the effect of language on our subconscious

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    Parvati Mohan

    We all know that certain words when said can trigger our emotions and physical response. Even a simple word like “may” can have an impact on our mind. I would like to know how it happens and the trigger that guides to this certain frame of mind even without our knowledge.

    Aarushi N

    Of course words and language play a very significant role in our emotional state of mind. More so it has a very significant impact in the spiritual field. That is exactly why they say prayers play a very important part in the spiritual development and most religions follow it . Even the great Buddha advised us to choose the words that come out of our mouth very carefully as it is very crucial.

    Swati Verma

    Some words are indeed like a sharp knife. Once cut it takes creates a deep wound , long time to heal and creates a scar for life long. I’ m sure certain words that would have hurt us during our childhood even now after reaching adulthood haunts us. Such is the power of word and its impact on the mental and emotional status on an individual.

    Milind Prakash

    So very true… i completely agree to this.

    Vasudevan Nair

    i feel the intention that comes along with the word gives it more power than the word by itself.

    Vasudevan Nair

    At times it is so difficult to control the words that come out when one is not in the correct frame of mind. A very tough task at least for me.

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