Jnana Yoga Bhagavad Gita

Jnana Yoga

Jnana Yoga What is Jnana Yoga? The word ‘jnana’ (pronounced ‘gyan’) means knowledge. This is of two kinds: 1. Shabdatmak jnana — theoretical knowledge 2. Anubhavatmak jnana — practical knowledge In Hinduism the word jnana has many connotations. Knowledge is viewed by the Hindu scriptures as both liberating and binding. Knowledge is viewed as the […]

Jnana Yoga Bhagavad Gita

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga Raja Yoga is the path that leads to union with the Lord through self-mastery and control of the mind. Raja Yoga teaches how to control the senses and the mental Vrittis or thought waves that emanate from the mind, how to develop concentration and how to commune with God. In Hatha Yoga there […]

What is Bhakti Yoga? Understanding the Path of Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga Bhakti Yoga is one of the four main yogic paths to enlightenment. Bhakti means “devotion” or “love” and this path contains various practices to unite the bhakta (Bhakti Yoga practitioner) with the Divine.Bhakti Yoga is considered the easiest yogic path to master and the most direct method to experience the unity of mind, […]

Jnana Yoga Bhagavad Gita

Yoga Kundanini

Yoga Kundanini   This Yoga oriented Upanishad is essentially based on praanayaama siddhi with the ingredients of mitaahaara-aasana and mudras. Yogaabhyaas deals with ‘jaalandhara bandhana’, kundalini jaagarana, grandhi bhedana of Brahma grandhi,Vishnu grandhi and Rudra grandhi, then entry to Sahasraara chakra pravesha, praanaayaadi Shiva Tatva Vileenata, Samaadhi avastha and Chaitanya tatvaanubhuti. Dwiteeyaadhyaaya  explains of khechari […]

What are the 7 Chakras of human body
Ancient Indian Science, Spirituality, Vedic Practices, Yoga

Analysis of Body Nadis and Chakras

ANALYSIS OF BODY NADIS AND CHAKRAS -V.D.N.Rao Naadis are stated as into a person’s antahkarana like threads woven in a fishing net as if the various sense organs are attracted to sparks of fire through the naadis which are but tubular structures inside a body with its blood vessels, nerves or muscles. Panchendriya abhivyakta sthaana […]

Daily Life and Practices, Hinduism, Interesting Hindu Mythology Stories, Mahabharata, Sanskrit Texts, Spirituality, Yoga

Meaning and concept of Karma Yoga

In Bhagwat Gita, Shri Krishna said, Do your duty without regard for the outcome. It means you should not think about the outcome of a work that you are doing. Some individuals mistake Karma Yoga for volunteer work or social service. Karma Yoga is the Yoga of Activity or Duty, since the term “Karma” implies […]

What is Bhakti Yoga? Understanding the Path of Bhakti Yoga
Ancient Indian Literature, Daily Life and Practices, Hindu Gods, Hinduism, Sanskrit Texts, Spirituality, Vedic Philosophy, Yoga

What is Bhakti or Devotion?

What is Bhakti? Bhakti is a Sanskrit word which is derived from the word bhaj which means “go to onself to” or “have recourse to” or ” to pray” or we can say “to worship“. This word so many different meanings. It means “attachment, fondness, love, faith, devotion, religious, piety to somethings as spiritual, salvation […]

Daily Life and Practices, Sanskrit Texts, Spirituality, Uncategorized, Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali

Ashtanga yoga, (“the eight precepts of yoga”), as stated in his Yoga Sutras, is Pananjali’s anciental yoga practice. He described the eight organs as niyama (ceremonies), asana (standing), dharana (concentration), pranayama (breathing), yamas (self-control), pratyahara (retreating), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (absorption). Eight organs form a chain from the out of doors to the inside. Circumstances, […]

Ancient Indian Literature, Ancient Indian Science, Daily Life and Practices, Interesting Hindu Mythology Stories, Spiritual Gurus, Spirituality, Vedic Philosophy, Yoga

The concept of Ajnana, Igorance in Hinduism

Ajnana is one of the nastical or “heterodox” schools of ancient Indian philosophy, as well as the ancient school of great Indian doubts. It was a Muslim organization and a major rival of early Buddhism, Jainism and the Ajivika school. They have been recorded in Buddhist and Jain texts. They believed that it was impossible […]

Dhyana Yoga - Meditation in Hinduism
Daily Life and Practices, Spirituality, Uncategorized, Yoga

Power of Meditation

Tibetan monks meditate for hours at a time each week. Their devotion to their religious traditions makes them experts in meditation. It turns out that those experts have a lot to teach us about how strong awareness affects the mind. Meditation and meditation create an ever-increasing state of alertness and focused attention. Various studies show […]

Pashupata Yoga, Vividha Lingas, Murti Pratishtha, Shivalayaas and Archana Vidhi
Ancient Indian Literature, Daily Life and Practices, Hindu Gods, Hinduism, Interesting Hindu Mythology Stories, Mahabharata, Uncategorized, Yoga

Pashupata Shaivism

Pasupata (also known as Pashupatha) Shaivism is not only one of the oldest sects of Shaivism but also one of the oldest Ascetic sects of the Indian subcontinent. Some view it as a philosophical principle, Pasupata Darsana. However, it was an ancient sectarian tradition in Saiva, with more than 2000 years of history. Pasupata Saivism […]