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“Kararavinde Na Padaravindam
Mukharavinde Viniveshayantam
Vatasya Patrasya Pute Shayanam
Balam Mukundam Manasa Smarami”
Meaning : ‘I memorize the Lord in his infant form (Mukunda), who sleeps in a Banyan leaf. He is the one who puts his lotus life feet to His mouth, with the help of His hands.’
“Achyutam Keshavam Rama Narayanam
Krishna Daamodaram Vasudevam Harim
Shridharam Maadhavam
Raamachandram Bhaje
Jaanki Naayakam Raamachandram Bhaje”
Meaning: ‘I sing praise of Ramachandra, Who is known as Achyuta (infallible), Keshav, Raam, Narayan, Krishna, Damodara, Vasudeva, Hari, Shridhara (possessing Lakshmi), Madhava, Gopikavallabha (Dearest of Gopika), and Janakinayaka (Lord of Janaki or Sita).’
“Achyutam Keshavam Satyabhaa Maadhavam
Maadhavam Shridaram Radhika Radhikam
Indira Mandriram Chetasaa Sundaram
Devaki Nandanam Nandanam Sandadhe”
Meaning: ‘I offer a salute with my hands together to Achyuta, Who is known as Keshav, Who is the consort of Satyabhama. He is also known as Madhav and Shridhar, Who is longed-for by Radhika, Who is like a temple of Lakshmi (Indira), who is beautiful at heart. He is the son of Devaki, and Who is the Dear-One of all.’
“Tapta-Kanchana-Gaurangi Radhe
Vrindavaneshvari Vrishabhanu-Sute Devi
Pranamami Hari-Priye”
Meaning: ‘I offer my respect to Shri Radha rani, who has molten gold complexion. O Goddess, You are the queen of Vrindavana, the daughter of King Vrishabhanu, and are very dear to Lord Krishna.’
“Goloka-Vasini Gopi
Gopisha Gopa-Matrika
Sananda Paramananda
Meaning: ‘Radha rani is a resident of Goloka, known as Vrindavan, and is a cowherd damsel. She is the queen of the gopis and the divine mother of the cowherd boys. She is joyful and always experiencing the highest bliss. She incites strong desires in the heart of the son of Nanda (Lord Krishna).’
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