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Ekaksara Ganpati kavacham
श्रीगणेशाय नमः ||
नमस्तस्मै गणेशाय सर्वविघ्नविनाशिने ।
कार्यारम्भेषु सर्वेषु पूजितो यः सुरैरपि ॥ १॥namastasmai gaņēśāya sarvavighnavināśinē |
kāryārambhēșu sarvēșu pūjito yaḥ surairapi || 1 ||
Meaning: I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Ganesha, who destroys all obstacles.
He was worshiped even by the demigods at the beginning of all his duties.
पार्वत्युवाच ।।
भगवन् देवदेवेश लोकानुग्रहकारकः ।
इदानी श्रोतृमिच्छामि कवचं यत्प्रकाशितम् ॥ २॥pārvatyuvāca | bhagavan dēvadēvēśa lõkānugrahakārakaḥ |
idānīm śrõtýmicchāmi kavacam yatprakāśitam || 2 ||
Meaning: O Lord, Lord of the gods and goddesses, you are the benefactor of the world.
Now I wish to hear the Kavaca which has been revealed.
एकाक्षरस्य मन्त्रस्य त्वया प्रीतेन चेतसा ।
वदैतद्विधिवद्देव यदि ते वल्लभास्म्यहम् ॥ ३॥ēkākṣarasya mantrasya tvayā prītēna cētasā |
vadaitadvidhivaddēva yadi tē vallabhāsmyaham || 3 ||
Meaning: You have chanted the one-syllable mantra with a pleased heart.
O Lord, if I am Your dearest, please tell me this in the proper manner.
ईश्वर उवाच ।।
श्रृणु देवि प्रवक्ष्यामि नाख्येयमपि ते ध्रुवम् ।
एकाक्षरस्य मन्त्रस्य कवचं सर्वकामदम् ॥ ४॥śļņu dēvi pravakşyāmi nākhyyamapi të dhruvam |
ēkākṣarasya mantrasya kavacam sarvakāmadam || 4 ||
Meaning: Listen, O goddess, I will tell you, and I will certainly not tell you.
This is the kavaca of the one-syllabled mantra which fulfills all your desires.
यस्य स्मरणमात्रेण न विघ्नाः प्रभवन्ति हि ।
त्रिकालमेककालं वा ये पठन्ति सदा नराः ॥ ५॥yasya smaraṇamātrēņa na vighnāḥ prabhavanti hi |
trikālamēkakālam vā yē pațhanti sadā narāḥ || 5 ||
Meaning: Just by remembering Him, no obstacles can arise.
Those who always recite this mantra three times a day or once a day.
तेषां क्वापि भयं नास्ति सङ्ग्रामे सङ्कटे गिरौ ।
भूतवेतालरक्षोभिर्ग्रहैश्चापि न बाध्यते ॥ ६॥tēșāṁ kvāpi bhayam nāsti sangrāmē sankațē girau |
bhūtavētālarakṣābhirgrahaiścāpi na bādhyatē || 6 ||
Meaning: They have nothing to fear in battle or in danger on the mountains
He is not bothered by ghosts, demons, rakshasas or planets.
इदं कवचमज्ञात्वा यो जपेद् गणनायकम् ।
न च सिद्धिमाप्नोति मूढो वर्षशतैरपि ॥ ७॥idam kavacamajñātvā yo japēdgaṇanāyakam |
na ca siddhimāpnāti mūờho varşaśatairapi || 7 ||
Meaning: Anyone who does not know this shield should chant it.
A fool does not attain perfection even after hundreds of years
अघोरो मे यथा मन्त्रो मन्त्राणामुत्तमोत्तमः ।
तथेदं कवचं देवि दुर्लभं भुवि मानवैः ॥ ८॥aghoro mē yathā mantro mantrāņāmuttamöttamaḥ |
tathēdam kavacaṁ dēvi durlabhas bhuvi mānavaiḥ || 8 ||
Meaning: It is as terrible to me as the mantra, the best of all mantras.
So, O goddess, this shield is rarely found on earth by human beings.
