Vishwanatha Ashtakam is a beautiful and powerful stotram composed by Adi Shankaracharya in praise of the Lord of Kashi, Kashi Vishwanath. Ashtakam implies the composition has got eight stanzas and is one of the most popular hymns of Lord Vishwanath.


गौरीनिरन्तरविभूषितवामभागम् ।
वाराणसीपुरपतिं भज विश्वनाथम् ॥१॥
Gaurii-Nirantara-Vibhuussita-Vaama-Bhaagam |
Vaaraannasii-Pura-Patim Bhaja Vishvanaatham ||1||

1.1: (Salutations to Sri Vishwanatha) Whose Matted Hair forming a Beautiful Bundle, is Beautifully decorated with the Streams of River Ganga,
1.2: Whose Left-Half is always adorned by Devi Gauri (the Universal Shakti),
1.3: Who is Dear to Sri Narayana, and Who has destroyed the Pride of Ananga (Kamadeva),
1.4: Worship that Vishwanatha, Who is the Lord of the City of Kashi,

वागीशविष्णुसुरसेवितपादपीठम् ।
वामेन विग्रहवरेण कलत्रवन्तं
वाराणसीपुरपतिं भज विश्वनाथम् ॥२॥
Vaagiisha-Vissnnu-Sura-Sevita-Paada-Piittham |
Vaamena Vigraha-Varenna Kalatravantam
Vaaraannasii-Pura-Patim Bhaja Vishvanaatham ||2||

2.1: (Salutations to Sri Vishwanatha) Who is the embodiment of many Gunas (Divine Attributes) which are beyond the Speech,
2.2: The Seat of Whose Divine Feet is served by Sri Brahma, Vishnu and Suras,
2.3: Who, by the Beautiful-Form of His Left-Half is one with His Consort,
2.4: Worship that Vishwanatha, Who is the Lord of the City of Kashi,

भूताधिपं भुजगभूषणभूषिताङ्गं
व्याघ्राजिनाम्बरधरं जटिलं त्रिनेत्रम् ।
वाराणसीपुरपतिं भज विश्वनाथम् ॥३॥
Bhuuta-Adhipam Bhujaga-Bhuussanna-Bhuussita-Anggam
Vyaaghra-Ajina-Ambara-Dharam Jattilam Tri-Netram |
Vaaraannasii-Pura-Patim Bhaja Vishvanaatham ||3||

3.1: (Salutations to Sri Vishwanatha) Who is the Lord of the Beings and Whose Body is adorned with the ornaments of Serpents,
3.2: Who wear the Skin of a Tiger as His Garment, Whose Hair is Matted and Who has Three Eyes,
3.3: Who holds Pasha (Noose), Angkusha (Hook), grants Fearlessness and Boons, and holds His Trident in His Hand,
3.4: Worship that Vishwanatha, Who is the Lord of the City of Kashi,

भालेक्षणानलविशोषितपञ्चबाणम् ।
वाराणसीपुरपतिं भज विश्वनाथम् ॥४॥
Bhaale[a-Ii]kssanna-Anala-Vishossita-Pan.cabaannam |
Vaaraannasii-Pura-Patim Bhaja Vishvanaatham ||4||

4.1: (Salutations to Sri Vishwanatha) The Shining Cool-Rayed Moon serves as Whose Diadem,
4.2: The Fire of Whose (Third) Eye from the Forehead consumed the Five Arrows (of Kamdeva),
4.3: The King of Serpents are Whose Shining Ear-Rings,
4.4: Worship that Vishwanatha, Who is the Lord of the City of Kashi,

पञ्चाननं दुरितमत्तमतङ्गजानां
नागान्तकं दनुजपुङ्गवपन्नगानाम् ।
दावानलं मरणशोकजराटवीनां
वाराणसीपुरपतिं भज विश्वनाथम् ॥५॥
Pan.caananam Durita-Matta-Matanggajaanaam
Naaga-Antakam Danuja-Punggava-Pannagaanaam |
Daavaanalam Maranna-Shoka-Jaraa-[A]ttaviinaam
Vaaraannasii-Pura-Patim Bhaja Vishvanaatham ||5||

5.1: (Salutations to Sri Vishwanatha) Who is like a Lion, subduing the Elephants of Sins and Passions (within us),
5.2: Who is like a Garuda, slaying the Serpents of Daityas (Demons) (within us),
5.3: Who is like a Forest Fire, burning the Forest of Sorrows of Death and Old Age (within us),
5.4: Worship that Vishwanatha, Who is the Lord of the City of Kashi,

