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Lakshmi Suprabhatam
मातः प्रसन्नवदनाम्बुजनिर्जिताग्रे
क्षिराब्धिजे सकललोकपवित्रमूर्ते ।
आर्तः प्रपन्नजनवन्दितपादपद्मे
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१॥Maatah Prasanna-Vadana-Ambuja-Nirjita-Agre
Kssira-Abdhi-Je Sakala-Loka-Pavitra-Muurte |
Aartah Prapanna-Jana-Vandita-Paada-Padme
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||1||
Meaning: O Mother, His gentle Lotus face that won our hearts at first,
Who was born in the Milky Ocean, and Who is the epitome of purity all over the world,
Their Lotus Feet served by the poor and those seeking refuge in life; They Sing Your Glory This Morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this beautiful Morning be spent in Your meditation.
सद्योविकासि कुसुमेषु सुगन्धमत्ताः
गायन्ति मातरमितं भ्रमरा यशस्ते ।
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२॥
Sadyo-Vikaasi Kusumessu Sugandha-Mattaah
Gaayanti Maatar-Amitam Bhramaraa Yashas-Te |
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||2||
Meaning: Inside the Fresh Flowers, Drunk With Their Scent, …
… countless bees sing your glory, Mother,
That Beautiful Sound Awakens The Universe (this Morning Morning); Bees sing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
स्नात्वामलः सुरगजः सुरदीर्घिकायां
शुण्डोधृताब्जविलसद्वदनेन तूर्णम् ।
सन्तिष्ठते गृहमुखे तव भक्तवर्यः
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥३॥
Snaatvaa-[A]malah Sura-Gajah Sura-Diirghi-Kaayaam
Shunnddo-Dhrta-Abja-Vilasad-Vadanena Tuurnnam |
Santisstthate Grha-Mukhe Tava Bhakta-Varyah
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||3||
Meaning: After Bathing Your Pure Form (early morning), Divine Elephants, with large Divine bodies, …
… lift up the Lotus Flowers and Their Stems, around Your Glorious Face,
And I stand at the door of Your temple, Your beautiful worshipers (they worship in front of this image); Devotees sing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
शोभां तवैव वदनस्य सदा नवीनां
सम्प्राप्य भानुरिह लोकतमःप्रहन्ता ।
प्राचीं दिशं भजति सोऽपि तवैव भक्तः
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥४॥
Shobhaam Tavai[a-E]va Vadanasya Sadaa Naviinaam
Sampraapya Bhaanur-Iha Loka-Tamah-Prahantaa |
Praaciim Disham Bhajati So-[A]pi Tavai[a-E]va Bhaktah
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||4||
Meaning: From the Glory of Your Face, which is always New and Young; …
… The very sun in this world is the quality of dispersing the Darkness; …
… and rises from the East; That Glory Is Your Devoted Devotion (Sun); Devotees sing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
पद्मानि सन्ति रुचिराणि मनोहराणि
वायुस्तथा वहति मन्दगतिः प्रभाते ।
चेतोहरीह सुषमा प्रकृतेस्तवेयं
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥५॥
Padmaani Santi Ruciraanni Manoharaanni
Vaayus-Tathaa Vahati Manda-Gatih Prabhaate |
Cetohari-Iha Sussamaa Prakrtes-Tave[a-I]yam
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||5||
Meaning: The bright Lotus that lives (in the pond) captures my mind (reminds me of You), …
As the breeze and the breeze cool this morning;
(I’m Lost In Your Thinking) in the midst of this Beauty That Steals the Heart of Your Being; The whole universe sings Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
पूर्वाद्रिसानुशिखरात् क्रमतिष्ठितोऽयं
भानुः क्षणं लसति देवि महाप्रकाशः ।
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥६॥
Puurva-Adri-Saanu-Shikharaat Krama-Tisstthito-[A]yam
Bhaanuh Kssannam Lasati Devi Mahaa-Prakaashah |
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||6||
Meaning: The Mountain Peaks series is located in the East, and …
… The rising sun shines for a moment, revealing O Devi, Thy Great Light;
Looks like Your Form shines with the Glory of the Diadem (similar to the Mountains); Mountain Peaks sings Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
त्वद्दर्शनार्थमभियान्ति सुरेन्द्रमुख्याः
देवास्त्वदीयपदपङ्कजदत्तचित्ताः ।
आयोज्य तान् लससि कर्मचये त्वमेव
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥७॥
Tvad-Darshana-Artham-Abhiyaanti Sure[a-I]ndra-Mukhyaah
Devaas-Tvadiiya-Pada-Pangkaja-Datta-Cittaah |
Aayojya Taan Lasasi Karma-Caye Tvam-Eva
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||7||
Meaning: (O Mama) Through your Darshana, Head of Devas move on to Your Presence,
The Devas then offer their hearts to your Lotus feet,
Collecting those (i.e. Accepting those donations) You Are Really Making Their Works Light (i.e. You Are Giving Their Works Your Strength and Blessings); Devas sings Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
