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Ucchista ganapati mantra
नमामि देवं सकलार्थदं तं
सुवर्णवर्णं भुजगोपवीतम् ।
गजाननं भास्करमेकदन्तं
लम्बोदरं वारिभवासनं च ॥ १ ॥namāmi dēvaṁ sakalārthadaṁ taṁ
suvarṇavarṇaṁ bhujagōpavītam |
gajānanaṁ bhāskaramēkadantaṁ
lambōdaraṁ vāribhavāsanaṁ ca || 1 ||
Meaning: I bow to the God who gives all meanings
He wore a golden arm-cow sash.
Gajanana, the sun, the one-toothed
The long-abdomen and the seat of the water-bearer.
केयूरिणं हारकिरीटजुष्टं
चतुर्भुजं पाशवराभयानि ।
सृणिं च हस्तं गणपं त्रिनेत्रं
सचामरस्त्रीयुगलेन युक्तम् ॥ २ ॥kēyūriṇaṁ hārakirīṭajuṣṭaṁ
caturbhujaṁ pāśavarābhayāni |
sr̥ṇiṁ ca hastaṁ gaṇapaṁ trinētraṁ
sacāmarastrīyugalēna yuktam || 2 ||
Meaning: Keurina is adorned with a necklace and crown
He has four arms and is fearless of the ropes.
and the hand of the series, the three-eyed Ganesha
It is accompanied by a pair of women with chamaras.
मुनीश्वरैर्भार्गवपूर्वकैश्च ।
संसेवितं देवमनाथकल्पं
रूपं मनोज्ञं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥ ३ ॥ṣaḍakṣarātmānamanalpabhūṣaṁ
munīśvarairbhārgavapūrvakaiśca |
saṁsēvitaṁ dēvamanāthakalpaṁ
rūpaṁ manōjñaṁ śaraṇaṁ prapadyē || 3 ||
Meaning: The six-syllable self is not insignificantly adorned
and by the great sages and the Bhārgavas.
Sansevitam devamanathakalpam
I take refuge in Your beautiful form.
वेदान्तवेद्यं जगतामधीशं
देवादिवन्द्यं सुकृतैकगम्यम् ।
स्तम्बेरमास्यं ननु चन्द्रचूडं
विनायकं तं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥ ४ ॥vēdāntavēdyaṁ jagatāmadhīśaṁ
dēvādivandyaṁ sukr̥taikagamyam |
stambēramāsyaṁ nanu candracūḍaṁ
vināyakaṁ taṁ śaraṇaṁ prapadyē || 4 ||
Meaning: Vedantavedya, the Lord of the worlds
It is worshiped by gods and others and is attainable only by good deeds.
Stamber’s face is indeed a moon-crowned one
I take refuge in that Vinayaka.
भक्तं स्वकीयं परिषिञ्चते यः ।
वन्दे गणेशं च तमोऽरिनेत्रम् ॥ ५ ॥bhavākhyadāvānaladahyamānaṁ
bhaktaṁ svakīyaṁ pariṣiñcatē yaḥ |
vandē gaṇēśaṁ ca tamō:’rinētram || 5 ||
Meaning: burning in the forest fire called Bhava
He who sprinkles His own devotee.
It is incomparable to the waters flowing from the cheeks
I offer my obeisances to Lord Ganesha, the eye of darkness and enemies.
शिवस्य मौलाववलोक्य चन्द्रं
सुशुण्डया मुग्धतया स्वकीयम् ।
भग्नं विषाणं परिभाव्य चित्ते
आकृष्टचन्द्रो गणपोऽवतान्नः ॥ ६ ॥śivasya maulāvavalōkya candraṁ
suśuṇḍayā mugdhatayā svakīyam |
bhagnaṁ viṣāṇaṁ paribhāvya cittē
ākr̥ṣṭacandrō gaṇapō:’vatānnaḥ || 6 ||
Meaning: Looking at the moon at the crown of Shiva
Sushunda, fascinated by her own.
Contemplating a broken horn in my mind
May the moon attracted by Ganesha protect us.
पितुर्जटाजूटतटे सदैव
भागीरथी तत्र कुतूहलेन ।
विहर्तुकामः स महीध्रपुत्र्या
निवारितः पातु सदा गजास्यः ॥ ७ ॥piturjaṭājūṭataṭē sadaiva
bhāgīrathī tatra kutūhalēna |
vihartukāmaḥ sa mahīdhraputryā
nivāritaḥ pātu sadā gajāsyaḥ || 7 ||
Meaning: Always on the banks of the father’s matted hair
Bhagirathi there with curiosity.
He wanted to play with the daughter of the mountain
May the elephant’s face always protect me when I am prevented.
