lost narrative

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    Need help relocating an excerpt narrative translated from Sanskrit, probably originally poetry, about a procession of Lord Shiva’s (lost bookmarks when computer died). Much of it is describing the gloriousness of Lord Shiva. The most interesting part is a progressive description of the reactions of women to seeing Lord Shiva, starting with a little girl. They are all instantly ‘in love’; the little girl asks the women of the household if they can ask Lord Shiva to come play; a new (board game?) she has, talk with her parrot, pretend to have a meal as she has learned how to make pretend food (with her dolls?). The mature woman goes where she can see Lord Shiva up close (in a courtyard?) and smiles at him. The girls and women in between are overwhelmed, confused and don’t know what to do. Many of the nouns in the version I encountered were transliterated, which required an enormous amount of tracking down the translations. This was important – descriptions of *where* things happened and the ‘label’ for each stage of womanhood in particular.

    Anyone recognize this? Or have suggestion for how to find it?

    Srinath Seshadri

    I’m unable to figure out the stotra/ poem you are referring to in the above post. This link here has a great collection of all the Shiva stotrams and sanskrit articles. I am hoping you will find the document among this.



    SEO Agency in India


    i have little hand in sanskrit


    thank you for info

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