What is heaven for you?

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    Manisha Arora

    I would like to know what heaven really means to all of you? Does heaven even exist? Do only good people go to heaven? I have been pondering about this and I am quite curious.

    Vasudevan Nair

    I am not the kind of person who believes in fairy tales and consider myself to be a king once I reach heaven and have magical power. According to me I believe that when we die we transform into some kind of light energy. Being at peace, total stillness or just being a ray of sunshine is what heaven means to me.

    Janaki Mohan

    I am not quite sure if heaven really exists. But I wish to go to a place after death where I am not taunted and can be loved by people. If that depends on the good deeds that I do on earth then I must say I try my level best to not hurt anyone and help people around as much as possible.

    Milind Prakash

    Is it some kind of fear that is inbuilt within us so that we end up doing good deeds while on earth? The query is still left unanswered by even the most knowledgeable individuals.


    There are no scriptures in the Bible that tell us that the reward of the saved is heaven. Solomon wrote about death and what happens to human beings at death

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