Trayodashi Shraddha 2017


September 2017


Trayodashi Shraddha Starts in : 17/09/2017

Trayodashi Shraddha Ends in : 17/09/2017

2017 Trayodashi Shraddha

Trayodashi Shraddha

Trayodashi Shraddha 2017


Trayodashi Shraddha 2017

Kutup (कुतुप) Muhurat = 11:49 to 12:38
Duration = 0 Hours 48 Mins

Rohina (रौहिण) Muhurat = 12:38 to 13:26
Duration = 0 Hours 48 Mins

Aparahna (अपराह्न) Kaal = 13:26 to 15:51
Duration = 2 Hours 24 Mins

Trayodashi Tithi Begins = 14:42 on 17/Sep/2017
Trayodashi Tithi Ends = 13:07 on 18/Sep/2017

Trayodashi Shraddha is done for those deceased family members who died on Trayodashi Tithi, including both Shukla and Krishna Paksha Trayodashi.

Trayodashi Shraddha Tithi is also suitable to perform Shraddha for deceased children. This Shraddha Tithi is also known as Kakbali and Balabholani Teras in Gujarat. Trayodashi Shraddha is also known as Teras Shraddha.

Pitru Paksha Shraddhas are Parvan Shraddhas (पार्वण श्राद्ध) and auspicious time to perform them is either Kutup Muhurat and Rohina etc. Muhurat after that till Aparahana Kaal gets over. Tarpan (तर्पण) is done at the end of the Shraddha.