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Kshetrapati Suktam
क्षेत्रस्य पतिना वयं हितेनेव जयामसि ।
गामश्वं पोषयित्न्वा स नो मृळातीदृशे ॥१॥k͟hssetrasya Patinā Vayam ḥitene[a-ī]va Jayāmasi |
ġām-āśvam Possayitnvā Sa ṇo ṃrllātī-ḍrśe ||1||
Meaning: We invoke the lord of the kshetra (i.e. lord of the field) by whose grace indeed we prosper, may he through his gracious look increase our cattle and horses.
क्षेत्रस्य पते मधुमन्तमूर्मिं धेनुरिव पयो अस्मासु धुक्ष्व ।
मधुश्चुतं घृतमिव सुपूतमृतस्य नः पतयो मृळयन्तु ॥२॥k͟hssetrasya Pate ṃadhumantam-ūurmim ḍhenur-īva Payo āsmāsu ḍhukssva |
ṃadhuś-Cutam ġhrtam-īva Supūtam-ṟtasya ṇah Patayo ṃrllayantu ||2||
Meaning: O lord of the kshetra (field), with the sweet waves of mother nature’s blessings, may you milk our fields like the milk of a cow (i.e. yield abundant harvest), with the sweetness of rita (mother nature’s divine law confering bounty), which falls like clarified butter, may you shed your grace on us.
मधुमतीरोषधीर्द्याव आपो मधुमन्नो भवत्वन्तरिक्षम् ।
क्षेत्रस्य पतिर्मधुमान्नो अस्त्वरिष्यन्तो अन्वेनं चरेम ॥३॥ṃadhumatīr-ŏssadhīr-ḍyāva āapo ṃadhuman-ṇo Bhavatv[u]-āntarikssam |
k͟hssetrasya Patir-ṃadhumān-ṇo āstv[u]-ārissyanto ānvenam Carema ||3||
Meaning: May the plants be sweet (i.e. filled with nature’s purity), may the sky be sweet (i.e. filled with nature’s purity), may the waters be sweet (i.e. filled with nature’s purity), and may the space be sweet (i.e. filled with nature’s purity) to us. May the lord of the kshetra (field) be sweet to us, and may we be devoted followers of him (i.e. take recourse to nature’s bounty and prosper).
शुनं वाहाः शुनं नरः शुनं कृषतु लाङ्गलम् ।
शुनं वरत्रा बध्यन्तां शुनमष्ट्रामुदिङ्गय ॥४॥ṣunam Vāhāh ṣunam ṇarah ṣunam k͟hrssatu l̤ānggalam |
ṣunam Varatrā Badhyantām ṣunam-āssttrām-ūdinggaya ||4||
Meaning: May the oxen drawing the plough bring welfare and prosperity to all, may the farmer driving the oxen bring welfare and prosperity to all, may the plough making furrows bring welfare and prosperity to all, may the strap binding the plough bring welfare and prosperity to all, and may the goad swinging towards the oxen bring welfare and prosperity to all.
शुनासीराविमां वाचं जुषेथां यद्दिवि चक्रथुः पयः ।
तेनेमामुप सिञ्चतम् ॥५॥
ṣunā-Sīra-āvi-ṃām Vācam Jussethām ẏad-ḍivi Cakrathuh Payah |
ṭena-īmām-ūpa Sin.catam ||5||
Meaning: May Shuna and Shira (deities of the farmers) who created waters (i.e. clouds) in the sky be pleased with our prayers, and by it (i.e. by the clouds), (may they) sprinkle waters (in our fields as rains).
अर्वाची सुभगे भव सीते वन्दामहे त्वा ।
यथा नः सुभगाससि यथा नः सुफलाससि ॥६॥ārvācī Subhage Bhava Sīte Vandāmahe ṭvā |
ẏathā ṇah Subhagās-āsi ẏathā ṇah Suphalās-āsi ||6||
Meaning: O devi Sita, turn towards us and be gracious, we extol and worship you. This is Sita of Rig veda which is much earlier than Ramayana. So that you become favourable to us (by showering your blessings), so that you become the source of abundant harvest.
इन्द्रः सीतां नि गृह्णातु तां पूषानु यच्छतु ।
सा नः पयस्वती दुहामुत्तरामुत्तरां समाम् ॥७॥īndrah Sītām ṇi ġrhnnātu ṭām Pūssānu ẏaccatu |
Sā ṇah Payasvatī ḍuhām-ūttarām-ūttarām Samām ||7||
Meaning: May Indra take hold of the furrows (while we plough), and may pushan sustain her (i.e sustain the furrows), may she (i.e. mother earth) who is full of milk, yield us abundant crops year after year.
शुनं नः फाला वि कृषन्तु भूमिं शुनं कीनाशा अभि यन्तु वाहैः ।
शुनं पर्जन्यो मधुना पयोभीः शुनासीरा शुनमस्मासु धत्तम् ॥८॥ṣunam ṇah Phālā Vi k͟hrssantu Bhūmim ṣunam k͟hīnāśā ābhi ẏantu Vāhaih |
ṣunam Parjanyo ṃadhunā Payobhīh ṣunā-Sīrā ṣunam-āsmāsu ḍhattam ||8||
Meaning: May the plough share making furrows on the earth bring welfare and prosperity to all, may the farmer driving the oxen bring welfare and prosperity to all, may parjanya (the rain god) by giving sweet rains (i.e. pure rain waters) bring welfare and prosperity to all, and may Shuna and Shira bestow welfare and prosperity to all of us.