, Lord Ganesha, the leader of Ganas and the son of God Ishana (God Shiva)
प्रवालप्रभातारुणज्योतिरेकम ।
प्रलम्बोदरं वक्रतुण्डैकदन्तं
गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥ ३॥Prakashaj ja-paaraktha ratna prasuna
Pravala prabhatha runajyothi rekam
Pralambodharam vaktra tundaika dantam
Ganadhisha meeshana sunum tameede ॥3॥
Meaning: Who is having a radiance like a Japa kusuma flower, red corals, tender leaves and
Looking great like a rising sun with bright rays
Who is having a large hanging belly, twisted trunk, and a single tusk
I worship you, Lord Ganesha, the leader of Ganas and the son of God Ishana (God Shiva)
किरीटोल्लसच्चन्द्ररेखाविभूषम् ।
विभूषैकभूशं भवध्वंसहेतुं
गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥ ४॥Vichitra spurad ratna mala kireetam
Kireetolla sacchandra rekha vibhusham
Vibhushaika bhusham bhavadhwamsa hethum
Ganadhisha meeshana sunum tameede ॥4॥
Meaning: Adorned with the crown that’s filled with peculiar and rare gemstones and strings of gems
Over that crown is the adorned jewel of the crescent moon
Who became the ornament to the ornaments themselves, the remover of the worldly connections
I worship you, Lord Ganesha, the leader of Ganas and the son of God Ishana (God Shiva)
च्चलद्भ्रूलताविभ्रमभ्राजदक्षम् ।
मरुत्सुन्दरीचामरैः सेव्यमानं
गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥ ५॥Udan chatrbhuja vallari drusya mulo
Chalad brulatha Vibrama braja daksham
Marut sundari chamaraihi sevyamanam
Ganadhisha meeshana sunum tameede ॥5॥
Meaning: The Lord, whose arms and the shoulders look attractive while doing his dance movements
According to those moves, his eyes and eyebrows are also in a movement
Who is served by the celestial maidens by blowing up the Chamaras (objects like hand fans to generate wind and used a sacred fly whisk)
I worship you, Lord Ganesha, the leader of Ganas and the son of God Ishana (God Shiva)
कृपाकोमलोदारलीलावतारम् ।
कलाबिन्दुगं गीयते योगिवर्यै-
र्गणाधीशमीशानसूनुं तमीडे ॥ ६॥Spuran nisthu ralola pingakshi taram
Krupa komalodhara leelaavataram
Kala bindukam geeyathe yogi varthyai
Ganadhisha meeshana sunum tameede ॥6॥
Meaning: The one who has tender red coloured eyes that are looking bright, tough, and moving
O the holy one, the manifested form of compassion and gentleness in bestowing
The one who is the center of all the Kalas, whom the yogis praise by the songs and stotrams
I worship you, Lord Ganesha, the leader of Ganas and the son of God Ishana (God Shiva)
यमेकाक्षरं निर्मलं निर्विकल्पं
गुणातीतमानन्दमाकारशून्यम् ।
परं परमोङ्कारमान्मायगर्भं ।
वदन्ति प्रगल्भं पुराणं तमीडे ॥ ७॥Yamekaksharam nirmalam nirvikalpam
Gunaateeta mananda maakara sunyam
Parampara momkara mamnaya garbham
Vadanti pragalbham puranam tameede ॥7॥
Meaning: The Lord who is the form of Omkara (ekaksharam), pleasant and beyond the changes
O the one beyond gunas or qualities, with ultimate happiness and with no form
The ultimate one residing on the opposite bank to the riverbank of samsara, whose womb is filled with Vedas as Omkara
Whose greatness is proudly said even by wise, O the ancient one, I worship you, Lord Ganesha
चिदानन्दसान्द्राय शान्ताय तुभ्यं
नमो विश्वकर्त्रे च हर्त्रे च तुभ्यम् ।
नमोऽनन्तलीलाय कैवल्यभासे
नमो विश्वबीज प्रसीदेशसूनो ॥ ८॥Chidananda sandraya shanthaya tubyam
Namo vishwa karthre cha harthre cha tubyam
Namonantha leelaya kaivalya bhase
Namo vishwabheeja prasidesha suno ॥8॥
Meaning: Whose form is filled up with ultimate happiness, the peaceful one
I bow to you, the creator of the Universe at the same time the destroyer and merger of it
O the one, the cause of the divine play, I bow to you, O the giver of Kaivalya or moksha
I bow to you, the seed of the Universe, be pleased on me, the son of God Ishana
इमं सुस्तवं प्रातरुत्थाय भक्त्या
पठेद्यस्तु मर्त्यो लभेत्सर्वकामान् ।
गणेशप्रसादेन सिध्यन्ति वाचो
गणेशे विभौ दुर्लभं किं प्रसन्ने ॥ ९॥Imam su stavam prata rurthaya bhakthya
Pathedyasthu marthyo labeth sarva kaaman
Ganesha prasadena sidhyanthi vacho
Ganeshe vibhau durlabham kim prasanne॥9॥
Meaning: The devotees who wake early in the morning and recite this stotram
All their wishes get fruitful
By the mercy of Lord Ganesha, they will get the powers by which their words get true
What cannot be achieved if the omnipresent Lord Ganesha himself is pleased
॥ इति श्री मत परमहंस परिव्राजकाचार्यस्य श्री गोविन्द भागवत पूज्य पद शिष्य श्री शंकर भागवत कृतयु गणेश भुजंगा स्तोत्रम् संपूर्ण॥
॥ Ithi Sri mat paramahamsa parivrajakacharyasya sri govinda bhagavata pujya pada sishyasya Sri Shankara bhagavataha kruthau Ganesha bhujanga stotram sampoornam.॥
Meaning: Thus ends the Ganesha Bhujanga Stotram composed by Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada, the disciple of Sri Govinda Bhagavatpada, who is entitled paramahamsa parivrajacacharya.
Benefits of Ganesha Bhujangam:
The Ganesha Bhujanga Stotram is written on the Nritya Ganapathi, the Ganesha dancing form. The lyrics explain the dancing form of Ganesha and is composed uniquely. Reciting this Stotram is believed to be auspicious and is thought to be a good way to meditate and invoke the Lord. Therefore, the Ganesha Bhujangam holds great significance as it explains the Ganesha philosophy.