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Edited and translated by V.D.N.Rao
Rikchekshare param vyoman yamin deva adhi vishve nisheduh yastam na veda kimrichaa karishyati ya it vidusta ime samaasate// Chandaamsi yajnaah katavo vrataani, bhutam bhavyam yaccha Vedaa vadanti, asmaan mayi shrijate vishvam etat tasminshanyo mayaayaa samniruddhaha// Maayaam tu prakritim viddhi, mayinam tu mahesvaram, tasyaavayava bhutaistu vyaaptam sarvam idam jagat//
Of what avail is the study of Rig Veda or for that matter of the knowledge even all the Scriptures since after all such studies are rendered as futile if internal discipline is a discount and awareness of the Supreme is a casuality. Veda knowledge, performance of Rituals and Sacrifices and knowledge of the Supreme are indeed the ingredients of Faith in and constant strife for attainment; and the rest is all the play of Maya. Let it be realised for ever however that the whole Universe is Prakriti and Maya and even the play of Maya is again the play of the Almighty itself! Indeed Ishvara and Shakti are like the parents of the Universe. One should realise that Pakriti creates the worlds of the Real-Unreal Nature, protects them by her own energy of the three gunas and terminates the Universe by her own powers again at the instance of Ishvara and revives too again by her own energies! Thus goes the cycle of Srishti-Sthiti-Samhaara!
Yo yonim adhishthi eko yasmin idam sam cha vichaiti sarvam, tam Ishaanam varadam devam eedyam nichaayyemaam shaanti atyantameti// yo devaanaam prahavashchodbhyascha vishvaadhipo rudro maharsh ih, Hiranyagarbham pashyata jaayamaanam, sa no buddhyaa shubhayaa samyunaktu// Yo devaanaam adhipo yasmin lokaa adhishtiyaah, ya Ishesya dvipaadaschatus padah, kasmai devaayaa havishaa vidhema//
The Singular Parama Shiva is the Originator of Existence of the Beings of the Universe as also of its dissolution and creates it again and again and that Supreme Energy viz. Ishaanam varadam or the only and unfailing source to bestow blessings to all in the Creation; truly indeed, those who understand His excellence would be destined to secure Peace. He is the origin of Devatva or of Devas and the distributor of their celestial powers; it was Rudra who visioned Hiranyagarbha Brahma who is the Supreme Architect and had enabled the machanism of the Cycle of Births, Deaths and Births again! Rudra Deva is also the Over-Lord of Devas besides the two legged and four legged ‘Pashus’ thus having attained the title of Pashupati -naadha’!
Sukshmati-sukshmam kalilasya madhye, vishvasya srashtaaram aneka rupam, vishvasya – ikam pariveshtiraaram jnaatvaa shivam shantim atyantameti// Sa eva kaale bhuvanashya goptaa, vishwa -adhipah sarva bhueshu goodhah, yasmin yuktaa Brahmarshayo Devaascha tam evam jnaatvaa mrityu paashamschinatti// Ghritaat parammanam ivaatisukshmam jatva Shivam sarva bhuteshu guudham vishvasyakam pariveshtitaaram jnaatvaa devam muchyate sarva paashaih// Esha Devo Vishvakarmaa mahatmaa, sadaa janaanaam hridaye sannivishtaah, Hridaa manishaabhi klipto, yad etad vidur amritaaste bhavanti//
Rudra Deva is the ‘Sukshmaati sukshmam’, ‘vishvasya srashtaaram aneka rupam’ or the subtlest of the subtle, the Unique Creator of all the Beings of myriad forms is also the great enveloper of what all one could visualize; realisation of his splendour brings peace for ever. He is the unchallenged protector and the ultimate refuge point of all and the illustrious Sages are able to access Brahman the Final Abode of Bliss even severing the chords of death forever. Just as a thin film conceals the top layer of butter in milk, the embodiment of ‘Shivatva’ or auspiciousness of Shiva is concealed in one’s own inner cave of the body; the ‘ Vishvaikam pariveshtitam’ or that Unique Energy sustaining and filling up the Universe in Totality once recognised and realized is certain to break open the fetters of ‘Samsara’! It is that very ‘Paramatma’ that is right within the concealed as one’s own ‘Antaratma’ as seated in the heart, once visualised in the mind, brings to the frontiers of Immortality!
