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Ganapathi Stotram
जेतुं यस्त्रिपुरं हरेण हरिणा व्याजाद्भलिं बध्नता
स्त्रष्टुं वारिभवोद्भवेन भुवनं शेषेण धर्तुं धरम् ।
पार्वत्या महिषासुरप्रमथने सिद्धाधिपैः सिद्धये
ध्यातः पञ्चशरेण विश्वजितये पायात् स नागाननः ॥ १ ॥jētum yastripuram harēņa hariņā vyājādbalim badhnatā
strașțum vāribhavodbhavēna bhuvanam śēsēņa dhartuṁ dharam |
pārvatyā mahişāsurapramathanē siddhādhipaiḥ siddhayē
dhyātaḥ pañcaśarēņa viśvajitayē pāyāt sa nāgānanaḥ || 1 ||
Meaning: He who bound Bhali with interest to conquer Tripura
To protect the earth from the water that flows from it, and to hold the rest of the earth.
For the perfection of the Siddha chiefs in the crushing of the buffaloes and demons by Parvati
The serpent-faced Lord is meditated upon by the five arrows to conquer the universe.
विघ्नव्यालकुलाभिमानगरुडो विघ्नेभपञ्चाननः ।
विघ्नाघौधघनप्रचण्डपवनो विघ्नेश्वरः पातु नः ॥ २ ॥vighnadhvāntanivāraṇaikataraṇirvighnāțavīhavyavāț
vighnavyālakulābhimānagaruļo vighnēbhapañcānanaḥ | vighnõttungagiriprabhēdanapavirvighnāmbudhērvādavo
vighnāghaudhaghanapracaņdapavano vighnēśvaraḥ pātu naḥ || 2 ||
Meaning: Vighnadhvantanivaranaikataranirvighnatavihavyavat
He is the five-faced Garuda, the elephant of obstacles.
May the fierce wind that blows through the ocean of obstacles protect us.
खर्वं स्थूलतनुं गजेन्द्रवदनं लम्बोदरं सुन्दरं
प्रस्यन्दन्मदगन्धलुब्धमधुपव्यालोलगण्डस्थलम् ।
दन्ताघातविदारितारिरुधिरैः सिन्दूरशोभाकर
वन्दे शैलसुतासुतं गणपतिं सिद्धिप्रदं कामदम् ॥ ३ ॥kharvaṁ sthūlatanuṁ gajēndravadanaṁ lambödaraṁ sundaram
prasyandanmadagandhalubdhamadhupavyālõlagandasthalam |
dantāghātavidāritārirudhiraiḥ sindūraśābhākara
vandē śailasutāsutam ganapatim siddhipradam kāmadam || 3 ||
Meaning: He is a horse with a stout body and an elephant face and a long abdomen and beautiful
The cheeks of the honey-bees, greedy for the smell of intoxication, were flowing.
The blood of the enemy torn by the blow of the teeth adorned the sandalwood
I salute Ganesha, the son of the daughter of the mountain, bestower of perfection and fulfiller of desires
गजाननाय महसे प्रत्यूहतिमिरच्छिदे ।
अपारकरुणापूरतरङ्गितदृशे नमः ॥ ४ ॥gajānanāya mahasē pratyūhatimiracchidē |
apārakaruņāpūratarangitadỊśē namaḥ || 4 ||
Meaning: O Gajanana, you are the greatest of all, and you break the darkness of the counter-attack.
ॐ wave-like sight filled with immense compassion
अगजाननपद्मार्कं गजाननमहर्निशम् ।
अनेकदं तं भक्तानामेकदन्तमुपास्महे ॥ ५ ॥agajānanapadmārkaṁ gajānanamaharniśam |
anēkadaṁ tam bhaktānāmēkadantamupāsmahē || 5 ||
Meaning: Agajananapadmarkam Gajanana day and night.
We worship that one-toothed Lord who bestows many gifts upon His devotees.