प्रत्यग्रपुष्पनिचयं स्वकरैर्गृहित्वा
त्वत्पूजनाय मनुजा धृतशुभ्रवस्त्राः ।
आयान्ति मन्दिरमितस्तव भक्तियुक्ताः
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥८॥
Pratyagra-Pusspa-Nicayam Sva-Karair-Grhitvaa
Tvat-Puujanaaya Manujaa Dhrta-Shubhra-Vastraah |
Aayaanti Mandiram-Itas-Tava Bhakti-Yuktaah
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||8||
Meaning: Collecting New Flowers by Human Hands …
… of Your worship; People in White Dress …
… coming to Your temple, focusing on Your devotion; They Sing Your Glory This Morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
पद्मप्रिये रुचिरपद्ममुखी स्मितासि
पद्मालये विजितपद्मविभेत्रि तन्वि ।
त्वं पाहि नूनमनिशं जनतां भयार्तेः
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥९॥
Padma-Priye Rucira-Padma-Mukhii Smitaasi
Padma-[A]alaye Vijita-Padma-Vibhetri Tanvi |
Tvam Paahi Nuunam-Anisham Janataam Bhayaarteh
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||9||
Meaning: O He Who Loves the Loved One; Who has the face of the Beautiful Lotus Blossoming With A Smile,
Who Has Won the Abode of Lotus in His Form by Dividing the Lotus (sitting in the center) (with leaves from all sides),
(O Mother) Please Protect People, Always (Who Are Your Children); (Your Children) Who Are Always Afraid of Fear; Who worships you by singing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
अम्ब त्वमेव जगतां प्रतिमा रिरिक्षुः
नित्योऽर्पिता लससि शश्वतधर्मगोप्त्री ।
त्वामाश्रिता जहति दुःखचयं हि भक्ताः
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१०॥
Amba Tvam-Eva Jagataam Pratimaa Ririkssuh
Nityor-[A]rpitaa Lasasi Shashvata-Dharma-Goptrii |
Tvaam-Aashritaa Jahati Duhkha-Cayam Hi Bhaktaah
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||10||
Meaning: O Mother, those who desire to be cleansed (and delivered) from this world, indeed hold fast to Thy Image,
They are devoted to You forever, and You make them shine as the Protector of Eternal Dharma,
Such devotees under Your protection, indeed destroy the source of sorrow in life; They, the pure in heart, sing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
मातर्मदीयहृदये सदयं वसाना
मज्जीवनं हि कुरु सार्थकमात्मदीत्या ।
त्वामाश्रितो भवति नैव विपद्भयार्तः
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥११॥
Maatar-Madiiya-Hrdaye Sadayam Vasaanaa
Maj-Jiivanam Hi Kuru Saarthakam-Aatmadiityaa |
Tvaam-Aashrito Bhavati Nai[a-E]va Vipad-Bhayaartah
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||11||
Meaning: O Mother, please remain in my heart as a Compassionate Mother,
And Make My Life Meaningful And Glorious; Glorious in the light of Aatman,
Under Your Refuge, Human Life really cannot be lost and ruled by Fear; So I sing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
त्वं श्रीहरेर्हृदयमेव सदाऽऽश्रितासि
प्रीतिं ततो वहसि लोकशुभाय मातः ।
तत्प्रेममूर्तिरभयं सदयं तनोषि
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१२॥
Tvam Shrii-Harer-Hrdayam-Eva Sadaa-[Aa]shrita-Asi
Priitim Tato Vahasi Loka-Shubhaaya Maatah |
Tat-Prema-Muurtir-Abhayam Sadayam Tanossi
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||12||
Meaning: Truly you abide (in love) abiding in the Heart of Sri Hari,
And from then on, O Mother, let Thy mercy flow to the Welfare of the World,
That Your Kind of Love Spreaded Fearlessness and Compassion; Remembering the form I sang Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
श्रिमन् तनोषि जगतां दयया दयाब्धे ।
वात्सल्यमूर्तिरसि सन्तत लोकमाता
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१३॥
Shriman Tanossi Jagataam Dayayaa Daya-Abdhe |
Vaatsalya-Muurtir-Asi Santata Loka-Maataa
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||13||
Meaning: By Looking at Your Eyes its curves radiate moisture (of Mercy), …
… Sriman Narayana Spreads Himself on Earth (as if by Your Eyes) in a Compassionate Way; O You Who Are the Sea of Compassion,
He is the image of the Eternal Love, and the Mother of the Earth; I Remember Your Compassionate Eyes, I Sing Your Glory This Morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
भानुश्चकास्ति गगने सतत प्रकाशः ।
नित्यं न भक्तबलिनी जलमध्यभागे
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१४॥
Bhaanush-Ca-Ka-Asti Gagane Satata Prakaashah |
Nityam Na Bhakta-Balinii Jala-Madhya-Bhaage
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||14||
Meaning: Your Sun-shaped eyes are like a totally inflated Lotus seat,
Which Sun is in the sky (like this) always shining (Protecting the Volunteers)?