Yadaa tamastan na divaa na raatrir na sanna chaasacchiva eva kevalah, tadaksharaam tatsavitur varenyam, prajnaa cha tasmaat prashrataa puraani// Naiknam urthvam na chiryanaacham ma madhye na parijagrabhat na tasya pratimaa asti yasya naama mahad yashah// Na samdrishe tishthati rapamasya, na chakshusaa pashyati kashchanainam, hridaa hridishtham manasaa ya enam, evam vidur amritaaste bhavanti// Ajaata iti evam yevam kashchid bheeruh praadyate: Rudra yat te dakshinam mukham tena maam paahi nityam// Maa nas toke tanaye maana aayushi maa no goshu maa no ashvesu reerishah, veeraan maa no Rudra bahmitovadheer havihshmantah sada ittvaa havamahe//
The Supreme is symbolized with absolute identity of the Self as the ‘savitur varenyam’ or of neither darkness nor light but as flood of the highest level of splendour and as typically characterised as neither as a Being or a Non Being but as an entity that is imperishable; this is what the age old belief of Sages and Seekers of the Almighty! ‘Nainam urthvam na tiryancham’ The Inner Self again has no dimensions nor directions; neither above the level nor across, not in the middle nor in accord and simply perplexing and inexplicable. Essentially there is nothing comparable to it and is truly awesome and glorious! Paramesh –wara can never be visible by eyes or mind of commonality but with vision ultimate excepting through heart and mind of purity ‘par excellence’ and of the nature of divinity!! Indeed those who are successful in binding the Highest to one’s heart and mind are blessed and become immortal! Once the concept of high order of devotion and dedication is observed, the hardest barriers of Bhagavan’s gate ways get melted away and dissolved! Thus the prayers of utmost intensity stating most sincere commendations like : ‘Rudra Deva! You are unborn, the most worthy of the worthiest, and the one who is eternal and so on then Parameshwara becomes surely suceptible to yield the fruits of His grace for sure! Shankara is indeed ‘bhakti vashamkara’or is susceptible to devotion and faith and tends to melt away to mortal cries of obsessed prostrations like ‘ maam pahimaam!’ ‘Maa nas toke tanaye maana aayushi’ or RudraDeva! Do never hurt us not either as in my childhood or as grand childhood, penalize not my life; nor my cattle, horses and so on out of your anger’! Indeed, we seek to please you with our oblations through Agni Homas. Paramatma!, be merciful and do protect us for our deeds of omissions and lapses!’
The Truth of the Truth, the paramount Truth:
Ya eko jaanavaan Ishata Ishaanibhih sarvan lokaan Ishata Ishaaneebhih, ya evaika udbhave sabhave cha, ya etad vidur amritaaste bhavanti//Eko hi Rudro na dviteeyayaa tasthurya imaan lokaan Ishataan Ishaaneebhih, pratyan janaan tishthati santukochaanta kaale samshrijya vishvaa bhuvanaani gopaah// Vishvatarchakshur uta vishvato mukho vishvato baahur uta vishvataspaat, sam baahubhyaam dhamati sampatatrair dyaavaa bhumee janayan deva ekah//Yo devaanaam prabhavaschiodbhavashcha vishvaadhipo Rudro marharshih, Hiranya garbham janayaamaas purvam sa no vbuddhya shubhaayaa samyunaktu//
The Great Reality is ever camouflaged by an almost blinding and all enveloping net as positioned firmly and spread across all over the length and breadth of the Universe. This has been cast as Maya the Make Believe and the Supreme Almighty himself is the Originator of this Maya with which He weilds endless powers. Indeed those very blessed ones who are able to vision through this thick screen of a maze become Immortal themselves! This Highest Reality is identified with Maha Deva Rudra who is unique and unparalleled as threre is no place for a second one as the creator, preserver and withdrawer of all the Beings at the end of periodical intervals.Essentially Rudra Maha Deva is the embodimemt of destructive powers while His alternate form is of creation and protection as well but the Utimate Swarupa is of the Great Dissolution! This Single Form is of ‘Atman’ yet the ‘Pratyag Atman’ too; hence the Self as well as the Supreme Self as of being the Rupam rupam pratirupam! This Singularity is the Origin and of ramification or of Plurality or of Multiplication as the Maha Deva is of face to face, an eye to eye, arm by arm, foot by foot and so on. Maha Deva is not only the Creator of the short lived humans downwards but also of the superior embodiments of Celestial Beings too. He as the Unique Supreme is also the originator of the Golden Seed viz. Hiranya Garbha; indeed the emphasis is of Cosmic Form viz. Virat Swarupa and now on Hirayagarbha.
Yaa te Rudra Shiva tanur Aghoraapaapakaashini, tayaa nastanuvaa shantamayaa girishaanta abhichaakasheeh// Yaam Ishuma girishanta haste bibhrarshi astave, Shivam giritra taam kurumaa himsheehi purusham jagat//
Bhagavan Rudra! Shiva! You are indeed the manifestation of Auspiciousness, ‘Aghora paapakaashini’or of Unfrightening and Placid Form as normally one might tend to describe you due to being a Destroyer of the Universe! What is more You hardly represent the nature of Evil and of Cruelty as indeed you are the destroyer of Evil Forces even as the personification of Tranquility and Benevolence. Dweller of Kailasa and of high altitude mountains, do kindly hold the arrows of auspiciousness but harm not beasts or humans of helplessness!
