Zodiac signs and relation ships

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    Sidharth Trivedi

    Quite curious if there is any correlation between ones’s zodiac sign and with one’s relationship. I am a Virgo and my life partner is a Pieces but we are going through a rough patch . Does it have to do with our zodiac signs?

    Vinayak Iyer

    Relationships are something which needs to be worked on constantly. But if you are a person who believes in astrology then it is important to analyse the complete natal charts of both the individuals. Just mere zodiac sign wont help.

    Neha Dev

    I like to believe that the planets can impel but they cannot compel us. So your destiny is your hand .

    Manisha Arora

    May be it is just a transit phase that you are going through now. If you look at the zodiac chart , Pieces and Virgo are at the opposite extremes ,probably that might have something to do with it as well. Time is the best healer.

    Vasudevan Nair

    I don’t rely on astrology too much . I feel it might just complicate my simple life.

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