He is the constant Protector of the devoted when they go astray in the midst of the Water (that is, when they are plunged into misery in life); So devotees sing Your Glory so early this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
मन्दस्मिताङ्कुरविभा कमनीयशोभः
चन्द्रो विभाति रुचिरो नभसि प्रदीप्तः ।
त्वन्मन्दहास इव भाति हि चन्द्रिकेयं
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१५॥
Manda-Smita-Angkura-Vibhaa Kamaniiya-Shobhah
Candro Vibhaati Ruciro Nabhasi Pradiiptah |
Tvan-Manda-Haasa Iva Bhaati Hi Candrikeyam
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||15||
Meaning: (With) Sprout For Your Gentle, Glossy and Lovely Smile With Its Beauty, …
… He made the beautiful, shining moon break the darkness of the sky, and make it shine,
Your Gentle Smile Really Shines Like The Shine Of The Moon; Meditation on which I sing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
त्वन्निर्मलेषु हृदयेषु सदैव रूढा
तत्संपदं च सततं द्विगुणां करोषि ।
सम्पन्नता त्वमसि मङ्गलदेवि मातः
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१६॥
Tvan-Nirmalessu Hrdayessu Sadai[(aa-E)]va Ruuddhaa
Tat-Sampadam Ca Satatam Dvi-Gunnaam Karossi |
Sampannataa Tvam-Asi Manggala-Devi Maatah
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||16||
Meaning: Your Form of Understanding Always Exists in a Pure and Innocent Heart,
That Wealth (of Purity of Heart), You Increase All (By Your Kindness),
You Are the Achievement (which seems to fill the Heart), O Loving Mother; I feel that fill my heart, singing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
आजन्मनः सकललोकविशिष्टवाञ्छाः
सम्पूर्य मोक्षमपि देवि त्वमेव तत्से ।
त्वामाश्रितोऽस्मि वरदायिनि लोकमातः
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१७॥
Aajanmanah Sakala-Loka-Vishisstta-Vaan.chaah
Sampuurya Mokssam-Api Devi Tvam-Eva Tatse |
Tvaam-Aashrito-[A]smi Vara-Daayini Loka-Maatah
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||17||
Meaning: During our life journey from birth to birth in all Lokas (Earths), all our special wishes …
… Truly You Do It, even Moksha (Freedom), O Devi,
I Am Under Your Refuge, O Boer and Mother Earth; Thank You for Your Grace, I sing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
नारायणस्य परिपूर्णमहत्स्वरूपे
नारायणि प्रियतरे कुरु मान्त्रितार्थम् ।
त्वं श्रीहरिप्रियतमासि तदीयचित्ता
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१८॥
Naaraayannasya Paripuurnna-Mahat-Svaruupe
Naaraayanni Priyatare Kuru Maantrita-Artham |
Tvam Shriihari-Priyatama-Asi Tadiiya-Cittaa
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||18||
Meaning: Within the Extensive Fullness of Sriman Narayana’s Great Awareness, …
… He is a Nazarene, His Beloved Part; May you be there for the purpose of being persuaded by our songs,
You remain the beloved of Sri Hari, and Your Heart is always united to Him; I Meditate On You In The Heart Of Sri Hari, I Sing Of Your Glory This Morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
नारायणस्तव सदा रमते हृदब्जे ।
तत्प्रेममूर्तिरसि देवि सदैव मातः
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥१९॥
Naaraayannas-Tava Sadaa Ramate Hrd-Abje |
Tat-Prema-Muurtir-Asi Devi Sadai[aa-E]va Maatah
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||19||
Meaning: With His eyes full of love and a focused heart (for you), …
… Sriman Narayana always enjoys You within the Lotus of His Heart,
That Manifestation of Love, O Devi, is always there for You as the Mother (pouring out His children); I meditate on that Love, singing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
पश्यात्र देवि मुनिलोकमविप्रपन्नं
श्रीसूक्तमन्त्रजपकोटिपवित्रचित्तम् ।
पायात्तमुग्रतपसं तव भक्तिपूतं
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२०॥
Pashya-Atra Devi Muni-Lokam-Aviprapannam
Shrii-Suukta-Mantra-Japa-Kotti-Pavitra-Cittam |
Paayaat-Tam-Ugra-Tapasam Tava Bhakti-Puutam
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||20||
