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Utpanna Ekadashi Parana 2022

November 2022
Utpanna Ekadashi Parana Starts in : 20/11/2022
Utpanna Ekadashi Parana Ends in : 20/11/2022
2022 Utpanna Ekadashi Parana

Utpanna Ekadashi Parana
Utpanna Ekadashi Parana 2022
Utpanna Ekadashi 2022
Utpanna Ekadashi on Sunday, November 20, 2022
On 21st Nov, Parana Time – 06:21 AM to 08:39 AM
On Parana Day Dwadashi End Moment – 10:07 AM
Ekadashi Tithi Begins – 10:29 AM on Nov 19, 2022
Ekadashi Tithi Ends – 10:41 AM on Nov 20, 2022
In North India, Utpanna Ekadashi falls in the month of Margashirsh but according to the Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka calendars it occurs in the Kartik month. In the Tamil calendar, the month is Aippasi while it is Thulam in the Malayalam calendar. Along with Lord Vishnu, Ekadashi Mata is also worshiped on this day.
Utpanna Ekadashi is one of the significant Ekadashis as it is associated with the origin of Ekadashi fasting. All Ekadashi fasting are dedicated to Goddess Ekadashi who is one of the Shaktis of Lord Vishnu. Ekadashi was born out of Lord Vishnu to annihilate Demon Mur who intended to kill sleeping Lord Vishnu. Hence Goddess Ekadashi is one of the protective powers of Lord Vishnu. Goddess Vaishnavi is another power of Lord Vishnu and part of Sapta Matrika. Hence Utpanna Ekadashi is considered the birth anniversary of Ekadashi. Devotees, who pledge to observe yearly fasting, begin Ekadashi fasting from Utpanna Ekadashi.
Utpanna Ekadashi Story
According to Hindu legend there was a demon named Mura. He had defeated Lord Indra and was ruling the whole world. Indra and the other gods went to Lord Shiva and prayed to him to save them from the demon Mura. Lord Shiva advised them to pray to Lord Vishnu. Lord Indra along with the other Devas went to Vaikuntha ( Lord Vishnu’s abode). Lord Indra told Vishnu that Mura had conquered the world and had made all the gods his slaves. Upon hearing Indra’s prayer, Lord Vishnu assured Indra that he will ensure Mura is defeated. Lord Vishnu started a fierce battle with Mura but all the different weapons used by Lord Vishnu were ineffective on Mura.
Therefore, Lord Vishnu challenged Mura for a wrestling duel and both of them wrestled for one thousand celestial years. He tried very hard to overcome the strength of Mura but was not able to do so. Lord Vishnu fled from the battle field to take some rest and regain some energy.
Lord Vishnu being extremely tired went to a cave called Himavati and slept there. Mura followed Lord Vishnu and saw him entering the cave. He was about to kill Lord Vishnu when a lady appeared from the body of Lord Vishnu. The divine soul challenged Mura to fight. Mura started to fight with her. The lady fought with great might whereas Mura got exhausted. The lady utilized the opportunity and in a split second killed the demon. When Lord Vishnu woke up he asked her who she was and who killed Mura. She replied that on seeing the evil intention of Mura to kill Lord Vishnu, she had emerged from his body.
Lord Vishnu was extremely happy with what she had done, so he gave her a boon for killing the demon. The lady asked the Lord that her day of appearance should be most auspicious for his devotees that would help them to reach his abode. Lord Vishnu granted her the boon and named her Ekadasi. Since, it was on this day that this divine soul was born therefore, this Ekadasi is known as Uttpanna Ekadasi or Utpatti Ekadasi.