गोपनीयं प्रयत्नेन नाज्येयं यस्य कस्यचित् ।
तव प्रीत्या महेशानि कवचं कथ्यतेऽद्भुतम् ॥ ९॥gÕpanīyaḥ prayatnēna nājyĒyam yasya kasyacit |
tava prītyā mahēśāni kavacam kathyatē:’dbhutam || 9 ||
Meaning: I should try to keep it a secret and not tell anyone.
O great Lords, out of Your affection, this wonderful shield has been described.
एकाक्षरस्य मन्त्रस्य गणकश्चर्षिरीरितः ।
त्रिष्टुप् छन्दस्तु विघ्नेशो देवता परिकीर्तिता ॥ १०॥ēkākṣarasya mantrasya gaṇakaścarșirīritaḥ |
tristup chandastu vighnēśā dēvatā parikīrtitā || 10 ||
Meaning: The sage is the counterpart of the one-syllable mantra.
The Vedic mantra is Triṣṭup, and the deity of Vighneśa is Vighneśa.
गँ बीजं शक्तिरोङ्कारः सर्वकामार्थसिद्धये ।
सर्वविघ्नविनाशाय विनियोगस्तु कीर्तितः ॥ ११॥gam bījaṁ Śaktironkāraḥ sarvakāmārthasiddhayē |
sarvavighnavināśāya viniyogastu kīrtitaḥ || 11 ||
Meaning: Gam is the seed, and Shakti is the oṁkāra for the fulfillment of all desires and objectives.
This is the method of destroying all obstacles.
ध्यानम् ।।
रक्ताम्भोजस्वरूपं लसदरुणसरोजाधिरूढं त्रिनेत्रं पाशं
चैवाङ्कुशं वा वरदमभयदं बाहुभिर्धारयन्तम् ।
शक्त्या युक्तं गजास्यं पृथुतरजठरं नागयज्ञोपवीतं देवं
चन्द्रार्धचूडं सकलभयहरं विघ्नराजं नमामि ॥ १२॥raktāmbhõjasvarūpam lasadaruņasarājādhirūdham trinētram pāśaṁ
caivānkućam vā varadamabhayadaṁ bāhubhirdhārayantam |
śaktyā yuktam gajāsyam pythutarajatharaṁ nāgayajñopavītam dēvam
candrārdhacūļas sakalabhayaharaṁ vighnarājam namāmi || 12 ||
Meaning: The three-eyed rope is in the form of a red lotus, mounted on a shiny red lotus
He also holds in his arms a goad that bestows boons and fearlessness.
The god with the face of an elephant endowed with power, with a wider abdomen, and wearing the veil of the serpent sacrifice
I offer my obeisances to the half-moon-crowned Lord, who destroys all fear and who is the king of all obstacles.
कवचम् ।।
गणेशो मे शिरः पातु भालं पातु गजाननः ।
नेत्रे गणपतिः पातु गजकर्णः श्रुती मम ॥ १३॥gaņēśā mē śiraḥ pātu phālaṁ pātu gajānanaḥ |
nētrē gaṇapatiḥ pātu gajakarṇaḥ śrutī mama || 13 ||
Meaning: May Lord Ganesha protect my head and Lord Gajanana protect my brow.
May Lord Ganesha protect my eyes and may Gajakarna protect my ears.
कपोलौ गणनाथस्तु घ्राणं गन्धर्वपूजितः ।
मुखं मे सुमुखः पातु चिबुकं गिरिजासुतः ॥ १४॥kapõlau gañanāthastu ghrāņam gandharvapūjitaḥ |
mukham mē sumukhaḥ pātu cibukaṁ girijāsutaḥ || 14 ||
Meaning: Lord Ganesha is on his forehead, and his sense of smell is worshiped by the Gandharvas.
May the son of Girija protect my face and my chin.