Delineation of the Truth and the desperation to attain It while facing death:
Tatah param brahma parambrihantam yathaa nikaayam sarva-bhuteshu goodham// Vedaaham etam purusham mahaantam aaditya varamtamasah parastaat, tameva viditvaa atimrityum eti naanyah panthaa vidyateyanaaya//
Rudra Deva Ishwara is superior both to Hiranyagarbha and Virat Swarupa to the Antaryaami the in dwelling Lord, to the Supreme Parameshwara. One would cross over death only by realising the Supreme of Sunlike spendour beyond darkness.There is no other way to sift darkness to Illumination: naanyah panthaah vidyate yanaaya! – or there is no short cut route that is ever possible!Bhagavad Gita vide the Akshra Para Brahma Yoga of VIII. 9 precisely emphasises this very Truth of Life: Kavim Puranam anushasitaaram anoraneeyaama samanusmaredyhah, sarvasya dhaataaramanchitya rupam Aditya varnam tamasah parastaat// or ‘ As the life’s energy is about to close by nearing death, the dying person ought to perform desperate efforts to steer clear all other thoughts excepting concentrating thoughts of Paramatma visualing his resplendent Sun- like form and breath the last as for sure he attains the form of the Supreme Itself!
Yasmaat paramam naaparam asti kinchit yasmaa naaneetyo na jyaayosti kinchit, vriksha iva stabdho divi tishthati ekas tenedam puurnam purushena sarvam//Tato yad uttarataram tad arupam anaamayam ya etad vidur amritaaste bhavanti,athetare duhkham evaapiyanti//
Parama Shiva surfiet with His own magnificence filled all over the Universe is like a tree of gigantic size and stature grown in Heaven and the trees of individual sizes of by far the less miniature heights are scatered in the forests of confusing images caused by illusions disallowing the growth of the seeds and saplings to plants and of trees of even some sizes. This is but a metaphorical statement to allow maximum human comprehension; but the Truth is that Rudra has neither form nor features and once this Concealed Truth is revealed, the Sages of ‘Maha Jnaana’should surpass the barriers of Sorrows and perepheral Joys of Existence and accomplish Immoratality!
A profile of ‘ Virat Purusha’ the Cosmic Being is unsurpassed
Sarvaanana shiro greevah sarva bhuta guhaashayah, Sarva vyaatee sa bhagavan tasmaat sarva gatasshivah// Mahaan Prabhur vai Purushah satvashaisha pravartakah, sunirmataam imam praaptim Ishaano jyotiravyayah//
The Lord of the Universe Parama Shiva is deeply entrenched in the hidden cave of each and every Being as the all pervading and omni present Supreme in one’s own face, head and necks. He is replete with the six principal features of Life viz. Aishvaryasya samagrasya dharmasya yashasya shriyah, jnaana vairaagyaschaiva shannam Bhaga itiranaa/ or Total Lordship, righteousness, fame, opulence, wisdom and sence of renunciation as explained in Maha Bhagavata Purana. Indeed He possesses the energy of influencing the attainment of the purest and outstanding Prime Source of Imperishable Luminosity and Splendour
Angushtha maatrah purushontaraatmaa sadaa janaanaam hridaye sannivishthah, hridaa manveesho manasaabhi klipto yadaa etad vidur amritaaste bhananti// Sahasra sheershaa purushah sahasraahshah ahasra paat,sabhumin vishvato vritwaa ati atisthad dashaangulam// Purusha evedamsarvam yad bhutam yaccha bhavyam utaamritatavasyeshaano yad annenaatirohati//
The Inner Self is hardly of thumb size always resident of his heart the hub of distributing evergy arising from Praana the breathing; mind is the charioteer of the organs and senses. Those who realise the significance of the Self knows it all. The Virat Purusha or the Cosmic Person is stated to have endless number of heads, eyes, and feet of far reaching command and the numerical thousand each of these body parts is by way of suggestive magnitude. The Maha Purusha Ishvara encompasses and envelopes Bhumi on all the sides, but again this is an undersratement of ‘dashangulam’ or of ten inches seeking to express in brief as that expression briefly covers Sapta Lokas, Sapta Paataalas, Sapta Dvipas, Sapta Samudras, Sapta Parvatas, and so on apart from the ‘Kaalamaana’ the Eternal Time Schedule! Purusha eve vedam sarvam/ or the Maha Purusha Parameshwara is indeed the totality of the Cosmos, of whateever has been, is and will certainly be too!He is the Over Lord of the Universe and of Immortality quite irrespective of the considerations of the Past-Present and Future and what ever grows ‘annatarena’ or based on the basis of food and the resultant vital energy ! Incidentally, the Inner Self is no doubt well within the Body and its actions but clearly unaffected by its acts and their consequences
What all about is the Unimaginable Brahman as distinct from Maha Purusha and Prakriti!