श्वेताङ्गं श्वेतवस्त्रं सितकुसुमगणैः पूजितं श्वेतगन्धैः
क्षीराब्धौ रत्नदीपैः सुरनरतिलकं रत्नसिंहासनस्थम् ।
दोर्भिः पाशाङ्कशाब्जाभयवरमनसं चन्द्रमौलिं त्रिनेत्रं
ध्यायेच्छान्त्यर्थमीशं गणपतिममलं श्रीसमेतं प्रसन्नम् ॥ ६ ॥śvētāngam śvētavastram sitakusumaganaiḥ pūjitam śvētagandhaiḥ
kṣīrābdhau ratnadīpaiḥ suranaratilakaṁ ratnasimhāsanastham |
dörbhiḥ pāśārkuśābjābhayavaramanasam candramaulim trinētras
dhyāyēcchāntyarthamīsam gaṇapatimamalam śrīsamētam prasannam || 6 ||
Meaning: Tang was dressed in white and worshiped with clusters of white flowers and white fragrances
He is seated on a jeweled lion’s throne, adorned with gemstone lamps in the ocean of milk.
Arms with ropes, lotuses, fearlessness, mind, moon-crowned, three-eyed
For the sake of peace one should meditate on the spotless Lord Ganesha, who is pleased with the goddess of fortune.
आवाहये तं गणराजदेवं रक्तोत्पलाभासमशेषवन्द्यम् ।
विघ्घान्तकं विघ्रहरं गणेशं भजामि रौद्रं सहितं च सिद्ध्या ॥ ७ ॥āvāhayē tas ganarājadēvam raktõtpalābhāsamaśēșavandyam |
vighnāntakam vighnaharam gaņēśam bhajāmi raudram sahitam ca siddhyā || 7 ||
Meaning: I offer my obeisances to that Lord of the Ganas, whose radiance is like a red lotus and who is infinitely worshipable.
I worship Lord Ganesha who destroys all obstacles and who is fearsome and who is accompanied by perfection.
यं ब्रह्म वेदान्तविदो वदन्ति परं प्रधानं पुरुषं तथाऽन्ये ।
विश्वोद्गतेः कारणमीश्वरं वा तस्मै नमो विघ्नविनाशनाय ॥ ८ ॥yam brahma vēdāntavidā vadanti paras pradhānam puruşam tathā:’nyē |
viśvõdgatēḥ kāraṇamīśvaram vā tasmai namo vighnavināšanāya || 8 ||
Meaning: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, whom the Vedanta scholars call the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is called the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
I offer my respectful obeisances unto Him who is the cause of the creation of the universe and who destroys all obstacles.
विघ्नेश वीर्याणि विचित्रकाणि वन्दीजनैर्मागधकैः स्मृतानि ।
श्रुत्वा समुत्तिष्ठ गजानन त्वं ब्राह्मे जगन्मङ्गलकं कुरुष्व ॥ ९ ॥vighnēśa vīryāņi vicitrakāņi vandījanairmāgadhakaiḥ smặtāni |
śrutvā samuttiștha gajānana tvam brāhmē jaganmangalakam kuruṣva || 9 ||
Meaning: O Lord of all obstacles, the devotees of the Lord remembered these wonderful deeds performed by the Māgadhas.
O Gajanana, after hearing this, please rise up and bestow auspiciousness upon the entire brāhmaṇa.
गणेश हेरम्ब गजाननेति महोदर स्वानुभवप्रकाशिन् ।
वरिष्ठ सिद्धिप्रिय बुद्धिनाथ वदन्त एवं त्यजत प्रभीतीः ॥ १० ॥gaņēša hēramba gajānanēti mahodara svānubhavaprakāśin |
variștha siddhipriya buddhinātha vadanta ēvam tyajata prabhītīḥ || 10 ||
Meaning: O Ganesha, Heramba, Gajanana, O great abdomen, you illuminate your own experience.
O lord of wisdom, dear to senior perfection, thus speaking, give up your fears
अनेकविघ्नान्तक वक्रतुण्ड स्वसञवासिंश्च चतुर्भुजेति ।
कवीश देवान्तकनाशकारिन् वदन्त एवं त्यजत प्रभीतीः ॥ ११ ॥anēkavighnāntaka vakratunda svasañiñavāsimśca caturbhujēti |
kavīša dēvāntakanāśakārin vadanta ēvam tyajata prabhītiḥ || 11 ||
Meaning: He destroys many obstacles, has a curved beak, and has four arms.
O lord of poets, destroyer of the demigods, please give up your fears as you speak in this way.