जिह्वां पातु गणक्रीडो दन्तान् रक्षतु दुर्मुखः ।
वाचं विनायकः पातु कष्टं पातु महोत्कटः ॥ १५॥jihvām pātu gaṇakrīdo dantān rakṣatu durmukhaḥ |
vācam vināyakaḥ pātu kantham pātu madotkațaḥ || 15 ||
Meaning: May the game of the crowd protect my tongue, and may the evil-faced one protect my teeth.
May Vinayaka protect my speech and may Mahatkata protect my pain.
स्कन्धौ पातु गजस्कन्धो बाहू मे विघ्ननाशनः ।
हस्तौ रक्षतु हेरम्बो वक्षः पातु महाबलः ॥ १६॥skandhau pātu gajaskandho bāhū mē vighnanāśanaḥ |
hastau rakṣatu hērambo vakṣaḥ pātu mahābalaḥ || 16 ||
Meaning: May the shoulder of an elephant protect my shoulders and the destroyer of obstacles protect my arms.
May Heramba protect my hands and may the mighty Lord protect my chest.
हृदयं मे गणपतिरुदरं मे महोदरः ।
नाभि गम्भीरहृदयः पृष्ठं पातु सुरप्रियः ॥ १७॥hțdayam mē gaṇapatirudaraṁ mē mahodarah |
nābhim gambhīrahțdayā prșthaṁ pātu surapriyaḥ || 17 ||
Meaning: Lord Ganesha is in my heart, and Mahodara is in my abdomen.
May the deep-hearted Lord, who is dear to the demigods, protect my navel and my back.
कटिं मे विकटः पातु गुह्यं मे गुहपूजितः ।
ऊरु मे पातु कौमारं जानुनी च गणाधिपः ॥ १८॥kațim mē vikațaḥ pātu guhyam mē guhapūjitaḥ |
ūru mē pātu kaumāram jānunī ca gaņādhipaḥ || 18 ||
Meaning: May Vikata protect my waist and may the worshiper of Guha protect my secrets.
May the lord of the hosts protect my thighs, my youthfulness and my knees.
जङ्घे गजप्रदः पातु गुल्फौ मे धूर्जटिप्रियः ।
चरणौ दुर्जयः पातुर्साङ्गं गणनायकः ॥ १९॥janghē jayapradaḥ pātu gulphau mē dhūrjațipriyaḥ |
caraṇau durjayaḥ pātursāngaṁ gañanāyakaḥ || 19 ||
Meaning: May the elephant-giver protect my thighs and the lover of Dhurjati protect my ankles.
The invincible Lord protected his feet and the leader of the army protected his limbs.
आमोदो मेऽग्रतः पातु प्रमोदः पातु पृष्ठतः ।
दक्षिणे पातु सिद्धिशो वामे विघ्नधरार्चितः ॥ २०॥āmõdõ mē:’grataḥ pātu pramodaḥ pātu prşthataḥ |
daksinē pātu siddhīšā vāmē vidyādharārcitah || 20 ||
Meaning: May Amod protect me in front of me and may Pramod protect me behind.
May Lord Siddhiśa protect me on the right and Lord Vighnadhara worshiped on the left.
प्राच्यां रक्षतु मां नित्यं चिन्तामणिविनायकः ।
आग्नेयां वक्रतुण्डो मे दक्षिणस्यामुमासुतः ॥ २१॥prācyāṁ rakṣatu māṁ nityam cintāmaņivināyakaḥ |
āgnēyyām vakratuņdo mē dakṣiṇasyāmumāsutaḥ || 21 ||
Meaning: May Vinayaka, the jewel of thought, always protect me in the east.
The son of Umā is Vakratuṇḍa in the northern part of my body.
नैऋत्यां सर्वविघ्नेशः पातु नित्यं गणेश्वरः ।
प्रतीच्यां सिद्धिदः पातु वायव्यां गजकर्णकः ॥ २२॥nairytyām sarvavighnēśā pātu nityam gaņēśvaraḥ |
pratīcyāṁ siddhidaḥ pātu vāyavyām gajakarņakaḥ || 22 ||
Meaning: May Lord Ganesha, the lord of all obstacles, always protect me in the southwest.
