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Durga Saptashati is a Hindu religious text describing the victory of the goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasura. Durga Saptashati is also known as the Devi Mahatmyam, Chandi Patha (चण्डीपाठः) and contains 700 verses, arranged into 13 chapters.
The twelfth chapter of Durga Saptashati is based on “Eulogy of the Merits”.
Durga Saptashati Chapter 12 – Eulogy of the Merits
देवी-चरित्रों के पाठ का माहात्म्य :
ॐ विद्युद्दामसमप्रभां मृगपतिस्कन्धस्थितां भीषणां
कन्याभिः करवालखेटविलसद्धस्ताभिरासेविताम्।
हस्तैश्चक्रगदासिखेटविशिखांश्चापं गुणं तर्जनीं
बिभ्राणामनलात्मिकां शशिधरां दुर्गां त्रिनेत्रां भजे॥
“ॐ” देव्युवाच॥१॥
एभिः स्तवैश्च मां नित्यं स्तोष्यते यः समाहितः।
तस्याहं सकलां बाधां नाशयिष्याम्यसंशयम्*॥२॥
मधुकैटभनाशं च महिषासुरघातनम्।
कीर्तयिष्यन्ति ये तद्वद् वधं शुम्भनिशुम्भयोः॥३॥
अष्टम्यां च चतुर्दश्यां नवम्यां चैकचेतसः।
श्रोष्यन्ति चैव ये भक्त्या मम माहात्म्यमुत्तमम्॥४॥
न तेषां दुष्कृतं किञ्चिद् दुष्कृतोत्था न चापदः।
भविष्यति न दारिद्र्यं न चैवेष्टवियोजनम्॥५॥
शत्रुतो न भयं तस्य दस्युतो वा न राजतः।
न शस्त्रानलतोयौघात्कदाचित्सम्भविष्यति॥६॥
तस्मान्ममैतन्माहात्म्यं पठितव्यं समाहितैः।
श्रोतव्यं च सदा भक्त्या परं स्वस्त्ययनं हि तत्॥७॥
उपसर्गानशेषांस्तु महामारीसमुद्भवान्।
तथा त्रिविधमुत्पातं माहात्म्यं शमयेन्मम॥८॥
यत्रैतत्पठ्यते सम्यङ्नित्यमायतने मम।
सदा न तद्विमोक्ष्यामि सांनिध्यं तत्र मे स्थितम्॥९॥
बलिप्रदाने पूजायामग्निकार्ये महोत्सवे।
सर्वं ममैतच्चरितमुच्चार्यं श्राव्यमेव च॥१०॥
जानताऽजानता वापि बलिपूजां तथा कृताम्।
प्रतीच्छिष्याम्यहं* प्रीत्या वह्निहोमं तथा कृतम्॥११॥
शरत्काले महापूजा क्रियते या च वार्षिकी।
तस्यां ममैतन्माहात्म्यं श्रुत्वा भक्तिसमन्वितः॥१२॥
सर्वाबाधा*विनिर्मुक्तो धनधान्यसुतान्वितः।
मनुष्यो मत्प्रसादेन भविष्यति न संशयः॥१३॥
श्रुत्वा ममैतन्माहात्म्यं तथा चोत्पत्तयः शुभाः।
पराक्रमं च युद्धेषु जायते निर्भयः पुमान्॥१४॥
रिपवः संक्षयं यान्ति कल्याणं चोपपद्यते।
नन्दते च कुलं पुंसां माहात्म्यं मम शृण्वताम्॥१५॥
शान्तिकर्मणि सर्वत्र तथा दुःस्वप्नदर्शने।
ग्रहपीडासु चोग्रासु माहात्म्यं शृणुयान्मम॥१६॥
उपसर्गाः शमं यान्ति ग्रहपीडाश्च दारुणाः।
दुःस्वप्नं च नृभिर्दृष्टं सुस्वप्नमुपजायते॥१७॥
बालग्रहाभिभूतानां बालानां शान्तिकारकम्।