तेजोमयं सगुणनिर्गुणमद्वितीयम्_
नागात्मकं सकलनिष्कलमात्मरूपं ।
वाराणसीपुरपतिं भज विश्वनाथम् ॥६॥
Tejomayam Sagunna-Nirgunnam-Advitiiyam_
Naaga-[A]atmakam Sakala-Nisskalam-Aatmaruupam |
Vaaraannasii-Pura-Patim Bhaja Vishvanaatham ||6||

6.1: (Salutations to Sri Vishwanatha) Who is filled with Spiritual Splendour (Tejomaya), Who can assume a form with Gunas (Qualities or Attributes) as well as abide as the Non-dual expanse beyond all Gunas (Qualities or Attributes),
6.2: Whose essential nature overflows with Bliss which is Unsurpassed by anything and is beyond all Measures,
6.3: Whose body is adorned with Serpents, and Whose essential nature is merged in Atman, Complete and Undivided (expanse of Chidakasha),
6.4: Worship that Vishwanatha, Who is the Lord of the City of Kashi,

रागादिदोषरहितं स्वजनानुरागं
वैराग्यशान्तिनिलयं गिरिजासहायम् ।
माधुर्यधैर्यसुभगं गरलाभिरामं
वाराणसीपुरपतिं भज विश्वनाथम् ॥७॥
Raaga-[A]adi-Dossa-Rahitam Svajana-Anuraagam
Vairaagya-Shaanti-Nilayam Girijaa-Sahaayam |
Maadhurya-Dhairya-Subhagam Garala-Abhiraamam
Vaaraannasii-Pura-Patim Bhaja Vishvanaatham ||7||

7.1: (Salutations to Sri Vishwanatha) Who is free from all vices like Raga (Passion) and others, and Who is graceful to the Devotees,
7.2: Who is an abode of Peace born of Vairagya (freedom from Worldly Desires), and Whose Companion is Devi Girija (the Universal Shakti),
7.3: Who exhibits the Sweetness of Patience, Whose presence is Auspicious, and Whose Throat is beautifully adorned with the mark of Poison,
7.4: Worship that Vishwanatha, Who is the Lord of the City of Kashi,

आशां विहाय परिहृत्य परस्य निन्दां
पापे रतिं च सुनिवार्य मनः समाधौ ।
आदाय हृत्कमलमध्यगतं परेशं
वाराणसीपुरपतिं भज विश्वनाथम् ॥८॥
Aashaam Vihaaya Parihrtya Parasya Nindaam
Paape Ratim Ca Sunivaarya Manah Samaadhau |
Aadaaya Hrt-Kamala-Madhyagatam Paresham
Vaaraannasii-Pura-Patim Bhaja Vishvanaatham ||8||

8.1: (Salutations to Sri Vishwanatha) Leaving behind all Desires, and keeping away from (the habit of) censuring others, …
8.2: … Restraining from Pleasure in Sins, merge the Mind in Meditation, …
8.3: … taking hold of the Supreme Being within the Lotus of the Heart,
8.4: Worship that Vishwanatha, Who is the Lord of the City of Kashi,

वाराणसीपुरपतेः स्तवनं शिवस्य
व्याख्यातमष्टकमिदं पठते मनुष्यः
विद्यां श्रियं विपुलसौख्यमनन्तकीर्तिं
सम्प्राप्य देहविलये लभते च मोक्षम् ॥९॥
Vaaraannasii-Pura-Pateh Stavanam Shivasya
Vyaakhyaatam-Assttakam-Idam Patthate Manussyah
Vidyaam Shriyam Vipula-Saukhyam-Ananta-Kiirtim
Sampraapya Deha-Vilaye Labhate Ca Mokssam ||9||

9.1: (Salutations to Sri Vishwanatha) The Stava (Eulogy, Praise) of Shiva, the Lord of the City of Varanasi, …
9.2: … the Exposition of this Ashtakam (Hymn of Eight Verses), those Persons who recite, …
9.3: … Vidya (Learning, Knowledge), Sriya (Prosperity), abundant Joy and endless Fame …
9.4: … will be attained by them; and after their body falls (i.e. after death), they will attain Liberation.

Shiva Mantras

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