लम्बोदरो देवकुमारसङ्घैः
क्रीडन्कुमारं जितवान्निजेन ।
करेण चोत्तोल्य ननर्त रम्यं
दन्तावलास्यो भयतः स पायात् ॥ ८ ॥lambōdarō dēvakumārasaṅghaiḥ
krīḍankumāraṁ jitavānnijēna |
karēṇa cōttōlya nanarta ramyaṁ
dantāvalāsyō bhayataḥ sa pāyāt || 8 ||
Meaning: Lambodara with hosts of gods and princes
Playing, he won the boy by his own.
She lifted him with her hand and danced beautifully
The toothpick should be protected from fear.
आगत्य योच्चैर्हरिनाभिपद्मं
ददर्श तत्राशु करेण तच्च ।
मुमोच भूत्वा चतुरो गणेशः ॥ ९ ॥āgatya yōccairharinābhipadmaṁ
dadarśa tatrāśu karēṇa tacca |
mumōca bhūtvā caturō gaṇēśaḥ || 9 ||
Meaning: He came and shouted at the lotus of the deer
He saw it there quickly with his hand.
wishing to lift the legal argument statement
Ganesha became four and released him.
निरन्तरं संस्कृतदानपट्टे
लग्नां तु गुञ्जद्भ्रमरावलीं वै ।
तं श्रोत्रतालैरपसारयन्तं
स्मरेद्गजास्यं निजहृत्सरोजे ॥ १० ॥nirantaraṁ saṁskr̥tadānapaṭ-ṭē
lagnāṁ tu guñjadbhramarāvalīṁ vai |
taṁ śrōtratālairapasārayantaṁ
smarēdgajāsyaṁ nijahr̥tsarōjē || 10 ||
Meaning: Continuously on the Sanskrit donation board
There was a row of bees buzzing in the woods.
dispersing him with the rhythm of his ears
One should remember the face of the elephant in the lotus of his heart.
जलं गृहीत्वा निजपुष्करेण ।
हरं सलीलं पितरं स्वकीयं
प्रपूजयन्हस्तिमुखः स पायात् ॥ ११ ॥viśvēśamaulisthitajahnukanyā
jalaṁ gr̥hītvā nijapuṣkarēṇa |
haraṁ salīlaṁ pitaraṁ svakīyaṁ
prapūjayanhastimukhaḥ sa pāyāt || 11 ||
Meaning: Visveshmaulisthitajahnukanya
He took water from his own pond.
Harm is his playful father
Worshiping the elephant-faced Lord, he should drink.
स्तम्बेरमास्यं घुसृणाङ्गरागं
सिन्दूरपूरारुणकान्तकुम्भम् ।
कुचन्दनाश्लिष्टकरं गणेशं
ध्यायेत्स्वचित्ते सकलेष्टदं तम् ॥ १२ ॥stambēramāsyaṁ ghusr̥ṇāṅgarāgaṁ
sindūrapūrāruṇakāntakumbham |
kucandanāśliṣṭakaraṁ gaṇēśaṁ
dhyāyētsvacittē sakalēṣṭadaṁ tam || 12 ||
Meaning: Stamber’s face is a ragged scent
Ganesha embracing the bad sandalwood
One should meditate within one’s mind on Him who bestows all desires.
स भीष्ममातुर्निजपुष्करेण
जलं समादाय कुचौ स्वमातुः ।
प्रक्षालयामास षडास्यपीतौ
स्वार्थं मुदेऽसौ कलभाननोऽस्तु ॥ १३ ॥sa bhīṣmamāturnijapuṣkarēṇa
jalaṁ samādāya kucau svamātuḥ |
prakṣālayāmāsa ṣaḍāsyapītau
svārthaṁ mudē:’sau kalabhānanō:’stu || 13 ||
Meaning: He was Bhishma’s mother with her own lake
He took the water and placed it on his mother’s breast.
He washed the six-faced yellow
Let him have a face like a pitchfork in his selfish joy.
सिञ्चाम नागं शिशुभावमाप्तं
केनापि सत्कारणतो धरित्र्याम् ।
वक्तारमाद्यं नियमादिकानां
लोकैकवन्द्यं प्रणमामि विघ्नम् ॥ १४ ॥siñcāma nāgaṁ śiśubhāvamāptaṁ
kēnāpi satkāraṇatō dharitryām |
vaktāramādyaṁ niyamādikānāṁ
lōkaikavandyaṁ praṇamāmi vighnam || 14 ||
Meaning: We watered the snake, which had become a baby
For some good reason on earth.
