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Vrischika Sankranti 2021

November 2021
Vrischika Sankranti Starts in : 16/11/2021
Vrischika Sankranti Ends in : 16/11/2021
2021 Vrischika Sankranti

Vrischika Sankranti
Vrischika Sankranti 2021
Vrischika Sankranti 2021
Vrishchika Sankranti Punya Kala – 07:09 to 13:18
Duration – 06 Hours 09 Mins
Vrishchika Sankranti Maha Punya Kala – 11:23 to 13:18
Duration – 01 Hour 55 Mins
Vrishchika Sankranti Moment – 13:18
Vrischika Sankranti is also called as ‘Vruschika Sankramanam is a sacred day that marks the movement of Sun from the Tula Rashi to the Vrischika Rashi. In the Gregorian calendar this transition corresponds to the movement of Sun from the Libra Zodiac Sign to the Scorpio Zodiac Sign. It is noted that in the Indian astrology Rashi system, the Vruschika Rashi occupies the 8th position. On Vrischika Sankranti this planetary shift of Sun God helps it to regain energy and occurs during a specific time of the year. The festival of Vrischika Sankranti denotes the beginning of ‘Karthigai Masam’ in the Tamil calendar and the ‘Vrischika Masam’ in the Malayalam calendar. This day holds great importance for followers of Hindu community and the rituals of Vrischika Sankranti is observed with immense devotion and enthusiasm.
You can read more about Sankrantis and their significance in Hinduism here.