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Masi Magam 2021

February 2021
Masi Magam Starts in : 27/02/2021
Masi Magam Ends in : 27/02/2021
2021 Masi Magam

Masi Magam
Masi Magam 2021
Magam Nakshathram Begins – 12:35 on Feb 26, 2021
Magam Nakshathram Ends – 11:18 on Feb 27, 2021
Masi Magam, also known as Maasi Makam, is a Tamil Hindu festival which is celebrated by Tamil speaking people. It is celebrated in Tamil month Masi during Makam Nakshatra. Usually Makam Nakshatra prevails during Pournami or full moon day but that is not always true. Hence Masi Makam observation is not linked with full moon or Pournami but with Magha Nakshatra. Makam Nakshatra is also known as Magam and Magha.
On Masi Magam day, temples idols are taken to sea shore, pond or lake for ceremonial bath in a procession. The devotees who flock the procession take dips in water body to get rid of their sins.
Masi Magam is observed not only in India but also in Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia.