Sankashti Chathurthi 2017


October 2017


Sankashti Chathurthi Starts in : 08/10/2017

Sankashti Chathurthi Ends in : 08/10/2017

2017 Sankashti Chathurthi

sankashti chathurthi
Sankashti Chathurthi

Sankashti Chathurthi 2017

Sankashti Chaturthi

Moonrise On Sankashti Day = 20:09

Chaturthi Tithi Begins = 16:58 on 8/Oct/2017
Chaturthi Tithi Ends = 14:16 on 9/Oct/2017

Each Lunar month in the Hindu Calendar had two Chathurthi Tithis. The one after the Purnima or full moon during Krishna Paksha is known as Sankashti Chathurthi and the one after Amavasya or new moon during Shukla Paksha is known as Vinayaka Chaturthi.

Although Sankashti Chaturthi fasting is observed every month, the most significant Sankashti Chaturthi falls in month of Magha according to Purnimant School and in month of Paush according to Amavasyant School.

If Sankashti Chaturthi falls on Tuesday it is called Angarki Chaturthi and it is considered highly auspicious. Sankashti Chaturthi fast is mostly observed in Western and Southern India especially in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.