Dve akshare Brahma pare tvanante vidyaavidye nihite yatra goodhe ksharam tvaavidyaa hi amritam tu vidyaa, vidyaavidye Ishate yastusonyah// Yo yonim yonim adhitishthati eko vishvaani rupaani yonischa saevah/ Rishim prashutam kapilam yastam agre jnaanair bibhrati jaayamaanaanam cha pashyet// Ekaikam jaalam bahudhaa vikurvan, asmin kshetre samharati esha devah, bhuyah shrastvaa patayas tatheshah sarvaadhipatyam kurute mahaatmaa//
The great divide of Maha Jnaana the Original Source of Knowledge viz. Vidya and Avidya the Ignorance manifested as the Maya is clear; the Permanent and Fleeting are the typical phenomena of the Universe and Life on the one hand and Brahman on the other! Brahman is the singular source of all the forms and facts of existence and Hiranyagarbha or Brahma as clearly distinguished from Brahman as the Intermediary between the two! ‘Yo yonim yonim adhishthati eko vishvaani rupaani yonih’ or the Single Source sources the several sources and some Maharshis like Kapila might even put forth their thoughts of Sankhya philosophy differently initially! ‘ Ekaikam jaalam bahudhaa vikurvan’ or the Supreme Lord of the Universe spread out far and wide and up appeared several Devas all of whom were of individual luminosity and powers of their own ‘amshas’ and of course their own Selves, apart from the Greatest Self the Maha Purusha Prajapati Rudra Deva!
Sarva dishah urthvam adhashcha tiryak prakaashaayan bhraajate yadvanadvaan, eam sadevo bhagavaan varenyo yoni sambhavaan adhitishthati ekah// yaccha svabhaavam pachati vishvayonih, paasyaamscha sarvaa parinaamayed yah sarvam eta vishvam adhitishthati eko gunaan cha sarvaan vinijayed yah// Tad veda guhyopanishatsu gudha, tadbrahma vedate brahma yonim, ye purvam deva rishayascha tadviduh, te tanmayaa amritaa vai babhuvuh//
Just as Surya Deva brightenes all the worlds in all the ‘dasha dishas’ or the ten directions including across, above and below, so does- and more prominently yet subtly so- the Supreme Energy too the source of all the creatures be they the ‘yonijas’ or born from wombs, ‘andaja’ or born of eggs, or ‘udbhijas’ viz. sprung out from earth; or ‘budbhija’ or materialised from water drops! As and when they are born, the various Beings adopt themselves to their respective nature and characteristics and also their habitat and the Original Creator rules them all and the ‘sarva vishvam’ or the Universe in totality!This indeed theTruth of the Truth or the ‘Veda guhyopanishastu guudham ‘ or the quintessence of Vedas and Upanishads; this hidden meaning of Vidya is well realised by Brahma the Sourcer of Vedas and the Creator but also to Devas and Maharshis the Seers and Seekers of the nucleus of the Eternal Truth! In fact, the Seekers are aware of the step by step of Brahma Vidya as the karma kaanda, the method of seeking of Brahma by way of ‘yoga kaanda’, Upanishads reflecting the knowledge of Brahman, and of ‘Jnaana kaanda’ and finally the ‘tadatmya’or merger of the Individual Self with the Supreme Self!
The ‘Karmaanubhava’ or the fall out experience of actions by the Embodied Self
Gunaanvayo yah phala-karma-kartaa kritasya tasyai va sachopabhoktaa sa vishva rupastrigunah tri vartmaa praanaadhipah samcharati sva karmabhih // Angushtha maatro Ravi tulya rupah samkalpaahankaara samanvito yah, buddher gunenatma gunena chaiva aaraagra maatro hi aparopi drashtah// Vaalagra shata bhagasya shatadhaa kalpitasya cha bhaago jeevah vijneyah sa chaanantyaayakalpate// Nava stri na pumaan esha na chaivaaya na pumumsakah yad yacchareeram aadatte tena tena a rakshyate// Sthlaani suuksmaani bahuuni chaiva rupaani dehee sva gunair vranoti kriyaa gunair aatma gunaischa teshaam samyoga hetur aparopi drishtah//
Having described about THAT, the majesty and grandeur of unrealisable Brahman, now about TVAM, or of the ‘Trigunas’ of Satva-Rajasa-Tamo gunas and ‘Trivartmaas’ or of ‘Dharmaadharma vichakshana’ or the deep sense of Virtue versus Vice ! Depending on the Great Mix of Positive and Negative Results of what all the Embodied Self has performed the resultant balance of the plus and minus accounts would qualify the Individual to the three distinct paths after the termination of one’s life in the inevitable cycle of existence of births and deaths and rebirths again viz. ‘Devayana’ leading to Brahma Loka as the highest life of with Brahma so vividly described in Kaushitaki Braahmana Upanishad I.iii-v; the ‘Pitruyaana’ for enjoyment in Swarga and other higher lokas as long as the balance of positive fruits lasts or the third of ‘manushya yaana’ or of rebirth after the negative balance is exhausted then back to life as some species of human or worse of entities of existence! The Individual Soul as of the size of a thumb or the heart of a live body; it is of the ‘Ravi tulya rupa’ or of the dazzle form of Sun bestowing meaningful thoughts and of perception as though that these endowments seek to seriously mobilise positive actions of virtue. The Individual Self is of hair splitting atomic formulation to the extent of division into innumerable units counting till potential infinity. This Self is sexless as It is neither male nor female and is capable of quickly prone to transformation instantly; tad tad dharmaan atmani adhyasyaabhimanyate/ or the characteristics of the Individual Self are adapted almost instantly. Also the Embodied Self is capable of adapting and conditioning itself to varied situations, thoughts, feelings, features, tastes, emotions, passions, food varieties and so on. Even practices of faith, ways of life and living styles are transformed too so easily that the Self itself wonders its own innate capability to transform with no trace of the previous situations. Indeed the Embodied Self assumes qualities, selects shapes, colours, features that are at once gross or subtle, that the possibilities of transformation are truly amazing!
