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Abhyang Snan Muhurat 2021

November 2021
Abhyang Snan Muhurat Starts in : 04/11/2021
Abhyang Snan Muhurat Ends in : 04/11/2021
2021 Abhyang Snan Muhurat

Abhyang Snan Muhurat
Abhyang Snan Muhurat 2021
Abhyang Snan Muhurat 2021
Abhyang Snan Muhurat – 05:27 to 06:03
Duration – 00 Hours 36 Mins
Moonrise at Abhyang Snan – 05:27
Abhyang Snan during Moonrise and Chaturdashi
Chaturdashi Tithi Begins – 09:02 on Nov 03, 2021
Chaturdashi Tithi Ends – 06:03 on Nov 04, 2021
Five days Diwali festivity starts on Dhantrayodashi and lasts on Bhaiya Dooj day. Abhyang Snan has been suggested on three days i.e. on Chaturdashi, Amavasya and Pratipada days during Diwali.
Abhyang Snan on Chaturdashi day, which is popularly known as Narak Chaturdashi, is the most significant one. It is believed that people, who do Abhyang Snan on this day, can avoid going to Narak. Til (i.e. sesame) oil should be used for Ubtan during Abhyang Snan.
Abhyang Snan on Narak Chaturdashi might be one day before or on same day of Lakshmi Puja day on English Calendar. When Chaturdashi Tithi prevails before sunrise and Amavasya Tithi prevails after sunset then Narak Chaturdashi and Lakshmi Puja fall on the same day. Abhyang Snan is always done during moonrise but before sunrise while Chaturdashi Tithi is prevailing.
Narak Chaturdashi day is also known as Choti Diwali, Roop Chaturdashi and Roop Chaudas.
Often Narak Chaturdashi is considered same as Kali Chaudas. However both are two different festivals observed on the same Tithi and depending on the start and end timing of Chaturdashi Tithi might fall on two different consecutive days.