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Kali Puja is significant during Diwali Puja. All comprehensive Diwali Puja Vidhi includes Kali Puja apart from other significant Puja(s) during Diwali Puja. However, rather worshipping idol of Bhagawati Kali, Lekhani-Dawat i.e. Pen and Inkpot are personified as Goddess Kali and those are worshipped as Goddess Kali herself. To begin Kali Puja, Lekhani-Dawat is kept at the place of worship. A Swastika symbol is drawn on them with Anamika i.e. the ring-finger of right hand. Swastika should be drawn with Rochana or red Sandal paste or Roli paste. Once Swastika is drawn on Lekhani-Dawat, Kali Puja can begin.
- Dhyana (ध्यान)
Puja should begin with the meditation of Bhagawati Kali. Dhyana should be done in front of Lekhani-Dawat symbolically representing Bhagawati Kali.
- Avahan (आवाहन)
After Dhyanam of Bhagwati Kali, invoke her in front of Lekhani-Dawat. While calling Bhagwati Kali your hands should be in Avahan Mudra in front of Lekhani-Dawat (Avahan Mudra is formed by joining both palms and folding both thumbs inwards).
- Pushpanjali-1 (पुष्पाञ्जलि-१)
Once Bhagwati Kali has come after invoking, take five flowers in Anjali (by joining palm of both hands) and leave them in front of Lekhani-Dawat to offer the seat to Bhagwati Kali.
- Pushpanjali-2 (पुष्पाञ्जलि-२)
After this perform Bhagwati Kali Puja with Chandan, Akshata, Pushpa, Dhoop, Deep and Naivedhya.
- Pushpanjali-3 (पुष्पाञ्जलि-३)
After doing Pujan as described above, take Gandha, Akshata and Pushpa in left hand and leave them over or near Lekhani-Dawat with right hand.