Rishi Panchami Upavas 2021


September 2021


Rishi Panchami Upavas Starts in : 11/09/2021

Rishi Panchami Upavas Ends in : 11/09/2021

2021 Rishi Panchami Upavas

Rishi Panchami Upavas

Rishi Panchami Upavas 2021

Rishi Panchami Upavas 2021

Rishi Panchami Puja Muhurat – 11:03 to 13:30
Duration – 02 Hours 27 Mins

Panchami Tithi Begins – 21:57 on Sep 10, 2021
Panchami Tithi Ends – 19:37 on Sep 11, 2021

Bhadrapada Shukla Panchami is known as Rishi Panchami and usually observed two days after Hartalika Teej and one day after Ganesh Chaturthi. Currently, Rishi Panchami day falls in August or September on English calendar.

Rishi Panchami is not a festival, but a fasting day observed by women to pay obeisance to the Sapta Rishis which means seven sages and to get purified from Rajaswala Dosha.

Hinduism gives the highest priority to purity and there are strict guidelines to maintain the purity of the body and the soul. In Hinduism, women are believed to be contaminated during their menstrual cycle. During the menstrual cycle, women are not allowed to enter in the kitchen for cooking, to participate in any religious activities and to touch any family members. Avoiding these guidelines creates Rajaswala Dosha. Rishi Panchami fasting is advised to get rid of Rajaswala Dosha.

Rishi Panchami is more famous in Nepali Hindus. In some regions three days Hartalika Teej fasting ends on Rishi Panchami. Rishi Panchami is also known as Rushi Panchami.