Possibility of Realising ‘Bhavaabhaava’ Brahman by closest mental visualisation / Introspection
Anaadi anantam kalilasya madhye vishvasya srashtaaram aneka rupam vishvasyaikam pariveshhtitaaram jnaatvaa devam muchyate sarva paashaih// Bhaava graahyam aniidaakhyam bhaavaabhaava karam hivam, Kalaa sarga karam devam, ye viduste jahustanum//
Mahadeva Shiva is the marvel and awe of Cosmic Form of the Supreme Self who is the embodiment of joy and auspiciousness. His beginning and end is unknown and is recognised and felt only at ‘Pralayas’ or the Great Dissolutions and again at Punah Srishti when His skills of Architecture and Materialization of the Cosmos get prominence. It is He as the Outstanding Enveloper of Existence and Life; indeed whoever gets over the folder of ignorance and enters the hold of the illumination of knowledge gets freed from the confines of mortality.This knowledge is ‘bhaava grahyam’ or by the Universal Mind and not necessary with the corporal mind and only that is capable of receiving signals of the Maha Purusha or of the Virat Swarupa Shiva! Indeed, when Hiranyagarbha Brahma materialised the basic framework of the Universe- which indeed caried on by the Cosmic Person of Maha Deva, He created Pancha Bhutas, Physical Organs and MIND! Prashnopanishad vide VI.4. refers: Sa praanamasrajata,Praanaacca shraddhaam kham vaayur jyotir aapah prithiveendriam Manah, annam annaad veeryam tapo mantraah karma lokaah lokeshu cha naama cha / or ‘Hiranyagarbha as the Chief Creator from Nothingness manifested Praana the Life Force; from Praana He created Shraddha or Faith and Conviction, ‘Kham’ or Space, ‘Vaayurjyotiraapah’ or Air, Fire, and Water, besides ‘ Prithvi-Indriya-Manah’ or Earth-Organs and Mind; ‘Annaat Veeyam Tapah’ or Food, Vigour and Self Control; ‘Mantraah karma lokaa lokeshu cha naamah’ or Veda Mantras, Rites, Worlds and Names, nomenclatures of Beings and Forms! Indeed whosoever knows of these facts and with special reference to the Universal Mind is eligible to break the shackles of Samsara!
From Cosmic Knowedge to the Vision of Brahman is furtherance to Bliss
Svabhaavam eke kavayo vadanti, kaalam tathaanye parimuhya maanaah, devasyisha mahimaa tu loke yenadam bhraamyate brahma chakram// Yenaavritam nityam idam hi sarvam, jnaah kaalakaaro gunee sarvavid yah, teeshitamkarma vivartate ha, prithivyaapya tejonila khaanichintyam// Tat karma kritvaaa vinivartya bhuyah, tattvasya tatvena sametya yogam ekena dvaabhyaam tribhir ashtabhir vaa kaalena chaivaatma-gunaishcha suksmaih//
It is stated that the Cosmic course is the rotating image of the magnificence of the Almighty the Eternal as represented by a Brahma Chakra or Brahma Wheel. Some select Sages of extraordinary vision and knowledge strongly believe that Brahma signifies the First Cause of the Causes especially the Kaala Chakra or the Kaalamaana the revolution of the Time Cycle. Brahma vaadino vadanti: kim kaaranam Brahma, kutah sma jaataa, jeevaama kena, kva cha sampratishthaah, adhishtitaah kena sukhetareshu vartaamahe brahma vido vyavasthaam/ or ‘BrahmaVadis initiate their discourse on the reason of existence and purpose of Life: what is Brahman like and what again is the meaning of living as an odd mix of fleeting joys and lasting hurdles and sorrows. “Kaalamaana’ or the Flow of Time is blameworthy due not only to the Adhi Bhoutika- Adhyaatmika-Adhi Daivika limitations of body sourced or mind sourced or God made Prakriti or Natural happenings, but also the aberrations and influences of the interaction of body organs and senses. The concept of Kaalamaana or of the Time Schedule is further explained : Brahman enveloping the Universe entirely is the Originator of Kaala maana, who indeed is the Fund of Knowledge thereof as also the Supreme Controller as the Kaalakaaro as well as Kaala kaalo Kaala niyantaa-upahartaa-kaalah sarva vinaashakaari! or the Administrator /Regulator- Reversor or Withdrayer-Preserver- Destroyer both recurrently and whereever felt the Grand Annihilator! As totally controlled by Him, He also creates the Pancha Bhutas or the Basic Five Natural Elements of Earth-Water-Fire-Air and Sky. Brahaman apparently takes a break in the process of Srishti and on resumption then enters into merger with the Antaratma or the Inner Self of all the Beings in an evolutionary process numerically: viz. first and foremost into the Maha Virat Purusha or Maha Deva; the in two entities as Purusha and Prakriti- Devi Maya