Meaning: See you there, O Devi, Supplier to Muni Loka (World of Scholars), …
… Singing Sri Sukta Mantra Millions of Times with Purified Heart;
… That Heart That Is Protected (i.e. Nourished) With Great Repentance To You, And Purified By Your Devotion; I see those Munis providers singing and singing Your Glories, I sing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
पृथ्वी_जलं_तपन_वायु_नभांसि चापि
त्वामाश्रितानि खलु कर्म सुशक्तिकानि ।
सर्वं तवैव महिमेति श्रुति समित्ते
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२१॥
Prthvii_Jalam_Tapana_Vaayu_Nabhaamsi Ca-Api
Tvaam-Aashritaani Khalu Karma Sushaktikaani |
Sarvam Tavai[a-E]va Mahime[aa-I]ti Shruti Samitte
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||21||
Meaning: Earth (Prthvi), Water (Jala), Fire (Tapana), Wind (Vayu) and Sky (Nabha) …
… they are under Your Refuge, and at Your Great Power,
Thus it is all for Your Glory, said in the Scriptures; fueled by the wood of Knowledge; Seeing You in All Nature, I Sing Thy Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
फुल्लारविन्दनिचये च शिशोश्च हासे ।
त्वं निर्मले वससि देवि सदैव चित्ते
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२२॥
Phulla-Aravinda-Nicaye Ca Shishosh-Ca Haase |
Tvam Nirmale Vasasi Devi Sadai[aa-E]va Citte
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||22||
Meaning: Who is the Model for the Ultimate Purpose of Shrutis (Texts), standing upright (i.e. visible) within the Lotus-Abode of the Mind,
His Purity is seen between the Blossoming Lotus and the Laughter of the Child,
Truly you always, O Devi, within the purity of the heart; Contemplating that Purity, I sing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
लक्ष्मि स्वयं वससि शुद्धधनेऽत्र लोके
धान्ये तथैव विजये स्वपराक्रमाप्ते ।
ज्ञाने च शान्तिसहिते परिपूर्णरूपे
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२३॥
Lakssmi Svayam Vasasi Shuddha-Dhane-[A]tra Loke
Dhaanye Tathai[aa-E]va Vijaye Sva-Paraakrama-[A]apte |
Jnyaane Ca Shaanti-Sahite Paripuurnna-Ruupe
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||23||
Meaning: O Devi Lakshmi, You yourself dwell in this World of Wealth, which is found in pure ways,
(You Yourself Live In This World) In The Elements Of Food And In The Victory Gain By Human Power.
(You Yourself live in this world) full of knowledge and peace (expressed in the human heart); Meditating on Your Presence, I sing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
सायन्तने वससि निर्मलगोसमूहे
वत्सप्रिये शिशुषु दोहनकर्मसक्ते ।
दुग्धेऽपिगोरिहसता परिपोषरूपा
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२४॥
Saayantane Vasasi Nirmala-Go-Samuuhe
Vatsa-Priye Shishussu Dohana-Karma-Sakte |
Dugdhe-[A]pi-Gor-Iha-Sataa Paripossa-Ruupaa
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||24||
Meaning: In the evening, he lives among the clean cows (to be milked),
(Dwells) inside the Mother Cow Love, during milking (milking),
(Finally you stay) within the beauty of Cow’s milk itself, in the form of Food; Contemplating Your Feeding Feature, I Sing Your Glory This Morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
त्वं पर्वतेषु परिरम्यशिखिस्थलेषु
पुष्पादिकेषु निबिडेषु वनस्थलेषु ।
मन्दाकिनीषु तटिनीषु जलस्थलेषु
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२५॥
Tvam Parvatessu Pariramya-Shikhi-Sthalessu
Pusspa-[A]adikessu Nibiddessu Vana-Sthalessu |
Mandaakiniissu Tattiniissu Jala-Sthalessu
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||25||
Meaning: (O Devi) You are in the Mountains, among the regions of Your Beautiful Peaks (where Beauty and Purity are manifested),
It is present in Flowers and other (Vegetation) regions of the Dense Forest (where Beauty and Purity are manifested),
It is located on the Mandakini River, between the banks of its banks and the Flowing Water (where Beauty and Purity are expressed); Contemplating those aspects of Nature, I sing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