May Siddhida protect me in the west and Gajakarnaka in the north.
कौबेर्यां सर्वसिद्धिशः ईशान्यामीशनन्दनः ।
ऊर्ध्वं विनायकः पातु अधो मूषकवाहनः ॥ २३॥kaubēryām sarvasiddhīšo īśānyāmīšanandanaḥ |
ūrdhvaṁ vināyakaḥ pātu adho mūşakavāhanaḥ || 23 ||
Meaning: He is the lord of all perfections in Kauberī and the delight of Lord Śiva in the northeast.
May Lord Vinayaka protect me above and Lord Mouse-carrier below.
दिवा गोक्षीरधवलः पातु नित्यं गजाननः ।
रात्रौ पातु गणक्रीडः सन्ध्योः सुरवन्दितः ॥ २४॥divā gākṣīradhavalaḥ pātu nityam gajānanaḥ |
rātrau pātu gañakrīdo sandhyayo suravanditaḥ || 24 ||
Meaning: May Lord Gajanana, who is white with cow’s milk, always protect me during the day.
May the game of the hosts protect me at night, and may the evening, worshiped by the demigods, protect me.
पाशाङ्कुशाभयकरः सर्वतः पातु मां सदा ।
ग्रहभूतपिशाचेभ्यः पातु नित्यं गजाननः ॥ २५॥pāśānkuśābhayakaraḥ sarvataḥ pātu mām sadā |
grahabhūtapiśācēbhyā pātu nityam gaņēśvaraḥ || 25 ||
Meaning: May the rope, goad and fearlessness always protect me from all sides.
May Lord Gajanana always protect me from the planets, ghosts and devils.
सत्वं रजस्तमो वाचं बुद्धिं ज्ञानं स्मृतिं दयाम् ।
धर्मचतुर्विधं लक्ष्मीं लज्जां कीर्तिं कुलं वपुः ॥ २६॥sattvam rajastamā vācam buddhim jñānaṁ smặtim dayām |
dharmam caturvidham lakṣmīí lajjāṁ kirtim kulam vapuh || 26 ||
Meaning: Sattva, Rajas, Tamas, Speech, Intelligence, Knowledge, Memory and Mercy.
The fourfold path of religion is wealth, shame, fame, family and body.
धनं धान्यं गृहं दारान् पौत्रान् सखींस्तथा ।
एकदन्तोऽवतु श्रीमान् सर्वतः शङ्करात्मजः ॥ २७॥dhanadhānyag;hāndārān putrānpautrān sakhīsstathā |
ēkadanto:’vatu śrīmān sarvataḥ śankarātmajaḥ || 27 ||
Meaning: Wealth, grain, a house, wives, grandchildren and friends.
May the glorious son of Lord Śiva, who has one tooth, protect me from all sides.
सिद्धिदं कीर्तिदं देवि प्रपठेन्नियतः शुचिः ।
एककालं द्विकालं वापि भक्तिमान् ॥ २८॥siddhidam kīrtidam dēvi prapathēnniyataḥ śuciḥ |
ēkakālam dvikālam vā trikālam vāpi bhaktitaḥ || 28 ||
Meaning: O Devi, one who is purified should recite this mantra which brings perfection and fame.
He should be devoted to the Lord for one or two hours.
न तस्य दुर्लभं किञ्चित् त्रिषु लोकेषु विद्यते ।
सर्वपापविनिर्मुक्तो जायते भुवि मानवः ॥ २९॥na tasya durlabham kiñcit trișu lõkēșu vidyatē |
sarvapāpavinirmukto jāyatē bhuvi mānavaḥ || 29 ||
Meaning: There is nothing in the three worlds that is rare for Him.
A human being is born on this earth freed from all sins
यं यं कामयते नित्यं सुदुर्लभमनोरथम् ।
तं तं प्राप्नोति सकलं षण्मासान्नात्र संशयः ॥ ३०॥yam yas kāmayatē martyaḥ sudurlabhamanõratham |
tam tam prāpnēti sakalaṁ șaņmāsānnātra samsayaḥ || 30 ||
Meaning: Whoever desires whatever he always desires is very rarely attained.
