What is Bhakti Yoga? Understanding the Path of Bhakti Yoga
Ancient Indian Literature, Daily Life and Practices, Hindu Gods, Hinduism, Sanskrit Texts, Spirituality, Vedic Philosophy, Yoga

What is Bhakti or Devotion?

What is Bhakti? Bhakti is a Sanskrit word which is derived from the word bhaj which means “go to onself to” or “have recourse to” or ” to pray” or we can say “to worship“. This word so many different meanings. It means “attachment, fondness, love, faith, devotion, religious, piety to somethings as spiritual, salvation […]

Ancient Indian Literature, Ancient Indian Science, Daily Life and Practices, Interesting Hindu Mythology Stories, Spiritual Gurus, Spirituality, Vedic Philosophy, Yoga

The concept of Ajnana, Igorance in Hinduism

Ajnana is one of the nastical or “heterodox” schools of ancient Indian philosophy, as well as the ancient school of great Indian doubts. It was a Muslim organization and a major rival of early Buddhism, Jainism and the Ajivika school. They have been recorded in Buddhist and Jain texts. They believed that it was impossible […]

Vedas - Origin, 4 Vedas
Ancient Indian Literature, Daily Life and Practices, Hinduism, Interesting Hindu Mythology Stories, Vedic Philosophy, Vedic Practices

Vedas- Origin, The Vedic Period, Significance

The Vedas are a major source of religious texts from ancient India. Compiled with Vedic Sanskrit, the texts form the oldest Sanskrit text as well as the oldest Hindu texts. There are four types of Vedas: Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda. Each Veda has four sections – Samhitas means mantras and nedictions,Aranyakas means text on […]

Dhyana Yoga - Meditation in Hinduism
Daily Life and Practices, Spirituality, Vedic Philosophy, Vedic Practices, Yoga

What is Dhyana? Meditation in Hinduism

What is Dhyana? The Sanskrit word dhyana, derived from the verbal root dhyai (“to contemplate, meditate, think”), is the most common designation both for the meditative state of consciousness and the yogic techniques by which it is induced. The Vedanta tradition also employs the terms nididhyasana, which stems from the same verbal root, upasana (literally […]

Hinduism, Vedic Philosophy, Yoga

Shiva and Shakti – The Divine Union of Consciousness and Energy

In the Tantric cosmology, the whole universe is perceived as being created, penetrated and sustained by two fundamental forces, which are permanently in a perfect, indestructible union. These forces or universal aspects are called Shiva and Shakti. The tradition has associated to these principles a form, respectively that of a masculine deity and that of a feminine […]

Daana Godaana Prashasti
Daily Life and Practices, Hinduism, Vedic Philosophy, Vedic Practices

Daana Godaana Prashasti

Daatavyam pratyaham paatre nimittetu visheshatah, Yaachitenaapi daatavyam shraddhaa putam cha shaktitah/ Maharshi Yagnyavalkya described the feature of ‘Daana’ or Charity: every human being should resort to daana dharma on each and every day as per one’s own capacity, especially on the days of Solar and Lunar Eclipse days. Charity is indeed to be given to […]

Ancient Indian Literature, Hinduism, Sanskrit Texts, Vedic Philosophy


The Upanishads are the philosophical-religious texts of Hinduism (also known as Sanatan Dharma meaning “Eternal Order” or “Eternal Path”) which develop and explain the fundamental tenets of the religion . The name is translated as to “sit down closely” as one would to listen attentively to instruction by a teacher or other authority figure, but Upanishad has also […]

Satyameva Jayate - Teachings from Hindu Scriptures
Ancient Indian Literature, Daily Life and Practices, Hinduism, Vedic Philosophy

Satyameva Jayate – Teachings from Hindu Scriptures

Truth alone is paramount! Truthfulness is bliss. Having accomplished Truthfulness none would ever slip down. Persons who attain it are named as ‘Sat’ or persons who reach the pinnacle and they indeed are of Satyam or Truthfulness! The Self is achievable through the understanding as to what is truth and untruth as also tapsya  or […]

Hindu Gods, Vedic Philosophy


Saraswati in essence is Vaak- Vidya-Vigjnana being the bridge from the Deep Oceans of Samsara- Illusion-Falsity-Ignorance to Sadhana- Nigraha-Medhas-Awareness and thereafter the Initial Illumination- the Path of Divinity or the ‘Deva Yana’-passage to Urthwa Lokas-and finally the Bliss of Realisation of the Equation with or the Reflection of Anraratma as Paramatma! Saraswati has no barriers […]