प्राणादि संयमपरेषु सदा हृदन्ते
नारायणस्पृतिपरेषु च मानवेषु ।
मातः सदा लससि बोधमहतरूपा
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२६॥
Praanna-[A]adi Samyama-Paressu Sadaa Hrd-Ante
Naaraayanna-Sprti-Paressu Ca Maanavessu |
Maatah Sadaa Lasasi Bodha-Mahata-Ruupaa
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||26||
Meaning: (O Mother) When a man controls Prana (from grabbing, and trying to sink into its fountain), He manifests itself in the heart as Eternal Consciousness,
And when one uses them in the thought of Narayana, He manifests to men as devotion,
O Mother, You are always (alone) manifesting yourself in the form of that great (Spiritual Resurrection) (when one uses them properly in a spiritual way); I meditate on that resurrection, singing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
त्वामाश्रितो जगति पुण्यफलं समस्तं
सम्प्राप्नुते तदनुमोक्षपदं प्रविन्ते ।
त्वामाश्रितश्च मधुसूदनमाश्रितः सन्
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२७॥
Tvaam-Aashrito Jagati Punnya-Phalam Samastam
Sampraapnute Tad-Anu-Mokssa-Padam Pravinte |
Tvaam-Aashritash-Ca Madhusuudanam-Aashritah San
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||27||
Meaning: Under Your Refuge, all the Good Fruits are visible on this earth,
And with it, one discovers the Moksha state by meditation,
Under Your Refuge, one finds the Madhusudana Refuge; Under the shadow of Your Refuge, I sing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
सम्प्रत्यहो मनुजबुद्धिरतीव दुष्टा
सम्पत्फलाय कुरुते खलु दुष्टयत्ना ।
संस्कार्य ताञ्च जननीव समुद्धरेस्त्वं
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२८॥
Sampratyaho Manuja-Buddhir-Atiiva Dussttaa
Sampat-Phalaaya Kurute Khalu Dusstta-Yatnaa |
Samskaarya Taan.-Ca Janani-Iva Samuddhares-Tvam
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||28||
Meaning: If a person has been extremely Wise, every day (thinking of You for deliverance),
Who said that for the sake of gaining wealth, he might actually do many evil deeds,
You still love Mama fix her, set her free (in life); When I Think Of Your Compassion, I Sing Thy Glory This Morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
न त्वां विना मनुजजन्मफलं जगत्यां
सम्प्राप्नुयां सकलं विकला स्वशक्त्या ।
तस्मात्त्वमेव परिपाहि दयां कुरुष्व
श्रीदेवि लक्ष्मि भवतात् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥२९॥
Na Tvaam Vinaa Manuja-Janma-Phalam Jagatyaam
Sampraapnuyaam Sakalam Vikalaa Sva-Shaktyaa |
Tasmaat-Tvam-Eva Paripaahi Dayaam Kurussva
Shrii-Devi Lakssmi Bhavataat Tava Suprabhaatam ||29||
Meaning: (O Mother) Without You (i.e. without Commitment to You), the Fruit of Human Birth (i.e. Human Life) on this Earth …
Therefore, You have graciously protected us and extended Your Compassion (covering our lives with Your devotion); I seek Your mercy, I sing Your Glory this morning:
O Sri Devi Lakshmi, May this Good Morning be spent in Your Worship;
O Mother, may this Good Morning be spent in Your meditation.
सकलविमलसम्पद्वृद्धिरूपा च लक्ष्मीः ।
लसतु मम हृदब्जे पूर्णबोधात्मना सा
दिशतु च भुवि सर्वं योग्यमात्यान्तिकं च ॥३०॥
Sakala-Vimala-Sampad-Vrddhi-Ruupaa Ca Lakssmiih |
Lasatu Mama Hrd-Abje Puurnna-Bodha-[A]atmanaa Saa
Dishatu Ca Bhuvi Sarvam Yogyam-Aatyaantikam Ca ||30||
Meaning: Looking to the side of Madhusudana (i.e., Lord Vishnu) which is the Place of Love,
(Also) Who is Lakshmi, His View of the World which expands all Wealth (internal and external) based on Purity,
(O Mama) May You shine within the Lotus of my heart in the form of the fullness of Knowledge from Atman,
And lead me into this world in all my endeavors; guide me in the right path over time.
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ।
Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.
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