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Stotras of Lord Hanuman
1. Anjani Garbha Sambhuta
अंजनीगर्भ संभूत कपीन्द्र सचिवोत्तम ।
रामप्रिय नमस्तुभ्यं हनुमन् रक्ष सर्वदा ॥añjanīgarbha sambhūta kapīndra sacivottama |
rāmapriya namastubhyaṃ hanuman rakṣa sarvadā ||
Meaning: I seek shelter in Hanuman, who was born from mother Anjani’s womb and was the most wonderful minister of the king of monkeys (i.e. Sugriva), who is very devoted to Sri Rama; I bow to you, O Hanuman, please always protect me.
2. Atulita Bala Dhamam
अतुलितबलधामं हेमशैलाभदेहं
दनुजवनकृशानुं ज्ञानिनामग्रगण्यम् ।
सकलगुणनिधानं वानराणामधीशं
रघुपतिप्रियभक्तं वातात्मजं नमामि ॥atulitabaladhāmaṃ hemaśailābhadehaṃ
danujavanakṛśānuṃ jñānināmagragaṇyam |
sakalaguṇanidhānaṃ vānarāṇāmadhīśaṃ
raghupatipriyabhaktaṃ vātātmajaṃ namāmi ||
Meaning:Salutations to Sri Hanuman, who is a storehouse of all good qualities and the master of the monkeys, and whose huge body is like a golden mountain, who is like a raging fire over the forest of demons, and the foremost among the Jnanis (the wise ones), who is a dear devotee of Raghupati (Sri Rama) and the son of Vayudeva; I salute Sri Hanuman.
3. Buddhir Balam Yasho Dhairyam
बुद्धिर्बलं यशोधैर्य निर्भयत्वमरोगता ।
अजाढ्यं वाक्पटुःत्वंच हनुमत् स्मरणाद्भवेत् ॥buddhirbalaṃ yaśodhairya nirbhayatvamarogatā |
ajāḍhyaṃ vākpaṭuḥtvaṃca hanumat smaraṇādbhavet ||
Meaning: Meditation on Hanuman will grant you intelligence, strength, renown, courage, fearlessness, health, sharpness of wit, oratorial and conversational abilities, and so on.
Whoever meditates on Lord Hanuman will be blessed with wisdom, strength, fame, courage, fearlessness, health, tirelessness, word mastery, and many other benefits.
4. Manojavam Marutatulyavegam
मनोजवम् मारुततुल्यवेगम् जितेन्द्रियम् बुद्धिमताम् वरिष्ठम्।
वातात्मजम् वानरयूथमुख्यम् श्रीरामदूतम् शरणम् प्रपद्ये॥Manojavam Marutatulyavegam Jitendriyam Buddhimatam Varishtham।
Vatatmajam Vanarayuthamukhyam Shriramadutam Sharanam Prapadye॥
Meaning: I take shelter in Hanuman, Lord Rama’s messenger, who is as quick as the thought and as swift as the wind. Who is the son of Vayu and the head of the monkey tribe, and who has control over His sense organs and is the most clever among the intelligent ones.
5. Yatra Yatra Raghunatha
यत्र यत्र रघुनाथकीर्तनं तत्र तत्र कृतमस्तकांजलिम् ।
बाष्पवारि परिपूर्ण लोचनं मारुतिं नमत राक्षसांतकम् ।।yatra yatra raghunāthakīrtanaṃ tatra tatra kṛtamastakāṃjalim |
bāṣpavāri paripūrṇa locanaṃ mārutiṃ namata rākṣasāṃtakam ||
Meaning: Wherever there is a hymn in praise of Rama, Hanuman, the terminator of rakshasas, is always present, his head bowed in reverence and eyes streaming with tears of delight.