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Tamil New Year 2021

April 2021
Tamil New Year Starts in : 14/04/2021
Tamil New Year Ends in : 14/04/2021
2021 Tamil New Year

Tamil New Year
Tamil New Year 2021
Tamil New Year is also known as Varusha pirappu and is observed on first day of Tamil month Chithirai.
In Tamil Nadu when Sankranti takes place after sunrise and before sunset the year begins on the same day. If Sankranti takes place after sunset then the year begins on the following day.
This rule is good to start first day of the year for civil reckoning. However auspicious time, for Dan-Punya activities during Mesha Sankranti, is independent of above rules and should be done after considering exact moment of Sankranti because only certain time duration before and after Sankranti moment is considered auspicious for Sankranti related activities.
Despite being an ancient festival, a modern highlight of Puthandu is a big car festival held at Tiruvadamarudur near Kumbakonam.
On the night before the Tamil New Year, a tray with fruits, betel leaves, gold and silver jewelry, money and flowers is arranged. This is to be seen first thing in the morning as it is believed that seeing these auspicious things will bring prosperity and happiness for the entire the year.