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Indira Ekadashi Vrat 2022

September 2022
Indira Ekadashi Vrat Starts in : 21/09/2022
Indira Ekadashi Vrat Ends in : 21/09/2022
2022 Indira Ekadashi Vrat

Indira Ekadashi Vrat
Indira Ekadashi Vrat 2022
Indira Ekadashi Vrat 2022
Indira Ekadashi on Wednesday, September 21, 2022
On 22nd Sep, Parana Time – 06:09 AM to 08:34 AM
On Parana Day Dwadashi End Moment – 01:17 AM, Sep 23
Ekadashi Tithi Begins – 09:26 PM on Sep 20, 2022
Ekadashi Tithi Ends – 11:34 PM on Sep 21, 2022
Indira Ekadashi Vrat falls in the month of Ashwin and is of great significance to Hindus in North India. It is believed that observing Indira Ekadashi Vrat will get rid of all the sins committed by ancestors in the family and enable them to attain Moksha.
Indira Ekadashi Vrat katha
A powerful King named Indrasena ruled a kingdom. Indrasena was honest and cared for the betterment of his empire and people, therefore his name and fame quickly spread across the region. One day Sage Narad paid a visit to the castle of King Indrasena. He told the King about his visit to the abode of Lord Yama (the God of Death). Sage Narad told Indrasena about his meeting with Indersana’s late father. The King’s father had not attained Salvation and was living in the abode of Lord Yama.
The late King had told Narad Muni to let Indrasena know that he should observe the Indira Ekadashi vrat. This would help the late King to attain Moksha and find place in the feet of Lord Vishnu. Sage Narad directed King Indrasena to observe the Indira Ekadashi vrat so that his late father could attain Salvation and could find a place in Lord Vishnu’s abode. Thereafter, Indrasena observed Indira Ekadashi fast with full devotion and his father could head to his final resting place.
Indira Ekadashi Vrat Rituals
A day before the Indira Ekadashi Vrat, Shraddh rituals in honor of one’s ancestors and parents need to be performed. Taking food only one time a day is advised on this day. However, the devotees need to observe complete vrat on the day of Indira Ekadashi.
Prayers need to be continued throughout the day on Indira Ekadashi. Noon hours are especially considered auspicious for praying for one’s ancestors and family members. Night hours need to be spent reciting tales of Lord Vishnu and listening to stories of Lord Vishnu.
The vrat kept on the occasion of Indira Ekadashi needs to be broken the next morning and the devotees should take the morning prasad along with members of the family. It is widely believed that if one keeps fast on this day with utmost devotion, the forefathers achieve Moksha and spend their after lives comfortably.