Shakti; then three as Trigunas of Satvika-Rajas-Tamas; then eighty entities of the five afore mentioned Basic Elements plus Manas or the Universal Mind; Buddhi or Understanding and Aham Kaara or Personal Ego of Me-Mine-My Image as the Self . Bhagavad Gita in Vijnaana Yoga of Chapter VII.iv-v quoted: Bhumiraaponalo vaayuh kham Mano buddhirevacha, Ahamkaara iteeyam me bhinnaa prakritirashtadhaa// Apareyamitastaanyaam prakritim viddhimr paraam, Jeevabhutaam Maha Baaho, yayedam dhaaryate jagat// or ‘ Arjuna! I possess two Forms of Nature- one is Para Prakriti another Apara Prakriti; the former type comprises the Five Elements, Manas, Buddhi and Ahamkaaras this being the Para Prakriti with the orientation of Jeevas or of Beings in the Universe . The Apara Prakriti is called the Moola Prakriti Jaganmaata who is the bestower to the Beings. The Fourth stanza explains that Brahman having initiated act of Creation of three qualities or features distributes them among all the Beings. They then perform ‘Karma’ as per the mix of the three ‘Gunas’. As they seek to dedicate the fruits to Ishwara eventually and turn their thoughts into introspection, then they gradually shed actions either of virtue or vicious alike and divert inward intensely as their ultimate yearning is only for realisation of the Truth!
Adissa samyoga nimitta hetuh paras trikaalaad aalopi drashtah tam Vishvarupam bhava bhutam eedyam devam svachittasttastham upaasya purvam// Sa vrikasha kaalaatkritibhih paronyo yasmaat prapanchah parivartateyam dharmaavaham paapanudam bhagesham jnaatvaastmastham amritam vishva dhaama// Tam Ishvaraanaam paramam Maheshvaram, tam devataanaam paramam cha daivatam patim pateenaam paramam parastaat, vidaama devam bhuvanesham Eedyam// Na tasya kaaryam karanamcha vidyate na tat samaschaapi adhikashcha drishyate, paraasya shaktir vividhaiva shruyate svaabhaavikee jnaana bala kriyaa cha// Na tasya kaschit janitaana chaadhipah//
Bhagavan is the very beginning as the Cause of Causes, and manifests Himself as the Union of Soul and Bodies of innumerable Forms and Features. He being the cause of the Kaalamaana the concept of Seconds upto Kalpas and even beyond till eternity as He himself is the Regulator of the ever existent Time, but for periodic interruptions of Pralayas and Maha Pralayas as a periodic Play Pastime of Creation of the Universe and its unimaginable pattern of kaleiodoscopic images although with certain fixtures like Five Elements, Devaasuras representing virtue and vice and means of Salvation and Unification with His own reflection called Antaratma right within one’s own physical set up creating misleading images by Maya the Fund of Ignorance almost impossible to destroy except by vidya and its fruition of what is called ‘Karma Pariakvata’ fully backed by mind and deed, and finally leading to integration of ‘Thou and Thine’ and the Ultimate Truth of Asatomaasdgamaya Tamosomaa Jyotirgamaya!
As even the Tree of Life is so huge yet perceptible by one’s imagination and Knowledge, Paramatma who revolves kaala chakra creating frictions and facilities at every step of existence of one’s life is most certainly beyond cognition of the height nor roots of the Tree of Life. However the roots might possibly be discovered by adedquate watering and fertilisation by weeding out rotten gatherings around the Tree and gradually treating with Jnaana or Vidya and ‘shraddha’ and ‘tapas’ to not only vision the Top but climb up to the heights of the Tree and submerge thereinto! That Supreme Energy of Brahman is the focal point of all the Deities of varied forms and intensities of energy being the Master of Masters: tam Ishvara –naam paramam Maheshvaram, tam Devataanaam paramamcha Daivatam! Without his nod of head, the Worlds come to a grinding halt and no action of an organ nor senses is ever possible. He is the Source of Intelligence and Wisdom, and even that of Ignorance and Darkness even as He Himself is the Spring of joys and sorrows, pushes and pitfalls. There is no Master of His, no Controller, being the Unquestioned Authority Himself. Tasya Lingam, na kaaranam kaaranaadhipa/ He is stated to be the Lingam or the Hallmark Signature of the Unknown Force that motivates the Universe as created by Brahma with the aid of Parama Shiva-Maya combine; that outstanding embodiment of energy has neither progenitor nor a higher vitality; the Rudra-Maya combine is an ample evidence of smoke as the sure existence of Fire!)
Yas tantunaabha iva tantubhih pradhaanajaih, svabhaavatah deva ekah svam aavranot sa no dadhaad brahmaapyayam// Eko Devas sarva bhuteshu goodhassarva bhutaantaraatmaa karmaadhyak -shah sarva bhutaadhivaasas sakshee chwetaa kevala nirgunascha//Eko vaasi nishkriyaanaam bahunaam ekam beejam bahudhaa yah karoti, tam aatmastham yenupashyanti dheeraas tesaam sukham shasvatam netaresham//
Just as a spider weaves out threads from within and also swallows the threads back withdrawing within itself periodically so does Paramatma creates various Beings and the Universe in totality; He sports with the material of staggering multitude with the active assistance of the Maya Shakti as the proverbial spider does with the unmanifested matter named ‘Pradhana’ and expands itself enveloping the worlds and materialises ‘naama -rupa- guna-karmaadi tantu’ or a fantastic range of nomenclatures, forms, charateristics and deeds even as the unique and invisible nucleus of featureless ‘Antaratma’ us the hidden spectator as the witness! ‘ Eko vaashee nishkiyaanaam bahunaam eka beejam’ or the Unique seed which as actionless and inactive but materialising myriad images. The role of this Undefianable Secret with no qualities and adjectives is highly venerable and what all a human being could do by way of conduct, sacrifices, deeds of high virtue and total dedication with unreserved faith might help Realisation leading to sukham shasvatam or Truthful Endlessness! While Katha Upanishad states’ eko vaasi nishkriyaanaam buhunaam ekam beejam bahudha karoti/ Agnir yathaiko bhuvanam pratishtho rupam rupam pratirupo babhuva, Ekatasthaa sarvabhutaan yantaratmaa rupam rupam pratirupo bahischa// Suryo yathaa sarvalokasya chakshurna lipyate chakshuair baahya doshaih, ekasthaa sarva bhuta antaraatmaa na lipyate lokadhukhena baahyah// Eko vashi sarva bhutaanantar- atmaa ekam beejam bahudhaa uyah karoti,tam atmastham yenupashyanti dheeraasteshaam sukha shasvatam netareshaam//Nityonityaanaam chetanschetanaameko buhunaam yo vidadhaati kaamaan, tamaatmasyam yenupashyanti dheeraah; teshaam shaantih shasvato netareshaam// Tadetaditi manyante nirdeshyam oaramam suk ham, katham nu tad vijaaneeyaam kimu bhaati vibhaati vaa// Na tara Suryo bhaati na chandrataarakam nemaa vidyuto bhaanti kutoyam agnih, Tameva bhaantamanubhaati sarvam tasya bhashaa sarvam idam vibhati//
The Self enters inside all the Beings, like Fire enters the world, by assuming varied forms and shapes; this is in its own raw form just like the sky as the body warmth. The Self again enters the world like Air does in varied forms, intensity of speed etc. as the breathing of the Beings. The Self is not disturbed by the sorrows or joys of the Being just as Sun- the eye of the Universe, is totally unaffected by the natural calamities and rejoicings in the world; the superimposition of the illnessess or the wellness of the concerned body is hardly a matter of concern to the Self as that indeed is supernatural beyond the material world. The Inner Self like the Supreme is therefore totally independent, unique, and all pervasive yet creates myriad forms all of the homogenous and untarnished Purity called Consciousness. It is stated that those discerning persons do visualise the Self in the hearts of themselves as that is not corruptible by material pulls nor subject to the influences of body organs and senses!May there be eternal peace and contentment to withdraw themselves into introspection and discard the frivolties and absorb the magnificence of the Self that is what Brahman all about! To a genuine query as to how one should know the Supreme Bliss; is it self radiant or not! The reply would inevitably be as to how Sun shines; how the Moon and Stars are luminous; how do one would witness flashes of lightnings on the Sky and indeed how is Fire so beaming and glowing! Are not all these indications of that Brahman whose glory is brilliant!
Nityonityaanaam chetanaschetanaanaa eko buhunaam yo vidadhaati kaamaan samkhyaa yogadhigamyam jnaatvaa devam muchyate sarva paashaih// Na tatra Suryo bhaatina chandra taarakam, nemaa vidyuto bhaanti kutoyam Agnih, tam eva bhaantam anubhaati sarvam, tasya bhaasaa sarvam idam vibhaati//
Indeed, Paramatma is : Nityo nithyaanaam chetanas chetanaanaam eko buhunaam vidaa dhaatikaamaan/ or is Everlasting among the Everlasting, fund of Enlightenment among those with Enlightenment; the Singular among the multitude and the outstanding bestower of desires. He is the Cause of Causes to be possibly realised by distinction or ‘Saamkhya’ and Yoga or Realisation by fixation or sharply targetted like the central ‘bindu’ or the brighest possible nothingness alone! He is by far the brighter and radiant than Surya, Chandra and the huge galaxy of Stardom, lightnings put together and of much less of Agni’s significance!
