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Durva Ashtami Puja 2021

September 2021
Durva Ashtami Puja Starts in : 13/09/2021
Durva Ashtami Puja Ends in : 13/09/2021
2021 Durva Ashtami Puja

Durva Ashtami Puja
Durva Ashtami Puja 2021
Durva Ashtami 2021
Purva Viddha Time – 15:10 to 18:22
Duration – 03 Hours 12 Mins
Ashtami Tithi Begins – 15:10 on Sep 13, 2021
Ashtami Tithi Ends – 13:09 on Sep 14, 2021
Durva ashtami is observed on the eighth day of the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon) in Bhadrapad month. Durva Grass, an important item in Hindu ritual, is worshipped on the day. It is believed that observing Durva ashtami Vrata will bring peace and prosperity. The ritual is mainly observed by women. In some regions, the ritual is also observed during the Shukla Paksha of Shravan month.
Durva is a special type of sacred grass. The word Durva is derived from the words duhu and avam. Durva brings the distant pure spiritual particles (pavitraks) of God closer to the devotee. The durva grass consists of three blades which represent the three principles of primal Shiva, primal Shakti and primal Ganesha. Durva is said to have the highest ability to attract the Ganesha principle which explains why it is an important offering made to Lord Ganesha. Generally, the tender shoots of durva are used in puja ritual of a deity. These tender shoots have highest capacity to absorb principles of deities present in the dew drops fallen on their leaves. This benefits the worshipper.
Pujas and rituals are offered to Durva grass. Fruits, flowers, rice and other usual pujas accessories are offered on the day. It is believed that observing this Vrata will help in the long life of children.
Story of Durva Grass
Once a demon named Analasura caused havoc in the heavens. He let out fire from his eyes and destroyed anything that came in his way. All the demi-Godsran away and sought the help of Lord Ganesha. Ganesha assured them that He will kill Analasura and restore peace. In the battlefield, Analasura started attacking Lord Ganesha with fireballs and eventually tried to gulp Him down. At that moment Lord Ganesha, showed him His original form or ‘virat roop’ and gulped the demon instead. After gulping the demon, Lord Ganesha became restless due to the heat generated inside His body. So, the moon came to His help and stood on Ganesha’s head. Thus, He was named ‘Bhaalachandra’. Lord Vishnu gave His lotus to bring down the heat, Lord Shiva tied His cobra around Ganesha’s belly. But nothing could bring down the heat. Finally, a few sages came with 21 durvas and placed it on Lord Ganesha’s head. Magically, the heat vanished. Thus, Lord Ganesha declared that whoever worships Him with durva grass will forever receive His blessings.