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Mahalakshmi Vrat 2018

September 2018
Mahalakshmi Vrat Starts in : 16/09/2018
Mahalakshmi Vrat Ends in : 01/10/2018
2018 Mahalakshmi Vrat

Mahalakshmi Vrat
Mahalakshmi Vrat 2018
Mahalakshmi Vrat 2018
Mahalakshmi Vrat Begins on September 16, 2018 (Sunday)
Mahalakshmi Vrat Ends on October 1, 2018 (Monday)
Total Mahalakshmi fasting days = 16
The Mahalakshmi Vrat is dedicated to goddess Lakshmi, the deity of Wealth and fortune. It is performed to please Mahalakshmi and receive her blessings. It is observed for an uninterrupted period of 16 days starting from the Ashtami , the 8th day of the Shukla paksha(waxing phase of the moon) of the Bhadrapada’ month till the Krishna paksha astami (the 8th day, of the waning phase of the moon). Depending on the leaped and skipped Tithi during fasting period, total fasting days might reduce to fifteen days or might increase to seventeen days. The fasting is done to appease and seek blessing of Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity.
As per the Gregorian calendar, it begins four days after the Ganesha Chaturthi and ends on the 8th day of the Pitru Paksha. This vrat is more common in the Northern parts of India.
Bhadrapada Shukla Ashtami is also observed as birth anniversary of Goddess Radha which is popularly known as Radha Ashtami. The day, when Mahalakshmi Vrat begins, is significant as this day coincides with Durva Ashtami Vrat when Durva grass is worshipped. The same day is also observed as Jyeshta Devi Puja which is performed for three consecutive days.
Significance of Mahalakshmi Vrat
The Vrat is observed by men and women to please Goddess Mahalakshmi and receive her blessings of wealth and prosperity. She is well known as the goddess for Wealth, wisdom, prosperity, fortune, generosity, courage and fertility.
Mahalakshmi Vrat Rituals
On the start of the first day of Mahalakshmi Vrat devotees wake up early and offer prayers to Goddess Mahalakshmi after a bath. Some even offer ‘aaryga’ to Lord Surya. This is done on all the 16 days of Mahalakshmi Vrat. A scared thread is knotted 16 times and tied in the left hand of the vrat observer. A small pot is filled with water, few coins and akshatha, beetel and mango leaves decorate the neck of the Kumbha, on which a coconut is placed. During the puja, sandal wood, kumkum and turmeric paste are smeared on the coconut. A new cloth is tied around the Kumba representing Goddess Mahalakshmi. The devotees begin with a sankalpa to bless them and their family with happiness and prosperity. After the Puja, water is sprinkled with a bunch of 16 Durva grass that is tied together. At the end of the puja the Mahalakshmi vrat katha is recited.
Mahalakshmi Vrat Katha
There are multiple legends associated with Mahalakshmi Vrat. One legend as per Bhavishya Purana states that when Yudhishtira (the eldest of the pandavas) asked Lord Krishna about how they could regain the wealth and prosperity that they lost due to Gambling. Then Lord Krishna suggested the Mahalakshmi Vrat and it is believed to have regain the health, wealth, prosperity, family and kingdom through the divine grace and generosity of Goddess Lakshmi.
Another prevalent legend states that Lord Shiva requested Goddess Parvati to observe the Mahalakshmi Vrat to gain wealth and good fortune. One another legend states that Goddess Lakshmi visited a very pious lady by name Charumati in her dreams and asked her to observe the fast to attain her desire. She and the villagers methodically performed the fast and finished it successfully. After which she and the villagers were blessed with expensive jewels and riches. Since then women observe this fast to be prosperous.