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Bhai Dooj 2021

November 2021
Bhai Dooj Starts in : 06/11/2021
Bhai Dooj Ends in : 06/11/2021
2021 Bhai Dooj

Bhai Dooj
Bhai Dooj 2021
Bhai Dooj 2021
Bhai Dooj Aparahna Time – 13:13 to 15:32
Duration – 02 Hours 19 Mins
Dwitiya Tithi Begins – 23:14 on Nov 05, 2021
Dwitiya Tithi Ends – 19:44 on Nov 06, 2021
On Bhaiya Dooj, sisters pray for their brothers to have long and happy lives by performing Tika ceremony and brothers offer gifts to their sisters.
The fifth or the last day of Diwali is celebrated as Bhaiya Dooj, popularly known as Bhai Dooj. Bhai Dooj falls on the second day after the new moon and it is a day to pray for the long life of one’s brother, who is referred to as “bhaiyya or bhai”.
Bhai Dooj festival marks the love between brothers and sisters, and is celebrated to strengthen the bond of care and affection between the two. Through the means of this festival, sisters commemorate their brothers with a tilak or vermilion mark on their foreheads. In return, brothers give gifts to their sisters. Bhaiya Dooj is also known as Bhau Beej and Bhathru Dwithiya.