Thiru Sempon Sei Kovil Tanjore 108 Divyadesam

Thiru Sempon Sei Kovil, Thanjavur

Thiru Sempon Sei Kovil is located in Tanjore district, Tamil Nadu. It is 5 miles from Seergazhi. It is one of the 108 Divyadesams located in India which are dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu.

Address: Sri Perarulalan Temple, Semponsei Koil, Tirunangoor – 609 106, Nagapattinam District.
Opens: Everyday – 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. and from 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.
Phone No: 04364-236 172


Neelamega Perumal Temple

The Neelamega Perumal Temple is located in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. It is one of the 108 Divya desams dedicated to Lord Vishnu all over the country. The temple is one of the 5 krishna khetrams, the other 4 being Thirukkannankudi, Thirukkannamangai, Thirukannankavithalam and Thirukovilur.