Ayurveda - An Ancient Indian Medicinal System


Ayurveda Ayurveda is the oldest surviving complete medical system in the world. Its origins date back almost 5,000 years, deriving from its ancient Sanskrit roots – “ayus” (life) and “ved” (knowledge) – and offer a rich and comprehensive view of healthy living. Until it was explained and practiced by the same spiritual rishis who laid […]

Vedas - Origin, 4 Vedas
Vedic Philosophy


Upaveda   In Hinduism the term upaveda  or Upved refers to traditional sciences / technical literature which have no connection whatever with the Sruti or revealed Veda. The four upavedas are Dhanurveda, Gandharvaveda, Ayurveda and Arthashastra. Some schools hold Sthapatyaveda as fourth Upaveda in place of Arthashastra. Types of Upaveda Ayurveda (Medicine), associated with the […]