VI.xv-xviii) Eko hamso bhuvanasyaayasya mdhye sa evaagnih salile sannnivishtaah, tameva viditvaati mrityum eti, naanyah panthaa vidyateyanaaya// Sa vishva krid vishva vid aatma yonir jnaah kaala kaaro gunee sarva vidyaah, pradhaana kshtrajnaa patih guneshah samsaara moksha sthiti bandha hetuh// Sa tanmayo hyamritaa Isha samstho jnaassarvago bhuvanasyaasya goptaaa ya Ishe asya jagato nityam evanaanyo hetur vidyate Ishaanaaya// Yo Brahmaanam vidadhaati purvam yovai vedaamscha prahinoti tasmai,tam ha devam aatmabuddhi prakaasham mumukshur vai sharanam aham prapadye//
A Unique ‘Antaratma’ common to all the Beings in ‘Srishti’ or the Universal Existence is likened to a solitary Swan which is totally unaffected by the sweeping and fleeting clouds and rains on the ‘Hridayaakaasha’. This is like the Fire latent in the ferocious high tides of oceans that is capable of burning all kinds of materaal aspirations ; ‘ tameva viditaati mrityum’ or deep realisation of this fundamental Truth is the only path of smashing materail desires; indeed ‘naanyah panthaa vidyate yanaaya’ or there is no other short cut to success. The Maha Purusha is:’Vishva krid, Vishva vid’ is replete with the awareness of the happenings of the Universe; He is ‘Atma Yoni’ or Self generated, the Author of ‘Kaala maana’ or Times of Past, Present and of Future tenses, the embodiment of ‘Tri Gunis’ of Satva-Rajas- Tamas characteristics and the Creator-Preserver and Destroyer of Srishti as per the discipline the Kaalamaana which He himself created to follow! Now, once a Yogi is able to realise this Truth of Truth as te Causes of All the Causes then he is able to accomplish Eterntiy: eva naanyo hetur vidyate Ishaanaaya or once the Roots of the Causes, there would be nothing else that is is to be Known! This omniscient force behind Srishti which hereto-fore embodied Brahma the Devaadhi Deva from out of the Center of the Golden Egg- half of the Universe is still Unknown any way-is the Origin of Vedas the Everlasting Source of Vijnana and Dharma is indeed the very last resort to liberation as there is no further origin and form of the destrution of the eternal cycle of births-deaths and births again.
‘Avyaktam shasvatam Shivam anantam ajam avyayam’ or Unknown, Eternal, Auspicious, Eternal, Self Generated and Indistructible!
Nishkalam nishkriyam shaantam niravadyam niranjanam, amritasya param setum dagdhendhanam ivaanalam// Yadaa charmavad aakaasham veshtaaishanti manavaah, tadaa devam avigjnaaya duhkhasyaanto bhavishyati// Tapah prabhaavaad deva prasaadaaccha brahmaa ha svetaashvatarotha vidvaan, atyaashramibhyah paramam pavitram provaacha samyag rishi samgha jushtam// Vedante paramam guhyam purakalpe prachoditam, naaprashanantaaya daatavyam naa putrayaa shishyaaya vaa punah// Yasya Deve paraa bhaktir yathaa deve gurau,tasyaite kathitaa hy arthaah prakaashante mahaatmanah//
Paramatma is an essence of Purity and Spotlessness as a singular identity of integration with no parts of division as there is ‘Advaitam’ or of Duality or Multiplicity; That Truth is actionless since other energies which too are self-generated managing the affairs of Existence of the Beings such as Brahma-Prajapatior Maha Purusha with the active assitance or Maya the Illusory Powers to run the system of as Life as assisted by the Sub Powers of Devas as materalised by the mutual inter-action of Maha Purusha and Maha Maya! Figuratively speaking, if only Akaasha or the Interminalbe Sky is like a piece of leather and capable of being rolled out then the Form and Fearure of the Supreme is possible of Realisation and the search of Almighty and of Bliss is what one could ever aspire! The great Maharshi Svetaashvara thus concludes that from times immemorial Maha Jnaanis and Maha Yogis have made all out efforts by the intense-most endeavors of high austerities and exraordinary dedication and faith backed of course by the proactive blessings of Brahman Himself but the search has been age-old and elusive but for flashes of lightnings but once tht Truth is realised by thrusting ino the Uknown Realms of Eternity then the Hightest Mystery in the Vedanta and no Teacher or Guide could ever lead him to but only have to ‘Swaanubhava’ or Self Experience!
Yasya Deve paraa bhaktir yathaa deve tathaa Gurau, tasyate kathitaahi arthaah prakaashante mahatmanah, prakaashante mahatmanah/
Indeed the subject matter sought to be explained in the Svetashvatara Upanishad is the true reflection of the Eternal Truth and essence of the enormous endeavors of Sages of high commitment and total dedication to Paramatma Himself as the Outstanding Guidance and the Direction of dazzling Radiance and Bliss! Indeed that is the Eternal Path of Self-Realisation; yes that is the path of the splendour of Truth!
Source: Shvetaashvatara Upanishad