संघातभेदे च नृणां मैत्रीकरणमुत्तमम्॥१८॥
दुर्वृत्तानामशेषाणां बलहानिकरं परम्।
रक्षोभूतपिशाचानां पठनादेव नाशनम्॥१९॥
सर्वं ममैतन्माहात्म्यं मम सन्निधिकारकम्।
पशुपुष्पार्घ्यधूपैश्च गन्धदीपैस्तथोत्तमैः॥२०॥
विप्राणां भोजनैर्होमैः प्रोक्षणीयैरहर्निशम्।
अन्यैश्च विविधैर्भोगैः प्रदानैर्वत्सरेण या॥२१॥
प्रीतिर्मे क्रियते सास्मिन् सकृत्सुचरिते श्रुते।
श्रुतं हरति पापानि तथाऽऽरोग्यं प्रयच्छति॥२२॥
रक्षां करोति भूतेभ्यो जन्मनां कीर्तनं मम।
युद्धेषु चरितं यन्मे दुष्टदैत्यनिबर्हणम्॥२३॥
तस्मिञ्छ्रुते वैरिकृतं भयं पुंसां न जायते।
युष्माभिः स्तुतयो याश्च याश्च ब्रह्मर्षिभिःकृताः॥२४॥
ब्रह्मणा च कृतास्तास्तु प्रयच्छन्ति शुभां मतिम्।
अरण्ये प्रान्तरे वापि दावाग्निपरिवारितः॥२५॥
दस्युभिर्वा वृतः शून्ये गृहीतो वापि शत्रुभिः।
सिंहव्याघ्रानुयातो वा वने वा वनहस्तिभिः॥२६॥
राज्ञा क्रुद्धेन चाज्ञप्तो वध्यो बन्धगतोऽपि वा।
आघूर्णितो वा वातेन स्थितः पोते महार्णवे॥२७॥
पतत्सु चापि शस्त्रेषु संग्रामे भृशदारुणे।
सर्वाबाधासु घोरासु वेदनाभ्यर्दितोऽपि वा॥२८॥
स्मरन्ममैतच्चरितं नरो मुच्येत संकटात्।
मम प्रभावात्सिंहाद्या दस्यवो वैरिणस्तथा॥२९॥
दूरादेव पलायन्ते स्मरतश्चरितं मम॥३०॥
इत्युक्त्वा सा भगवती चण्डिका चण्डविक्रमा॥३२॥
पश्यतामेव* देवानां तत्रैवान्तरधीयत।
तेऽपि देवा निरातङ्काः स्वाधिकारान् यथा पुरा॥३३॥
यज्ञभागभुजः सर्वे चक्रुर्विनिहतारयः।
दैत्याश्च देव्या निहते शुम्भे देवरिपौ युधि॥३४॥
जगद्विध्वंसिनि तस्मिन् महोग्रेऽतुलविक्रमे।
निशुम्भे च महावीर्ये शेषाः पातालमाययुः॥३५॥
एवं भगवती देवी सा नित्यापि पुनः पुनः।
सम्भूय कुरुते भूप जगतः परिपालनम्॥३६॥
तयैतन्मोह्यते विश्वं सैव विश्वं प्रसूयते।
सा याचिता च विज्ञानं तुष्टा ऋद्धिं प्रयच्छति॥३७॥
व्याप्तं तयैतत्सकलं ब्रह्माण्डं मनुजेश्वर।
महाकाल्या महाकाले महामारीस्वरूपया॥३८॥
सैव काले महामारी सैव सृष्टिर्भवत्यजा।
स्थितिं करोति भूतानां सैव काले सनातनी॥३९॥
भवकाले नृणां सैव लक्ष्मीर्वृद्धिप्रदा गृहे।
सैवाभावे तथाऽलक्ष्मीर्विनाशायोपजायते॥४०॥
स्तुता सम्पूजिता पुष्पैर्धूपगन्धादिभिस्तथा।
ददाति वित्तं पुत्रांश्च मतिं धर्मे गतिं* शुभाम्॥ॐ॥४१॥
इति श्रीमार्कण्डेयपुराणे सावर्णिके मन्वन्तरे देवीमाहात्म्ये
फलस्तुतिर्नाम द्वादशोऽध्यायः॥१२॥
Meaning – Durga Saptashati Chapter 12
The Devi said, ‘And whoever with full concentration shall pray to me constantly with these hymns, I shall without doubt put down every trouble of his.