The speaker is the first of the rules and so on
I offer my obeisances to the one who is worshiped by the world and who is the only obstacle.
आलिङ्गितं चारुरुचा मृगाक्ष्या
सम्भोगलोलं मदविह्वलाङ्गम् ।
नमामि कान्तं द्विरदाननं तम् ॥ १५ ॥āliṅgitaṁ cārurucā mr̥gākṣyā
sambhōgalōlaṁ madavihvalāṅgam |
namāmi kāntaṁ dviradānanaṁ tam || 15 ||
Meaning: Embraced by the charming deer-eyed
The body was overwhelmed with intoxication, rocking with orgasm.
One attached to the destruction of the flood of obstacles
I offer my obeisances to that beloved elephant-giver.
हेरम्ब उद्यद्रविकोटिकान्तः
पञ्चाननेनापि विचुम्बितास्यः ।
मुनीन्सुरान्भक्तजनांश्च सर्वा-
-न्स पातु रथ्यासु सदा गजास्यः ॥ १६ ॥hēramba udyadravikōṭikāntaḥ
pañcānanēnāpi vicumbitāsyaḥ |
munīnsurānbhaktajanāṁśca sarvā-
-nsa pātu rathyāsu sadā gajāsyaḥ || 16 ||
Meaning: Heramba is the end of the rising liquid crore
His face was kissed by the five faces.
sages, gods, devotees and all-
May the elephant-faced always protect -ns in the streets.
द्वैपायनोक्तानि स निश्चयेन
स्वदन्तकोट्या निखिलं लिखित्वा ।
दन्तं पुराणं शुभमिन्दुमौलि-
-स्तपोभिरुग्रं मनसा स्मरामि ॥ १७ ॥dvaipāyanōktāni sa niścayēna
svadantakōṭyā nikhilaṁ likhitvā |
dantaṁ purāṇaṁ śubhamindumauli-
-stapōbhirugraṁ manasā smarāmi || 17 ||
Meaning: He certainly said the Dvaipayanas
Writing it all down with the crown of your teeth.
Tooth old auspicious moon crown-
-I remember with my mind the severe austerities.
क्रीडातटान्ते जलधाविभास्ये
वेलाजले लम्बपतिः प्रभीतः ।
विचिन्त्य कस्येति सुरास्तदा तं
विश्वेश्वरं वाग्भिरभिष्टुवन्ति ॥ १८ ॥krīḍātaṭāntē jaladhāvibhāsyē
vēlājalē lambapatiḥ prabhītaḥ |
vicintya kasyēti surāstadā taṁ
viśvēśvaraṁ vāgbhirabhiṣṭuvanti || 18 ||
Meaning: I will shine in the water at the end of the playground
The long-haired man was afraid in the waters of the shore.
Then the gods wondered who it was
They praise the Lord of the universe with their words.
वाचां निमित्तं स निमित्तमाद्यं
पदं त्रिलोक्यामददत्स्तुतीनाम् ।
सर्वैश्च वन्द्यं न च तस्य वन्द्यः
स्थाणोः परं रूपमसौ स पायात् ॥ १९ ॥vācāṁ nimittaṁ sa nimittamādyaṁ
padaṁ trilōkyāmadadatstutīnām |
sarvaiśca vandyaṁ na ca tasya vandyaḥ
sthāṇōḥ paraṁ rūpamasau sa pāyāt || 19 ||
Meaning: He is the cause of speech, the cause of the first
He gave them a place in the three worlds of praise.
And he is worthy of worship by all and not worthy of his worship
He should protect the supreme form of the sthāṇa.
इमां स्तुतिं यः पठतीह भक्त्या
समाहितप्रीतिरतीव शुद्धः ।
संसेव्यते चेन्दिरया नितान्तं
दारिद्र्यसङ्घं स विदारयेन्नः ॥ २० ॥imāṁ stutiṁ yaḥ paṭhatīha bhaktyā
samāhitaprītiratīva śuddhaḥ |
saṁsēvyatē cēndirayā nitāntaṁ
dāridryasaṅghaṁ sa vidārayēnnaḥ || 20 ||
Meaning: He who recites this praise here with devotion
Concentrated love is very pure.
It is served by Chendira absolutely
He will tear us apart from the crowd of poverty.
इति श्रीरुद्रयामलतन्त्रे हरगौरीसंवादे उच्छिष्ट गणेश स्तोत्रं समाप्तम् ।
iti śrīrudrayāmalatantrē haragaurīsaṁvādē ucchiṣṭa gaṇēśa stōtraṁ samāptam |
Meaning: This is the complete Ganesha stotra left over from the conversation between Har and Gauri in the Śrī Rudra-yāmala-tantra.