अनन्तचिद्रूपमयं गणेशं ह्यभेदभेदादिविहीनमाद्यम् ।
हृदि प्रकाशस्य धरं स्वधीस्थं तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ १२ ॥anantacidrūpamayaṁ gaņēśam hyabhēdabhēdādivihīnamādyam |
hțdi prakāśasya dharam svadhīstham tamēkadantam śaraṇam vrajāmaḥ || 12 ||
Meaning: Lord Ganesha, who is infinitely manifest in form, is the original, free from difference and other differences.
We take shelter of that one-toothed Supreme Being who holds the light in our hearts and who is in our own minds.
विश्वादिभूतं हृदि योगिनां वै प्रत्यक्षरूपेण विभान्तमेकम् ।
सदा निरालम्बसमाधिगम्यं तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ १३ ॥viśvādibhūtam hțdi yoginām vai pratyakşarūpēņa vibhāntamēkam |
sadā nirālambasamādhigamyam tamēkadantam śaraṇam vrajāmaḥ || 13 ||
Meaning: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the origin of the universe, appears directly in the hearts of the yogīs.
We take shelter of that one-toothed Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is always free from dependence and attainable.
यदीयवीर्येण समर्थभूता माया तया संरचितं च विश्वम् ।
नागात्मकं ह्यात्मतया प्रतीतं तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ १४ ॥yadīyavīryēņa samarthabhūtā māyā tayā saṁracitam ca viśvam |
nāgātmakam hyātmatayā pratītam tamēkadantam śaraṇam vrajāmaḥ || 14 ||
Meaning: By His potency, the illusory energy is capable of creating the universe.
We take shelter of that one-toothed Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is perceived as the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the form of a serpent.
सर्वान्तरे संस्थितमेकमूढं यदाज्ञया सर्वमिदं विभाति ।
अनन्तरूपं हृदि बोधकं वै तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ १५ ॥sarvāntarē saṁsthitamēkamūdham yadājñayā sarvamidaṁ vibhāti |
anantarūpam hrdi bõdhakaṁ vai tamékadantam saraṇam vrajāmaḥ || 15 ||
Meaning: The one foolish One who is situated in the midst of all, by His command all this appears.
We take shelter of that one-toothed Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose form is infinite and who enlightens us within our hearts.
यं योगिनो योगबलेन साध्यं कुर्वन्ति तं कः स्तवनेन नौति ।
अतः प्रणामेन सुसिद्धिदोऽस्तु तमेकदन्तं शरणं व्रजामः ॥ १६ ॥yam yoginõ yõgabalēna sādhyam kurvanti tam kaḥ stavanēna nauti |
ataḥ praņāmēna susiddhidő:’stu tamēkadantam śaraṇam vrajāmaḥ || 16 ||
Meaning: Who can praise Him whom the yogīs achieve by the power of yoga?
Therefore, by bowing down to Him, we take shelter of Him who bestows all perfections.
देवेन्द्रमौलिमन्दारमकरन्दकणारुणाः ।
विघ्नान् हरन्तु हेरम्बचरणाम्बुजरेणवः ॥ १७ ॥dēvēndramaulimandāramakarandakaņāruņāḥ |
vighnān harantu hērambacaraṇāmbujarēņavaḥ || 17 ||
Meaning: They are red like the crown of the gods, the mandara, the nectar and the grains.
May the dust of the lotus feet of Heramba remove all obstacles.
एकदन्तं महाकायं लम्बोदरगजाननम् ।
विघ्ननाशकरं देवं हेरम्बं प्रणमाम्यहम् ॥ १८ ॥ēkadantaṁ mahākāyam lambõdaragajānanam |
vighnanāśakaram dēvam hērambam praṇamāmyaham || 18 ||
Meaning: He had one tooth, a huge body, a long abdomen and a face like an elephant.
I offer my obeisances to Lord Heramba, who destroys all obstacles.
यदक्षर पद भ्रष्टं मात्राहीनं च यद्भवेत् ।
तत्सर्वं क्षम्यतां देव प्रसीद परमेश्वर ॥ १९ ॥yadakṣara pada bhrașțam mātrāhīnam ca yadbhavēt |
tatsarvam kşamyatām dēva prasīda paramēśvara || 19 ||
Meaning: Any syllable or word that is corrupted and devoid of quantity
O Lord, please forgive all of us and have mercy on us.
इति श्री गणपति स्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ।
iti śrī ganapati stotram sampūrņam ||
Meaning: This is the complete Sri Ganapati Stotram.