There is no doubt that in six months he obtains all that he desires.
मोहनस्तम्भनाकर्षमारणोच्चाटनं वशम् ।
स्मरणादेव जायन्ते नात्र कार्या विचारणा ॥ ३१॥möhanastambhanākarşamāraņoccāțanaṁ vašam |
smaraņādēva jāyantē nātra kāryā vicāraņā || 31 ||
Meaning: Bewitching, stabbing, pulling, killing, tearing, and subduing.
They are born from remembrance and there is no need to think about them.
सर्वविघ्नहरं देवं ग्रहपीडानिवारणम् ।
सर्वशत्रुक्षयकरं सर्वापत्तिनिवारणम् ॥ ३२॥sarvavighnaharēddēvīm grahapīļānivāraṇam |
sarvasatrukşayakaraḥ sarvāpattinivāraṇam || 32 ||
Meaning: He removes all obstacles and relieves the pain of the planets.
It destroys all enemies and prevents all calamities
धृत्वेदं कवचं देवि यो जपेन्मन्त्रमुत्तमम् ।
न वाच्यते स विघ्नौघैः कदाचिदपि कुत्रचित् ॥ ३३॥dhịtvēdaṁ kavacam dēvi yo japēnmantramuttamam |
na vācyatē sa vighnaughaiḥ kadācidapi kutracit || 33 ||
Meaning: O goddess, whoever wears this shield and chants this excellent mantra
He is never spoken of anywhere by the floods of obstacles
भूर्जे लिखित्वा विधिवद्धारयेद्यो नरः शुचिः ।
एकबाहो शिरः कण्ठे पूजयित्वा गणाधिपम् ॥ ३४॥bhūrjē likhitvā vidhivaddhārayēdyo naraḥ śuciḥ |
ēkabāho śiraḥ kanthē pūjayitvā gaņādhipam || 34 ||
Meaning: A man who is clean should write this on a piece of bhurja and hold it in accordance with the prescribed rituals.
One-armed, he placed his head on his neck and worshiped the Lord of the hosts.
एकाक्षरस्य मन्त्रस्य कवचं देवि दुर्लभम् ।
यो धारयेन्महेशानि न विघ्नैरभिभूयते ॥ ३५॥ēkākṣarasya mantrasya kavacam dēvi durlabham |
yo dhārayēnmahēśāni na vighnairabhibhūyatē || 35 ||
Meaning: O goddess, it is rare to find a shield with a single syllable mantra.
One who meditates on the great Lords is never overwhelmed by obstacles.
गणेशहृदयं नाम कवचं सर्वसिद्धिदम् ।
पठेद्वा पाठयेद्वापि तस्य सिद्धिः करे स्थिता ॥ ३६॥gaņēšahụdayam nāma kavacaṁ sarvasiddhidam |
pathēdvā pāțhayēdvāpi tasya siddhiḥ karē sthitā || 36 ||
Meaning: This shield is called Ganeshahridaya and bestows all perfections.
Whether one reads it or recites it, his perfection is in his hands.
न प्रकाश्यं महेशानि कवचं यत्र कुत्रचित् ।
दातव्यं भक्तियुक्ताय गुरुदेवपराय च ॥ ३७॥na prakāsyaṁ mahēśāni kavacam yatra kutracit |
dātavyaṁ bhaktiyuktāya gurudēvaparāya ca || 37 ||
Meaning: O great lords, this shield should not be revealed anywhere.
It should be given to one who is full of devotion and who is devoted to his spiritual master.
।। इति श्रीरुद्रयामले एकाक्षरगणपतिकवचं सम्पूर्णम् ।।
|| iti śrīrudrayāmalē pārvatīparamēśvara samvādē ēkākṣaraganapatikavacam sampūrņam ||
Meaning: This is the complete Ekakshara Ganapati Kavacham in the Sri Rudra Yamala.