And those who shall laud (the story of) the destruction of Madhu and Kaitabha, the slaughter of Nishumbha likewise and those also who shall listen with devotion to this sublime poem on my greatness on the eighth, the fourteenth and on the ninth days of the fortnight with concentrated mind, to them nothing wrong shall happen, nor calamities that arise from wrong doings nor poverty and never separation from beloved ones. He shall not experience fear from enemies, or from robbers and kings, or from weapons, fire and floods. Hence this poem of my greatness must be chanted by men with high concentration and listened to always with devotion; for it is the supreme course of well-being.
May this poem of my glories quell all epidemics, as also the threefold natural calamities. The place of my sanctuary where this poem is duly chanted everyday, I will never forsake and there my presence is certain. When sacrifice is offered, during worship, in the fire-ceremony, and at a great festival, this entire poem on my acts must be chanted and heard. I will accept with love the sacrifice and worship that are made and the fire-offering that is offered likewise, whether they are done with due knowledge (of sacrifice) or not. During autumnal season, when the great annual worship is performed, the man hearing this glorification of mine with devotion shall certainly through my grace, be delivered without doubt from all troubles and be blessed with riches, grains and children. Hearing this glorification and auspicious appearances of mine, and my feats of prowess in battles, a man becomes fearless. Enemies perish, welfare accrues and the family rejoices for those who listen to this glorification of mine. Let one listen to this glorification of mine everywhere, at a propitiatory ceremony, on seeing a bad dream, and when there is the great evil influence of planets. (By that means) evil portents subside, as also the unfavourable influence of planets, and the bad dream seen by men turns into a good dream.
It creates peacefulness in children possessed by the seizes of children (i.e., evil spirits), and it is the best promoter of friendship among men when split occurs in their union. It diminishes most effectively the power of all men of evil ways. Verily demons, goblins, and ogres are destroyed by its mere chanting. This entire glorification of mine draws (a devotee) very near to me. And by means of finest flowers, arghya and incenses, and by perfumes and lamps, by feeding Brahmanas, by oblations, by sprinkling (consecrated) water, and by various other offerings and gifts (if one worships) day and night, in a year-the gratification, which is done to me, is attained by listening but once to this holy story (katha) of mine.’
The Rishi said : Having spoken thus the adorable Chandika, fierce in prowess, vanished on that very spot even as the Devas were gazing upon her. Thus O King, the adorable Devi, although eternal, incarnating again and again, protects the world. By her this universe is deluded, and it is she who creates this universe. And when entreated, she bestows supreme knowledge, and when propitiated, she bestows prosperity. By her, the Mahakali, who takes the form of the great destroyer at the end of time, all this cosmic sphere is pervaded.
She indeed takes the form of the great destroyer at the (proper) time. She, the unborn, indeed becomes this creation.She herself, the eternal Being, sustains the beings. In times of prosperity, she indeed is Lakshmi, who bestows prosperity in the homes of men; and in times of misfortune, she herself becomes the goddess of misfortune, and brings about ruin. When praised and worshipped with flowers, incense, perfumes, etc., she bestows wealth and sons, and a mind bent on righteousness and prosperous life.
Here ends the twelfth chapter called ‘Eulogy of the Merits’ of Devi-Mahatmya in the period of Markandeya-Purana, during the period of Savarni, the Manu.
Back to Home Durga Saptashati
Chapter 1 – Slaying of Madhu and Kaitabha
Chapter 2 – Slaughter of the Armies of Mahishasura
Chapter 3 – Slaying of Mahishasura
Chapter 5 – Devi’s Conversation with the Messenger
Chapter 6 – Slaying of Dhumralochana
Chapter 7 – Slaying of Chanda and Munda
Chapter 8 – Slaying of Raktabija
Chapter 9 – Slaying of Nishumbha